viable 2019-01-14

  • viable
  • 单词释义:able to be done, or worth doing adj, 可以存活的→可行的、值得做的
  • 近义词/反义词:=effective, feasible
  • 常用搭配:
    [产品设计]Minimun Viable Product(MVP)
    viable option
    Leaving was no longer a viable option .
    viable alternative
    Commercial plantations may be a viable alternative .
  • 翻译:中国经济下行,许多O2O模式显得不再可行
    我的翻译:With the downward of Chinese economy, many O2O modules are no more viable.
    参考翻译:As China;s economy is going downhill, many online-to-offline businesses no longer seem viable.
  • 造句:When you come across a bear in a forest, pretend to be a dead person is not a viable option.

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