docker 移植的基本概念

本文的主要实践是将docker 移植到arm64 linux debian 上。通过总结,理论上你可以徒手将docker 移植到仍何一个嵌入式设备上。

1. docker 的基本概念

2. docker 的内核支持

3. docker 移植的注意事项

docker 的安装具体可以参考。这里再赘述下binary & debian 包的安装方式

3.1 debian package install

(1)去, 选择Debian version, 进入pool/stable/, 选择 amd64, armhf, or arm64 下载最新的debian 版本. 分别下载这三个包docker-ce,
docker-ce-cli, 和 .
(2) 安装debian 包

$  dpkg -i path/to/your/package

(3) 验证docker

$   docker run hello-world

3.2 binary package.

注解一:docker 为什么要使用/dev/mqueue ?

Docker provides /dev/mqueue to containers because some applications require or take advantage of this features. Docker does not use this directly. You will see some people with the question like “why does my application run slower when inside a container than on my host?” There can be a number of reasons why but one thing with applications like apache2, it uses mqueue to help speed things up if available.
All the major distros have this enabled by default in their kernel configs and we have not heard of any downsides where you would require this to be disabled. If you know of a reason why then let us know.
Hope this helps and sorry for the gist, i wanted to explain in more than 140 chars.
