#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import re import time import email import poplib import imaplib import cStringIO import StoreData from hashlib import md5 import md5 # Configuration # ------------- # Email address MAILADDR = "" # Email password PASSWORD = "" # Mail Server (pop/imap) SERVER = "pop.163.com" # Transfer protocol (pop3/imap4) PROTOCOL = "pop3" # Use SSL? (True/False) USE_SSL = True # Main output direcotory OUTDIR = "result" # Static variable # --------------- # Default port of each protocol DEFAULT_PORT = { "pop3": {False: 110, True: 995}, "imap4": {False: 143, True: 993}, } # Function # -------- def exit_script(reason, e=""): """Print error reason and exit this script
:param reason: exit error reason :param e: exception """ # Print exit string exit_str = "[-] {0}".format(reason) if e: exit_str += " ({0})".format(e) print(exit_str)
# Remove result path remove_dir(result_path)
# Exit script print("[-] Fetch email failed!") exit(-1) def parse_protocol(protocol): """Parse transfer protocol
:param protocol: transfer protocol :return: handled protocol """ if protocol in ["pop", "pop3"]: return "pop3" elif protocol in ["imap", "imap4"]: return "imap4" else: exit_script("Parse protocol failed: {0}".format(protocol)) def parse_server(server, use_ssl, protocol): """Change server to host and port. If no port specified, use default value
:param server: mail server (host, host:port) :param use_ssl: True if use SSL else False :param protocol: transfer protocol (pop3/imap4) :return: host and port """ if not server: exit_script("No available server")
server_item = server.split(":") server_item_len = len(server_item)
if server_item_len > 2: exit_script("Too many colons in server: {0}".format(server))
try: host = server_item[0] port = DEFAULT_PORT[protocol][use_ssl] if server_item_len == 1 else int(server_item[1]) except BaseException as e: exit_script("Parse server format failed: {0}".format(server), e) return host, port def create_dir(result_path): """Create output directory if not exist
:param result_path: main result path """ try: if not os.path.exists(result_path): os.mkdir(result_path) print("[*] Create directory {0} successfully".format(result_path)) else: if os.path.isfile(result_path): exit_script("{0} is file".format(result_path)) else: print("[*] Directory {0} has already existed".format(result_path)) except BaseException as e: exit_script("Create directory {0} failed".format(result_path), e) def remove_dir(result_path): """Remove output directory if no file in this directory
:param result_path: main result path """ try: if os.path.isdir(result_path): if len(os.listdir(result_path)) == 0: os.rmdir(result_path) print("[*] Remove directory {0} successfully".format(result_path)) else: print("[*] Directory {0} is not empty, no need remove".format(result_path)) else: print("[*] No directory {0}".format(result_path)) except BaseException as e: print("[-] Remove directory {0} failed: {1}".format(result_path, e)) def protocol_manager(protocol, host, port, usr, pwd, use_ssl): """Choose handle function according to transfer protocol
:param protocol: transfer protocol (pop3/imap4) :param host: host :param port: port :param usr: username :param pwd: password :param use_ssl: True if use ssl else False """ import __main__ if hasattr(__main__, protocol): getattr(__main__, protocol)(host, port, usr, pwd, use_ssl) else: exit_script("Wrong protocol: {0}".format(protocol)) def pop3(host, port, usr, pwd, use_ssl): """Pop3 handler
:param host: host :param port: port :param usr: username :param pwd: password :param use_ssl: True if use SSL else False """ # Connect to mail server try: conn = poplib.POP3_SSL(host, port) if use_ssl else poplib.POP3(host, port) conn.user(usr) conn.pass_(pwd) print("[+] Connect to {0}:{1} successfully".format(host, port)) except BaseException as e: exit_script("Connect to {0}:{1} failed".format(host, port), e)
# Get email message number try: msg_num = len(conn.list()[1]) print("[*] {0} emails found in {1}".format(msg_num, usr)) except BaseException as e: exit_script("Can't get email number", e) # Get email content and attachments #for i in range(1, msg_num+1): for current_email_des in conn.uidl()[1]: current_msg_num=current_email_des.split(" ")[0] current_email_uidl=current_email_des.split(" ")[1] #print(current_email_uidl) #print(StoreData.is_email_unread(current_email_uidl)) if StoreData.is_email_unread(current_email_uidl):#如果该邮件未读,则进行下载并解析 print("[*] Unread Eamil ! Downloading email {0}/{1}---uidl:{2}".format(current_msg_num, msg_num,current_email_uidl)) #if i==11: conn.dele(i)#删除邮件 # Retrieve email message lines, and write to buffer try: msg_lines = conn.retr(current_msg_num)[1]
buf = cStringIO.StringIO() for line in msg_lines: print >> buf, line buf.seek(0) except BaseException as e: print "[-] Retrieve email {0} failed: {1}".format(current_msg_num, e) continue
# Read buffer try: msg = email.message_from_file(buf) except BaseException as e: print "[-] Read buffer of email {0} failed: {1}".format(current_msg_num, e) continue
# Parse and save email content/attachments try: #print(" "+get_date(msg)+"|From :"+get_from(msg)+"|To:"+get_to(msg)) parse_email(msg, current_msg_num,current_email_uidl) except BaseException as e: print("[-] Parse email {0} failed: {1}".format(current_msg_num, e)) else: print("[*] Read Email ! Cancel Downloading email {0}/{1}---uidl:{2}".format(current_msg_num, msg_num,current_email_uidl)) # Quit mail server conn.quit()
def imap4(host, port, usr, pwd, use_ssl): """Imap4 handler
:param host: host :param port: port :param usr: username :param pwd: password :param use_ssl: True if use SSL else False """ # Connect to mail server try: conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(host, port) if use_ssl else imaplib.IMAP4(host, port) conn.login(usr, pwd) print(conn.status('INBOX','(MESSAGES RECENT UIDNEXT UIDVALIDITY UNSEEN)')) print("[+] Connect to {0}:{1} successfully".format(host, port)) except BaseException as e: exit_script("Connect to {0}:{1} failed".format(host, port), e)
# Initial some variable list_pattern = re.compile(r'\((?P download_num = 0 download_hash = []
# Get all folders try: type_, folders = conn.list() except BaseException as e: exit_script("Get folder list failed", e)
for folder in folders: # Parse folder info and get folder name try: flags, delimiter, folder_name = list_pattern.match(folder).groups() folder_name = folder_name.strip('"') print "[*] Handling folder: {0}".format(folder_name) except BaseException as e: print "[-] Parse folder {0} failed: {1}".format(folder, e) continue
# Select and search folder try: conn.select(folder_name, readonly=True) type_, data = conn.search(None, "ALL") except BaseException as e: print "[-] Search folder {0} failed: {1}".format(folder_name, e) continue
# Get email number of this folder try: msg_id_list = [int(i) for i in data[0].split()] msg_num = len(msg_id_list) print "[*] {0} emails found in {1} ({2})".format(msg_num, usr, folder_name) except BaseException as e: print "[-] Can't get email number of {0}: {1}".format(folder_name, e) continue
# Get email content and attachments for i in msg_id_list: print "[*] Downloading email {0}/{1}".format(i, msg_num)
# Get email message try: type_, data = conn.fetch(i, "(RFC822)") msg = email.message_from_string(data[0][1]) except BaseException as e: print "[-] Retrieve email {0} failed: {1}".format(i, e) continue
# If message already exist, skip this message try: msg_md5 = md5(data[0][1]).hexdigest() if msg_md5 in download_hash: print "[-] This email has been downloaded in other folder" continue else: download_hash.append(msg_md5) download_num += 1 except BaseException as e: print "[-] Parse message md5 failed: {0}".format(e) continue
# Parse and save email content/attachments try: parse_email(msg, download_num,email_uidl)#此处email_uidl暂时未定义 except BaseException as e: print "[-] Parse email {0} failed: {1}".format(i, e)
# Logout this account conn.logout()
def parse_email(msg, i,email_uidl): """Parse email message and save content & attachments to file
:param msg: mail message :param i: ordinal number """ global result_file email_date=get_date(msg) email_address_store=get_from(msg) if email_date!=None: date_store="%s-%s-%s %s:%s"%(email_date[0],email_date[1],email_date[2],email_date[3],email_date[4]) else: date_store="%s-%s-%s %s:%s"%(0,0,0,0,0) StoreData.insert_email_info(email_uidl,email_address_store,date_store) # Parse and save email content and attachments for part in msg.walk(): if not part.is_multipart(): filename = part.get_filename() #content = part.get_payload(decode=True) charset = get_charset(part)
if charset == None: #modified by mrxu content = part.get_payload(decode=True) else: content = part.get_payload(decode=True).decode(charset)
if filename: # Attachment # Decode filename h = email.Header.Header(filename) dh = email.Header.decode_header(h) filename = dh[0][0] filename_store="mail{0}_attach_{1}".format(i, filename) #date_store="%s-%s-%s %s:%s"%(get_date(msg)[0],get_date(msg)[1],get_date(msg)[2],get_date(msg)[3],get_date(msg)[4]) result_file = os.path.join(result_path, "mail{0}_attach_{1}".format(i, filename)) #print(date_store) print("[-] Found attachment:"+filename), if is_file_exists("mail{0}_attach_{1}".format(i, filename)): print("This File Exists") else: print("New File") try:#输出文件(附件) with open(result_file, "wb") as f: f.write(content) except BaseException as e: print("[-] Write file of email {0} failed: {1}".format(i, e)) md5_store=GetBigFileMD5(result_file) StoreData.insert_attachment(filename_store,md5_store,email_uidl,email_address_store,date_store)
else: # Main content modified by mrxu print(" ContentType:"+get_content_type(part)) content_suffix=get_suffix(get_content_type(part)) result_file = os.path.join(result_path, "mail{0}_text".format(i)+content_suffix) ''' try:#输出文件(正文) with open(result_file, "wb") as f: f.write(content) except BaseException as e: print("[-] Write file of email {0} failed: {1}".format(i, e)) ''' #获取发件人邮箱 added by mrxu def get_from(msg): if msg != None: return email.utils.parseaddr(msg.get("from"))[1] else: empty_obj() #获取邮件的文本类型 added by mrxu def get_content_type(msg): if msg != None: return email.utils.parseaddr(msg.get('content-type'))[1] else: empty_obj() #获取正文内容后缀 added by mrxu def get_suffix(contenttype): if contenttype in ['text/plain']: return '.txt' if contenttype in ['text/html']: return '.htm' return '' #获取收件人邮箱 added by mrxu def get_to(msg): if msg != None: return email.utils.parseaddr(msg.get('to'))[1] else: empty_obj()
#获取邮件的生成时间 added by mrxu def get_date(msg): if msg != None: return email.utils.parsedate(msg.get('date')) #return email.utils.parseaddr(msg.get('date'))[1] else: empty_obj() #判断路径下是否有该文件存在 added by mrxu def is_file_exists(file_name): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(result_path,file_name)): return True else: return False #获得字符编码方法 added by mrxu def get_charset(message, default="utf-8"): #Get the message charset return message.get_charset() return default #get md5 of a input file added by mrxu def GetFileMD5(file): fileinfo = os.stat(file) if int(fileinfo.st_size)/(1024*1024)>1000: return GetBigFileMD5(file) m = md5.new() f = open(file,'rb') m.update(f.read()) f.close() return m.hexdigest()
#get md5 of a input bigfile added by mrxu def GetBigFileMD5(file): m = md5.new() f = open(file,'rb') maxbuf = 8192
while 1: buf = f.read(maxbuf) if not buf: break m.update(buf)
f.close() return m.hexdigest() if __name__ == "__main__": print("[*] Start download email script") start_time = time.time()
mailaddr = MAILADDR password = PASSWORD server = SERVER protocol = PROTOCOL use_ssl = USE_SSL outdir = OUTDIR
result_path = os.path.join(OUTDIR, mailaddr) protocol = parse_protocol(protocol) host, port = parse_server(server, use_ssl, protocol)
create_dir(result_path) protocol_manager(protocol, host, port, mailaddr, password, use_ssl) remove_dir(result_path)
end_time = time.time() exec_time = end_time - start_time print("[*] Finish download email of {0} in {1:.2f}s".format(mailaddr, exec_time)) pop3协议不支持读取未读邮件,所以需要先获取邮件的唯一标识UIDL,在本地进行已读邮件和未读邮件的判断统计。已读邮件不进行下载。 |