
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab

coordinates = np.array([[565.0, 575.0], [25.0, 185.0], [345.0, 750.0], [945.0, 685.0], [845.0, 655.0],
                        [880.0, 660.0], [25.0, 230.0], [525.0, 1000.0], [580.0, 1175.0], [650.0, 1130.0],
                        [1605.0, 620.0], [1220.0, 580.0], [1465.0, 200.0], [1530.0, 5.0], [845.0, 680.0],
                        [725.0, 370.0], [145.0, 665.0], [415.0, 635.0], [510.0, 875.0], [560.0, 365.0],
                        [300.0, 465.0], [520.0, 585.0], [480.0, 415.0], [835.0, 625.0], [975.0, 580.0],
                        [1215.0, 245.0], [1320.0, 315.0], [1250.0, 400.0], [660.0, 180.0], [410.0, 250.0],
                        [420.0, 555.0], [575.0, 665.0], [1150.0, 1160.0], [700.0, 580.0], [685.0, 595.0],
                        [685.0, 610.0], [770.0, 610.0], [795.0, 645.0], [720.0, 635.0], [760.0, 650.0],
                        [475.0, 960.0], [95.0, 260.0], [875.0, 920.0], [700.0, 500.0], [555.0, 815.0],
                        [830.0, 485.0], [1170.0, 65.0], [830.0, 610.0], [605.0, 625.0], [595.0, 360.0],
                        [1340.0, 725.0], [1740.0, 245.0]])

def getdistmat(coordinates):
    num = coordinates.shape[0]
    distmat = np.zeros((52, 52))
    for i in range(num):
        for j in range(i, num):
            distmat[i][j] = distmat[j][i] = np.linalg.norm(coordinates[i] - coordinates[j])
    return distmat

distmat = getdistmat(coordinates)
numant = 40  # 蚂蚁个数
numcity = coordinates.shape[0]  # 城市个数
alpha = 1  # 信息素重要程度因子
beta = 5  # 启发函数重要程度因子
rho = 0.1  # 信息素的挥发速度
Q = 1
iter = 0
itermax = 250
etatable = 1.0 / (distmat + np.diag([1e10] * numcity))  # 启发函数矩阵,表示蚂蚁从城市i转移到矩阵j的期望程度
pheromonetable = np.ones((numcity, numcity))  # 信息素矩阵
pathtable = np.zeros((numant, numcity)).astype(int)  # 路径记录表
distmat = getdistmat(coordinates)  # 城市的距离矩阵
lengthaver = np.zeros(itermax)  # 各代路径的平均长度
lengthbest = np.zeros(itermax)  # 各代及其之前遇到的最佳路径长度
pathbest = np.zeros((itermax, numcity))  # 各代及其之前遇到的最佳路径长度

while iter < itermax:
    # 随机产生各个蚂蚁的起点城市
    if numant <= numcity:  # 城市数比蚂蚁数多
        pathtable[:, 0] = np.random.permutation(range(0, numcity))[:numant]
    else:  # 蚂蚁数比城市数多,需要补足
        pathtable[:numcity, 0] = np.random.permutation(range(0, numcity))[:]
        pathtable[numcity:, 0] = np.random.permutation(range(0, numcity))[:numant - numcity]
    length = np.zeros(numant)  # 计算各个蚂蚁的路径距离
    for i in range(numant):
        visiting = pathtable[i, 0]  # 当前所在的城市
        unvisited = set(range(numcity))  # 未访问的城市,以集合的形式存储{}
        unvisited.remove(visiting)  # 删除元素;利用集合的remove方法删除存储的数据内容
        for j in range(1, numcity):  # 循环numcity-1次,访问剩余的numcity-1个城市
            # 每次用轮盘法选择下一个要访问的城市
            listunvisited = list(unvisited)
            probtrans = np.zeros(len(listunvisited))
            for k in range(len(listunvisited)):
                probtrans[k] = np.power(pheromonetable[visiting][listunvisited[k]], alpha) \
                               * np.power(etatable[visiting][listunvisited[k]], alpha)
            cumsumprobtrans = (probtrans / sum(probtrans)).cumsum()
            cumsumprobtrans -= np.random.rand()
            k = listunvisited[(np.where(cumsumprobtrans > 0)[0])[0]]  # python3中原代码运行bug,类型问题;鉴于此特找到其他方法
            # 通过where()方法寻找矩阵大于0的元素的索引并返回ndarray类型,然后接着载使用[0]提取其中的元素,用作listunvisited列表中
            # 元素的提取(也就是下一轮选的城市)
            pathtable[i, j] = k  # 添加到路径表中(也就是蚂蚁走过的路径)
            unvisited.remove(k)  # 然后在为访问城市set中remove()删除掉该城市
            length[i] += distmat[visiting][k]
            visiting = k
        length[i] += distmat[visiting][pathtable[i, 0]]  # 蚂蚁的路径距离包括最后一个城市和第一个城市的距离
        # 包含所有蚂蚁的一个迭代结束后,统计本次迭代的若干统计参数
    lengthaver[iter] = length.mean()
    if iter == 0:
        lengthbest[iter] = length.min()
        pathbest[iter] = pathtable[length.argmin()].copy()
        if length.min() > lengthbest[iter - 1]:
            lengthbest[iter] = lengthbest[iter - 1]
            pathbest[iter] = pathbest[iter - 1].copy()
            lengthbest[iter] = length.min()
            pathbest[iter] = pathtable[length.argmin()].copy()
    # 更新信息素
    changepheromonetable = np.zeros((numcity, numcity))
    for i in range(numant):
        for j in range(numcity - 1):
            changepheromonetable[pathtable[i, j]][pathtable[i, j + 1]] += Q / distmat[pathtable[i, j]][
                pathtable[i, j + 1]]  # 计算信息素增量
        changepheromonetable[pathtable[i, j + 1]][pathtable[i, 0]] += Q / distmat[pathtable[i, j + 1]][pathtable[i, 0]]
    pheromonetable = (1 - rho) * pheromonetable + changepheromonetable  # 计算信息素公式
    iter += 1  # 迭代次数指示器+1
    print("iter:", iter)

# 做出平均路径长度和最优路径长度
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, figsize=(12, 10))
axes[0].plot(lengthaver, 'k', marker=u'')
axes[0].set_title('Average Length')

axes[1].plot(lengthbest, 'k', marker=u'')
axes[1].set_title('Best Length')
fig.savefig('average_best.png', dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight')

# 作出找到的最优路径图
bestpath = pathbest[-1]
plt.plot(coordinates[:, 0], coordinates[:, 1], 'r.', marker=u'$\cdot$')
plt.xlim([-100, 2000])
plt.ylim([-100, 1500])

for i in range(numcity - 1):
    m = int(bestpath[i])
    n = int(bestpath[i + 1])
    plt.plot([coordinates[m][0], coordinates[n][0]], [coordinates[m][1], coordinates[n][1]], 'k')
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_title("Best Path")
ax.set_xlabel('X axis')

plt.savefig('best path.png', dpi=500, bbox_inches='tight')
import numpy as np  #数据处理包
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt#绘图包
coordinates = np.array([[880.0,660.0],[25.0,230.0],[525.0,1000.0],[580.0,1175.0],[650.0,1130.0],
                        [830.0,485.0],[1170.0, 65.0],[830.0,610.0],[605.0,625.0],[595.0,360.0],
def getdistmat(coordinates):
    num = coordinates.shape[0] # 城市数量40
    distmat = np.zeros((num,num))# 初始化距离都为0
    for i in range(num):  # i从0到39
        for j in range(i, num): # j从i到39
            distmat[i][j] = distmat[j][i] = np.linalg.norm(coordinates[i] - coordinates[j])# 得到对称矩阵,矩阵为城市间距离
    return distmat
# 把得到最优路径轨迹绘制出来
def draw_graphics(save_path,new_coordinates):
    global coordinates   # 引用全局变量
    x=[]         #用来保存new_coordinates中每个元素的x值
    y=[]         #用来保存new_coordinates中每个元素的y值
    for i in range(len(new_coordinates)):
        x.append(new_coordinates[i][0])  #得到x坐标值集合
        y.append(new_coordinates[i][1])  #得到y坐标值集合
    x.append(new_coordinates[0][0])   #把第一个城市的x值放到x集合最后面
    y.append(new_coordinates[0][1])   #把第一个城市的y值放到y集合最后面
    for i in save_path:
# 变量初始化
numant = 30  # 蚂蚁个数
numcity = coordinates.shape[0]  # 城市个数40
alpha = 1  # 信息素权重参数
beta=1 # 距离权重参数
rho = 0.1  # 信息素的挥发速度
Q =1  # 信息素强度,假设为1
iter = 0
itermax =300# 循环300次
distmat = getdistmat(coordinates)# 城市间的距离矩阵
etatable = 1.0 / (distmat + np.diag([1e10] * numcity))  # 启发函数矩阵,表示蚂蚁从城市i转移到j的期望程度
# 此处添加1e10在对角上,表示自己到自己的距离为无穷小,相当于0
pheromonetable = np.ones((numcity, numcity))  # 信息素表全部初始化为1
pathtable = np.zeros((numant, numcity)).astype(int) # 初始化路径记录表全部为0
lengthaver = np.zeros(itermax)  # 各代路径的平均长度
lengthbest = np.zeros(itermax)  # 各代及其之前遇到的最佳路径长度
pathbest = np.zeros((itermax, numcity))  # 各代及其之前遇到的最佳路径长度所对应城市走过的路迹
# 大循环
while iter < itermax:
    # 随机产生各个蚂蚁的起点城市
    if numant <= numcity:  # 城市数比蚂蚁数多
        pathtable[:, 0] = np.random.permutation(range(0, numcity))[:numant]# 蚂蚁随机分配到各个城市
    else:  # 蚂蚁数比城市数多,需要补足
        pathtable[:numcity, 0] = np.random.permutation(range(0, numcity))[:]
        pathtable[numcity:, 0] = np.random.permutation(range(0, numcity))[:numant - numcity]
    length = np.zeros(numant)  # 每只蚂蚁走过路径距离矩阵
    for i in range(numant):# 所有的蚂蚁都要走遍每个城市
        visiting = pathtable[i, 0]  # 当前所在的城市
        unvisited = set(range(numcity))  # 未访问的城市
        unvisited.remove(visiting)  # 删除访问过的元素
        for j in range(1, numcity):  # 循环numcity-1次,访问剩余的numcity-1个城市
            # 每次用轮盘法选择下一个要访问的城市
            listunvisited = list(unvisited)
            probtrans = np.zeros(len(listunvisited))
            for k in range(len(listunvisited)):
                probtrans[k] = np.power(pheromonetable[visiting][listunvisited[k]], alpha) * np.power(
                    etatable[visiting][listunvisited[k]], beta) # probtrans由信息素浓度和距离共同决定
            cumsumprobtrans = (probtrans / sum(probtrans)).cumsum()
            cumsumprobtrans -= np.random.rand()
            next_index = 0# 选出第一个cumsumprobtrans>0所对应的城市索引
            for value in cumsumprobtrans:
                if value > 0:
                    next_index += 1
            k = listunvisited[next_index]  # 下一个要访问的城市
            pathtable[i, j] = k # 更新禁忌表
            unvisited.remove(k) # 把已经访问过的城市从unvisited中删除
            length[i] += distmat[visiting][k] # 走过城市距离求和
            visiting = k  # 城市k已经被访问过了
        length[i] += distmat[visiting][pathtable[i, 0]]  # 蚂蚁的最终路径距离还要加上最后一个城市和第一个城市的距离
    # 包含所有蚂蚁的一个迭代结束后,统计本次迭代的若干统计参数
    lengthaver[iter] = length.mean() # 本次循环30只蚂蚁走完所有城市回到原点距离和平均值
    if iter == 0:     # 第一次循环
        lengthbest[iter] = length.min()# 走过所有城市路径和最小值
        pathbest[iter] = pathtable[length.argmin()].copy()# 最小值所对应城市走过的路迹
        if length.min() > lengthbest[iter - 1]:  # 如果最小值比前面的还小,保持前面的值
            lengthbest[iter] = lengthbest[iter - 1]
        else:                                   # 把最小值重新赋值
            lengthbest[iter] = length.min()
            pathbest[iter] = pathtable[length.argmin()].copy()
    # 更新信息素
    changepheromonetable = np.zeros((numcity, numcity))
    for i in range(numant):
        for j in range(numcity - 1):
            changepheromonetable[pathtable[i, j]][pathtable[i, j + 1]] += Q / distmat[pathtable[i, j]][
                pathtable[i, j + 1]]   # 信息素的增加多少与城市间的距离成反比
        changepheromonetable[pathtable[i, j + 1]][pathtable[i, 0]] += Q / distmat[pathtable[i, j + 1]][pathtable[i, 0]]# 重新回到起始点蚂蚁更新信息素
    pheromonetable = (1 - rho) * pheromonetable + changepheromonetable # rho为信息素挥发因子
    iter += 1  # 迭代次数指示器+1
save_path=[]  #保存最终的最佳路径轨迹
for i in pathbest: # 获得最优路径
    if i[0]!=i[1]:
print(save_path)  # 得到最优路径城市遍历轨迹
for i in range(coordinates.shape[0]): # 得到最优路径城市遍历相对应的坐标
draw_graphics(save_path,new_coordinates)# 绘制图形函数
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

565.0   575.0
25.0   185.0
345.0   750.0
945.0   685.0
845.0   655.0
880.0   660.0
25.0    230.0
525.0   1000.0
580.0   1175.0
650.0   1130.0
1605.0   620.0
1220.0   580.0
1465.0   200.0
1530.0   5.0
845.0   680.0
725.0   370.0
145.0   665.0
415.0   635.0
510.0   875.0
560.0   365.0
300.0   465.0
520.0   585.0
480.0   415.0
835.0   625.0
975.0   580.0
1215.0   245.0
1320.0   315.0
1250.0   400.0
660.0   180.0
410.0   250.0
420.0   555.0
575.0   665.0
1150.0   1160.0
700.0   580.0
685.0   595.0
685.0   610.0
770.0   610.0
795.0   645.0
720.0   635.0
760.0   650.0
475.0   960.0
95.0   260.0
875.0   920.0
700.0   500.0
555.0   815.0
830.0   485.0
1170.0   65.0
830.0   610.0
605.0   625.0
595.0   360.0
1340.0   725.0
1740.0   245.0

View coordinates.dat

# 建立“蚂蚁”类
class Ant(object):
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path                       # 蚂蚁当前迭代整体路径
        self.length = self.calc_length(path)   # 蚂蚁当前迭代整体路径长度

    def calc_length(self, path_):              # path=[A, B, C, D, A]注意路径闭环
        length_ = 0
        for i in range(len(path_)-1):
            delta = (path_[i].x - path_[i+1].x, path_[i].y - path_[i+1].y)
            length_ += np.linalg.norm(delta)
        return length_

    def calc_len(A, B):                        # 静态方法,计算城市A与城市B之间的距离
        return np.linalg.norm((A.x - B.x, A.y - B.y))

# 建立“城市”类
class City(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

# 建立“路径”类
class Path(object):
    def __init__(self, A):                     # A为起始城市
        self.path = [A, A]

    def add_path(self, B):                     # 追加路径信息,方便计算整体路径长度
        self.path[-1], self.path[-2] = self.path[-2], self.path[-1]

# 构建“蚁群算法”的主体
class ACO(object):
    def __init__(self, ant_num=50, maxIter=300, alpha=1, beta=5, rho=0.1, Q=1):
        self.ants_num = ant_num   # 蚂蚁个数
        self.maxIter = maxIter    # 蚁群最大迭代次数
        self.alpha = alpha        # 信息启发式因子
        self.beta = beta          # 期望启发式因子
        self.rho = rho            # 信息素挥发速度
        self.Q = Q                # 信息素强度
        self.deal_data('coordinates.dat')                         # 提取所有城市的坐标信息
        self.path_seed = np.zeros(self.ants_num).astype(int)      # 记录一次迭代过程中每个蚂蚁的初始城市下标
        self.ants_info = np.zeros((self.maxIter, self.ants_num))  # 记录每次迭代后所有蚂蚁的路径长度信息
        self.best_path = np.zeros(self.maxIter)                   # 记录每次迭代后整个蚁群的“历史”最短路径长度  
        self.solve()              # 完成算法的迭代更新
        self.display()            # 数据可视化展示

    def deal_data(self, filename):
        with open(filename, 'rt') as f:
            temp_list = list(line.split() for line in f)                                   # 临时存储提取出来的坐标信息
        self.cities_num = len(temp_list)                                                   # 1. 获取城市个数
        self.cities = list(City(float(item[0]), float(item[1])) for item in temp_list)     # 2. 构建城市列表
        self.city_dist_mat = np.zeros((self.cities_num, self.cities_num))                  # 3. 构建城市距离矩阵
        for i in range(self.cities_num):
            A = self.cities[i]
            for j in range(i, self.cities_num):
                B = self.cities[j]
                self.city_dist_mat[i][j] = self.city_dist_mat[j][i] = Ant.calc_len(A, B)
        self.phero_mat = np.ones((self.cities_num, self.cities_num))                       # 4. 初始化信息素矩阵
        # self.phero_upper_bound = self.phero_mat.max() * 1.2                              ###信息素浓度上限
        self.eta_mat = 1/(self.city_dist_mat + np.diag([np.inf]*self.cities_num))          # 5. 初始化启发函数矩阵

    def solve(self):
        iterNum = 0                                                            # 当前迭代次数
        while iterNum < self.maxIter:
            self.random_seed()                                                 # 使整个蚁群产生随机的起始点
            delta_phero_mat = np.zeros((self.cities_num, self.cities_num))     # 初始化每次迭代后信息素矩阵的增量
            for i in range(self.ants_num):
                city_index1 = self.path_seed[i]                                # 每只蚂蚁访问的第一个城市下标
                ant_path = Path(self.cities[city_index1])                      # 记录每只蚂蚁访问过的城市
                tabu = [city_index1]                                           # 记录每只蚂蚁访问过的城市下标,禁忌城市下标列表
                non_tabu = list(set(range(self.cities_num)) - set(tabu))
                for j in range(self.cities_num-1):                             # 对余下的城市进行访问
                    up_proba = np.zeros(self.cities_num-len(tabu))             # 初始化状态迁移概率的分子 
                    for k in range(self.cities_num-len(tabu)):
                        up_proba[k] = np.power(self.phero_mat[city_index1][non_tabu[k]], self.alpha) * \
                        np.power(self.eta_mat[city_index1][non_tabu[k]], self.beta)
                    proba = up_proba/sum(up_proba)                             # 每条可能子路径上的状态迁移概率
                    while True:                                                # 提取出下一个城市的下标
                        random_num = np.random.rand()
                        index_need = np.where(proba > random_num)[0]
                        if len(index_need) > 0:
                            city_index2 = non_tabu[index_need[0]]
                    non_tabu = list(set(range(self.cities_num)) - set(tabu))
                    city_index1 = city_index2
                self.ants_info[iterNum][i] = Ant(ant_path.path).length
                if iterNum == 0 and i == 0:                                    # 完成对最佳路径城市的记录
                    self.best_cities = ant_path.path
                    if self.ants_info[iterNum][i] < Ant(self.best_cities).length: self.best_cities = ant_path.path
                tabu.append(tabu[0])                                           # 每次迭代完成后,使禁忌城市下标列表形成完整闭环
                for l in range(self.cities_num):
                    delta_phero_mat[tabu[l]][tabu[l+1]] += self.Q/self.ants_info[iterNum][i]

            self.best_path[iterNum] = Ant(self.best_cities).length
            self.update_phero_mat(delta_phero_mat)                             # 更新信息素矩阵
            iterNum += 1
    def update_phero_mat(self, delta):                                             
        self.phero_mat = (1 - self.rho) * self.phero_mat + delta
        # self.phero_mat = np.where(self.phero_mat > self.phero_upper_bound, self.phero_upper_bound, self.phero_mat) # 判断是否超过浓度上限
    def random_seed(self):                                                     # 产生随机的起始点下表,尽量保证所有蚂蚁的起始点不同
        if self.ants_num <= self.cities_num:                                   # 蚂蚁数 <= 城市数
            self.path_seed[:] = np.random.permutation(range(self.cities_num))[:self.ants_num]
        else:                                                                  # 蚂蚁数 > 城市数
            self.path_seed[:self.cities_num] = np.random.permutation(range(self.cities_num))
            temp_index = self.cities_num
            while temp_index + self.cities_num <= self.ants_num:
                self.path_seed[temp_index:temp_index + self.cities_num] = np.random.permutation(range(self.cities_num))
                temp_index += self.cities_num
            temp_left = self.ants_num % self.cities_num
            if temp_left != 0:
                self.path_seed[temp_index:] = np.random.permutation(range(self.cities_num))[:temp_left]
    def display(self):                                                         # 数据可视化展示
        plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10))
        plt.plot(self.ants_info, 'g.')
        plt.plot(self.best_path, 'r-', label='history_best')
        plt.plot(list(city.x for city in self.best_cities), list(city.y for city in self.best_cities), 'g-')
        plt.plot(list(city.x for city in self.best_cities), list(city.y for city in self.best_cities), 'r.')
        plt.savefig('ACO.png', dpi=500)

