多线程同步中的读者写者问题 - linux 平台实现

linux 平台下的实现与 windows 很相似,只有一些代码上的小的差别。

1: ReaderWriterLock.h, 该文件定义了读写锁的类

#ifndef ReaderWriterLock_H
#define ReaderWriterLock_H


class ReaderWriterLock
 pthread_mutex_t readMutex;
 sem_t writeSemaph;
 int numReaders;

  numReaders = 0;

  // create 1 Mutex and 1 Semaphore
  // 2 Semaphore also OK
  pthread_mutex_init(&readMutex, NULL);
  sem_init(&writeSemaph, 0, 1);

 inline void ReaderLock()
  // lock readMutex for readers to access numReaders
  if (1 == numReaders)
   // for first reader, lock writeSemaph

 inline void ReaderUnLock()
  // lock readMutex for readers to access numReaders
  if (numReaders == 0)
   // for last reader, unlock writeSemaph

 inline void WriterLock()
  // lock writeSemaph for writers to access shared object

 inline void WriterUnLock()
  // unlock writeSemaph for writers to access shared object


2:ReaderWriter.cpp, 该文件是测试程序,在 Linux 上调试通过


using namespace std;

#include "ReaderWriterLock.h"
#include "RasUtil.h"

char sharedStr[128]="this is a shared string !";
ReaderWriterLock* rwLock=new ReaderWriterLock();
char logFile[128]="log";

void* readerProc(void* param);
void* writerProc(void* param);
void WriteLogStr(char* s);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 int ret;
 pthread_t reader1;
 pthread_t reader2;
 pthread_t reader3;
 pthread_t writer1;
 pthread_t writer2;
 int readerId;
 int writerId;
 FILE* f;

 // clear the log
 f = fopen(logFile, "w");

 // init random seed

 readerId = 1;
 pthread_create(&reader1, NULL, readerProc, (void*)(&readerId));

 writerId = 1;
 pthread_create(&writer1, NULL, writerProc, (void*)&writerId);

 readerId = 2;
 pthread_create(&reader2, NULL, readerProc, (void*)&readerId);

 writerId = 2;
 pthread_create(&writer2, NULL, writerProc, (void*)&writerId);

 readerId = 3;
 pthread_create(&reader3, NULL, readerProc, (void*)&readerId);


 return 0;

void* readerProc(void* param)
 int myid;
 char idStr[128];
 char str[128];

 myid = *((int*)(param));
 RasUtil::intToStr(myid, idStr);

 strcpy(str, "reader ");
 strncat(str, idStr, 128);
 strcat(str, " begin......");

 cout << "reader " << myid << " begin......" << endl;

 while (true)
  // first sleep a random time : between 1 - 5 s
  int sleepTime;
  sleepTime = 1 + (int)(5.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));

  // prepare str
  strcpy(str, "reader ");
  strncat(str, idStr, 128);
  strcat(str, " is reading the shared string :    ");

  // then access the shared var
   strncat(str, sharedStr, 128);

  cout << "reader " << myid << " is reading the shared string    : " << sharedStr << endl;

void* writerProc(void* param)
 int myid;
 char idStr[128];
 char str[128];

 myid = *((int*)(param));
 RasUtil::intToStr(myid, idStr);

 strcpy(str, "writer ");
 strncat(str, idStr, 128);
 strcat(str, " begin......");

 cout << "writer " << myid << " begin......" << endl;

 while (true)
  // get a random char
  int randChar;
  randChar = myid + (int)(5.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
  randChar += 40;

  // then access the shared var
   for (int i=0; i<20; i++)
    sharedStr[i] = randChar;
   sharedStr[20] = 0; // append a '/0' to end a string

   strcpy(str, "writer ");
   strncat(str, idStr, 128);
   strcat(str, " is writing the shared string to : ");
   strncat(str, sharedStr, 128);

  cout << "writer " << myid << " is writing the shared string to : " << sharedStr << endl;

void WriteLogStr(char* s)
 FILE* f;

 f = fopen(logFile, "a");
 if (f != NULL)
  fwrite(s, strlen(s), 1, f);
  fwrite("/n", 1, 1, f);



#ifndef _RasUtil_h_
#define _RasUtil_h_

class RasUtil
 static inline void intToStr(int i, char* str);


inline void RasUtil::intToStr(int i, char* str)
    int dec;
    int sign;
    char* p;

    p = ecvt(i, 10, &dec, &sign);
    strcpy(str, p);
    str[dec] = 0;


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