《与焦虑、敏感和低落的孩子工作》第一章 1.3

《Working with Anxious, Nervous and Depressed Children》




Imagine yourself stepping onto a bridge as you fall asleep, and having an opportunity to relate to your child’s angel at the bridge’s far end. Then picture a watchman posted there whom you have to justify your crossing to. What do you suppose he would ask you?


His first question would be, “Are you bringing a clearly thought-out problem that concerns you deeply for the child’s sake rather than a problem of your own?” His second question, one that may surprise you, would be, “Have you formed a really clear image of the child?”


What does a really clear image mean? Under what conditions does that clear image form itself as one falls asleep? It happens gently as the result of having taken the trouble to observe the child keenly and lovingly at least once a day and to do so, as Rudolf Steiner put it, “with reverence for the child.”


One aspect of loving is the ongoing practice of overcoming one’s own habitual judgments, desires, expectations, and concepts, pushing them out of the way and giving oneself instead to listening and observing in what might be called an ever-marveling attentiveness to the phenomenon of the child’s image in the here and now, every least detail of which deserves your whole- hearted and nonjudgmental interest. At moments like these, such a reaction as, for example, annoyance that the child walks without lifting his feet properly, is completely out of place. You note instead that is his own particular way of walking. When you begin to feel a kind of tenderness awakening in you for the child’s very faults and weaknesses, for all the things that ordinarily lead to strife and anger, you will know that you are on the right path.


These are the two questions asked by our imaginary bridge watcher that we parents need to prepare ourselves to be able to say “yes” to. You can do this in the following way: abstaining as far as possible from hand wringing or resentment at your lack of ability, busying yourself with unflagging efforts to understand your child’s particular set of problems. Regard as less important the annoyance felt by you or reported by neigh- bors, or the child’s teachers, concentrating instead on its self- caused miseries (for you know there is a big difference between the things we would like a child to get over because he is hurt- ing himself and those that make us nervous or violate our prin- ciples). You can and will reach a point where you sense that you understand your child’s trouble, not perhaps in every detail and final consequence, but you become aware that you have reached as far as cognition can go, the tip of the problem.


Let us take an example: You will see that on some days your child behaves as though he literally wants to jump out of his skin. Now there is a difference between regarding this as pure impudence, feeling oneself personally attacked and realizing in observant objectivity that at such times the child cannot manage his body properly and feels himself strangled and physically cooped up. You note his pale face and spotty skin and the way he moves, fighting restriction, probably complaining, too, about stupid tight clothing, though the clothes may not actually be tight.


This provides you with an image: you see that the soul experiences itself in its body just like being in frightfully uncomfortable clothing, jammed in, as though itching unbearably from contact with some material or other. Can children be expected to behave nicely and pleasantly on such occasions?


You see that when you are prompted by observations of this kind to pay more attention to nutritional matters and to seek professional advice (for it is natural to think that today’s children may be eating things that could set up internal irritation in them), it is not a question of your personal preferences, dislikes or principles influencing you to reduce the intake of sweets or animal protein; you are making your decision solely on the basis of protecting the child from harming himself. You are not asking out of annoyance at having such an independent, difficult child to bring up; you are asking, with full acceptance of the degree of patience needed by the child for his personal development, whether, when he’s having to behave badly when he really wants to be pleasant, this is only because his own body is his constant enemy, and he therefore needs your help. That is the first item.


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