
hive的基本操作 - 奏乐 - 博客园 http://www.cnblogs.com/hankedang/p/5649473.html

指定hive sql 运行队列
set mapreduce.job.queuename = 队列名;

指定hive sql 的执行引擎
set hive.execution.engine= (tez, yarn-mr)
启动 hiveserver2
hive --service hiveserver2 --hiveconf hive.server2.thrift.port=10001

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD PARTITION (partCol = 'value1') location 'loc1'; //示例
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (dt='20130101') LOCATION '/user/hadoop/warehouse/table_name/dt=20130101'; //一次添加一个分区ALTER TABLE page_view ADD PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08', country='us') location '/path/to/us/part080808' PARTITION (dt='2008-08-09', country='us') location '/path/to/us/part080809'; //一次添加多个分区

ALTER TABLE login DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08');ALTER TABLE page_view DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08', country='us');

ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08') SET LOCATION "new location";
ALTER TABLE table_name PARTITION (dt='2008-08-08') RENAME TO PARTITION (dt='20080808');

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMNS (col_name STRING); //在所有存在的列后面,但是在分区列之前添加一列

CREATE TABLE test_change (a int, b int, c int);// will change column a's name to a1ALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a1 INT; // will change column a's name to a1, a's data type to string, and put it after column b. The new table's structure is: b int, a1 string, c intALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE a a1 STRING AFTER b; // will change column b's name to b1, and put it as the first column. The new table's structure is: b1 int, a string, c intALTER TABLE test_change CHANGE b b1 INT FIRST;

alter table table_name set TBLPROPERTIES ('EXTERNAL'='TRUE'); //内部表转外部表 alter table table_name set TBLPROPERTIES ('EXTERNAL'='FALSE'); //外部表转内部表

ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name

load data local inpath '/home/tongyi/data.txt' into table s_camp_test partition(day_id='20151230', hour_id=00);

insert overwrite local directory
'/home/wyp/Documents/result 导出到本地

insert overwrite directory '/test/' 导出到集群

insert overwrite directory '/test/' row format delimitedfields terminated by
'\t' 导出指定分隔符

指定hive sql 运行队列

set mapreduce.job.queuename = 队列名;

指定hive sql 的执行引擎

set hive.execution.engine= (tez, yarn-mr)

启动 hiveserver2

hive --service hiveserver2 --hiveconf hive.server2.thrift.port=10001
