Chapter2 Happiness is a problem
所以当我们遇到困难时应该去想办法解决,而不是像鸵鸟一样将头埋起来,自欺欺人。工作中就有这种事情,明明知道可能会产生一些问题,可是我就是懒得去解决,直到最后多米诺骨牌全部瘫倒的时候才后悔莫及。或者虽然承认问题的存在却怨天尤人,觉得都是外界环境造成的,自己没有问题,自己也没办法解决。7 Habits of Highly Effective People里有一条就是Be proactive,做自己能力范围内能解决的事情。
True happiness occurs only when you find the problems you enjoy having and enjoy solving.
真正的幸福就是在不断的解决问题。我觉得这也是沉浸在你喜欢做的事中,不断提升进步,让自己产生成就感的过程。而赌博、玩手机或者沉迷游戏都只是开心的假象,过后都让人觉得空虚和后悔。比如我自己刷微博,时间唰唰就过去了,回忆起来却都是些没有用的八卦。而写笔记则相反,写的时候真是各种struggle,但之后却充实而开心。The willpower Instinct科学的解释过这种high的假象,用电击刺激小白鼠大脑产生兴奋的部分,小白鼠连饭都不吃,就只想享受这种“开心”的感觉,最后竟然被活活饿死。所以大脑的感觉有时候是骗人的。
Our struggle determines our success.
It's a never-ending upward spiral. And if you think at any point you're allowed to stop climing, I 'm afraid you're missing the point. Because the joy is in the climb itself.
1. Why “happiness is a problem?
Because happiness is not a solvable equation, the gaining of the thing you want doesn’t mean you’ll be happy. On the contrary, dissatisfaction and unease are necessary parts to creating consistent happiness.
2. Why the author invented “Disappointment Panda”? What is it for?
To tell people harsh truth they need to hear but didn’t want to accept. That's the pain kept our species striving and teach us how to avoid the same mistakes. Life is a process of solving constant problems.
3.What is the role that emotions play in our life? why they are overrated?
We believe emotions are exactly our feelings, so we try our best to make us fell good. But the it is merely signpost.
4.Why you don’t have chiseled abs? (If you do have, how did you make it?)
I once do have chiseled abs. I got it by doing 1 hour workout five times per week. But it gradually faded, cause I can’t keep doing the workouts regularly.
1.delve into
We won’t delve into the biological viability of sitting in the same spot for forty-nine days, but let’s just say that in that time the prince came to a number of profound realizations.
If you delve into something, you try to discover new information about it. 探究;钻研 另外一个意思是在袋子、橱柜....翻找东西 delve into sth
同义词:research, burrow, explore, ferret out, forage, investigate, look into, probe, rummage, search 造句:
造句:If we are interested in a new word, we can use interrnet to delve deeper.
Gossip girls like to delve into other's private life.
2.salivate [ˈsælɪveɪt]
You may salivate at the thought of a problem-free life full of everlasting happiness and eternal compassion, but back here on earth the problems never cease.
If you say that someone is salivating over something such as the chance to make a lot of money, you are emphasizing that you disapprove of their pleasure or eagerness垂涎 (贬义)原意是分泌唾液,流口水的意思(drool)saliva是唾液的意思
例:American companies were salivating at the juicy contracts for rebuilding Kuwait that were likely to come their way
juicy contact 利润丰厚的合同
造句: He salivates at the thought of wining a lottery
Happiness is therefore a form of action; it’s an activity, not something that is passively bestowed upon you, not something that you magically discover in a top-ten article on the Huffington Post or from any specific guru or teacher.
formal to give someone something of great value or importance 给予;赠与;授予;赐予 bestow something on/upon somebody
同义confer award,give, grant, hand out, lavish
造句: The king bestowed land and priviledges on him
Much of the self-help world is predicated on peddling highs to people rather than solving legitimate problems.
to try to persuade people to accept an opinion or idea which is wrong or false:散播,宣扬 本意是指四处兜售商品或者毒品等违法商品的售卖
造句:Some medias peddle wrong value to people. wired to
We are wired to become dissatisfied with whatever we have and satisfied by only what we do not have. weird be wired to 是倾向于,也可以说be hard-wired to,类似的表达还有be conditioned to, be indoctrinated to,tend to
造句:We wired to blame for the outside circumstances rather than ourselves when failed.