Android WebView 禁止输入

开发过程中,有时需要显示以前输入的数据,且不能修改。搜了网上有重写WebView的onTouchEvent方法,直接return false,但测试WebView将不能响应滚动事件。


     * Set the descendant focusability of this view group. This defines the relationship
     * between this view group and its descendants when looking for a view to
     * take focus in {@link #requestFocus(int,}.
     * @param focusability one of {@link #FOCUS_BEFORE_DESCENDANTS}, {@link #FOCUS_AFTER_DESCENDANTS},
     *   {@link #FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS}.
    public void setDescendantFocusability(int focusability)

     * This view will get focus before any of its descendants.
    public static final int FOCUS_BEFORE_DESCENDANTS = 0x20000;

     * This view will get focus only if none of its descendants want it.
    public static final int FOCUS_AFTER_DESCENDANTS = 0x40000;

     * This view will block any of its descendants from getting focus, even
     * if they are focusable.
    public static final int FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS = 0x60000;

