Media Recorder 录像流程中时间戳的处理

Media Recorder 录像流程中时间戳的处理 


1 AudioSource

1.1 AudioSource构造函数

53        audio_source_t inputSource, const String16 &opPackageName,
54        uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t channelCount, uint32_t outSampleRate,
55        uid_t uid, pid_t pid)

1.2 DataCallBack

299status_t AudioSource::dataCallback(const AudioRecord::Buffer& audioBuffer) {
300    int64_t timeUs, position, timeNs;
301    ExtendedTimestamp ts;
302    ExtendedTimestamp::Location location;
303    const int32_t usPerSec = 1000000;
305    if (mRecord->getTimestamp(&ts) == OK &&
306            ts.getBestTimestamp(&position, &timeNs, ExtendedTimestamp::TIMEBASE_MONOTONIC,
307            &location) == OK) {
308        // Use audio timestamp.
309        timeUs = timeNs / 1000 -
310                (position - mNumFramesSkipped -
311                mNumFramesReceived + mNumFramesLost) * usPerSec / mSampleRate;
312    } else {
313        // This should not happen in normal case.
314        ALOGW("Failed to get audio timestamp, fallback to use systemclock");
315        timeUs = systemTime() / 1000ll;
316        // Estimate the real sampling time of the 1st sample in this buffer
317        // from AudioRecord's latency. (Apply this adjustment first so that
318        // the start time logic is not affected.)
319        timeUs -= mRecord->latency() * 1000LL;
320    }
322    ALOGV("dataCallbackTimestamp: %" PRId64 " us", timeUs);

1.3 Read

235status_t AudioSource::read(
236        MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions * /* options */) {
280    if (mSampleRate != mOutSampleRate) {
281            timeUs *= (int64_t)mSampleRate / (int64_t)mOutSampleRate;
282            buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, timeUs);
283    }
285    *out = buffer;
286    return OK;

[Video][Camera API 1.0]

2 CameraSource / CameraSourceTimeLapse (for time-lapse-recording)

1575        mCameraSourceTimeLapse = CameraSourceTimeLapse::CreateFromCamera(
1576                mCamera, mCameraProxy, mCameraId, mClientName, mClientUid, mClientPid,
1577                videoSize, mFrameRate, mPreviewSurface,
1578                std::llround(1e6 / mCaptureFps));

3 VideoEncoder(Acodec OnFillBufferDone)

4 MediaCodecSource(MediaCodec::CB_OUTPUT_AVAILABLE)

5 Writer(source->read buffer->meta_data kKeyTime)

[Video][Camera API 2.0]

6 GraphicBufferSource


897void GraphicBufferSource::onFrameAvailable(const BufferItem& item __unused) {
898    Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex);
900    ALOGV("onFrameAvailable: executing=%d available=%zu+%d",
901            mExecuting, mAvailableBuffers.size(), mNumAvailableUnacquiredBuffers);
902    ++mNumAvailableUnacquiredBuffers;
904    // For BufferQueue we cannot acquire a buffer if we cannot immediately feed it to the codec
905    // UNLESS we are discarding this buffer (acquiring and immediately releasing it), which makes
906    // this an ugly logic.
907    // NOTE: We could also rely on our debug counter but that is meant only as a debug counter.
908    if (!areWeDiscardingAvailableBuffers_l() && mFreeCodecBuffers.empty()) {
909        // we may not be allowed to acquire a possibly encodable buffer, so just note that
910        // it is available
911        ALOGV("onFrameAvailable: cannot acquire buffer right now, do it later");
913        ++mRepeatLastFrameGeneration; // cancel any pending frame repeat
914        return;
915    }
917    VideoBuffer buffer;
918    status_t err = acquireBuffer_l(&buffer);
919    if (err != OK) {
920        ALOGE("onFrameAvailable: acquireBuffer returned err=%d", err);
921    } else {
922        onBufferAcquired_l(buffer);
923    }


934void GraphicBufferSource::onBufferAcquired_l(const VideoBuffer &buffer) {
935    if (mEndOfStreamSent) {
936        // This should only be possible if a new buffer was queued after
937        // EOS was signaled, i.e. the app is misbehaving.
938        ALOGW("onFrameAvailable: EOS is sent, ignoring frame");
939    } else if (mOMXNode == NULL || (mSuspended && mActionQueue.empty())) {
940        // FIXME: if we are suspended but have a resume queued we will stop repeating the last
941        // frame. Is that the desired behavior?
942        ALOGV("onFrameAvailable: suspended, ignoring frame");
943    } else {
944        ++mRepeatLastFrameGeneration; // cancel any pending frame repeat
945        mAvailableBuffers.push_back(buffer);
946        if (mExecuting) {
947            fillCodecBuffer_l();
948        }
949    }


513bool GraphicBufferSource::fillCodecBuffer_l() {

631        int64_t timeUs = item.mTimestampNs / 1000;
632        if (mFrameDropper != NULL && mFrameDropper->shouldDrop(timeUs)) {
633            ALOGV("skipping frame (%lld) to meet max framerate", static_cast<long long>(timeUs));
634            // set err to OK so that the skipped frame can still be saved as the lastest frame
635            err = OK;
636        } else {
637            err = submitBuffer_l(item); // this takes shared ownership of the acquired buffer on succeess
638        }


766status_t GraphicBufferSource::submitBuffer_l(const VideoBuffer &item) {
767    CHECK(!mFreeCodecBuffers.empty());
768    IOMX::buffer_id codecBufferId = *mFreeCodecBuffers.begin();
770    ALOGV("submitBuffer_l [slot=%d, bufferId=%d]", item.mBuffer->getSlot(), codecBufferId);
772    int64_t codecTimeUs;
773    if (!calculateCodecTimestamp_l(item.mTimestampNs, &codecTimeUs)) {
774        return UNKNOWN_ERROR;
775    }
777    if ((android_dataspace)item.mDataspace != mLastDataspace) {
778        onDataspaceChanged_l(
779                item.mDataspace,
780                (android_pixel_format)item.mBuffer->getGraphicBuffer()->format);
781    }
783    std::shared_ptr<AcquiredBuffer> buffer = item.mBuffer;
784    // use a GraphicBuffer for now as OMXNodeInstance is using GraphicBuffers to hold references
785    // and it requires this graphic buffer to be able to hold its reference
786    // and thus we would need to create a new GraphicBuffer from an ANWBuffer separate from the
787    // acquired GraphicBuffer.
788    // TODO: this can be reworked globally to use ANWBuffer references
789    sp<GraphicBuffer> graphicBuffer = buffer->getGraphicBuffer();
790    status_t err = mOMXNode->emptyBuffer(
791            codecBufferId, OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME, graphicBuffer, codecTimeUs,
792            buffer->getAcquireFenceFd());


715bool GraphicBufferSource::calculateCodecTimestamp_l(
716        nsecs_t bufferTimeNs, int64_t *codecTimeUs) {
717    int64_t timeUs = bufferTimeNs / 1000;
718    timeUs += mInputBufferTimeOffsetUs;
720    if (mCaptureFps > 0.
721            && (mFps > 2 * mCaptureFps
722            || mCaptureFps > 2 * mFps)) {
723        // Time lapse or slow motion mode

剩下的流程同[Video][Camera API 1.0]

 VideoEncoder(Acodec OnFillBufferDone)


 Writer(source->read buffer->meta_data kKeyTime)


7 设置

696status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamCaptureFpsEnable(int32_t captureFpsEnable) {
697    ALOGV("setParamCaptureFpsEnable: %d", captureFpsEnable);
699    if(captureFpsEnable == 0) {
700        mCaptureFpsEnable = false;
701    } else if (captureFpsEnable == 1) {
702        mCaptureFpsEnable = true;
703    } else {
704        return BAD_VALUE;
705    }
706    return OK;
709status_t StagefrightRecorder::setParamCaptureFps(double fps) {
710    ALOGV("setParamCaptureFps: %.2f", fps);
712    if (!(fps >= 1.0 / 86400)) {
713        ALOGE("FPS is too small");
714        return BAD_VALUE;
715    }
716    mCaptureFps = fps;
717    return OK;

8 配置Audio

1044sp<MediaCodecSource> StagefrightRecorder::createAudioSource() {
1045    int32_t sourceSampleRate = mSampleRate;
1047    if (mCaptureFpsEnable && mCaptureFps >= mFrameRate) {
1048        // Upscale the sample rate for slow motion recording.
1049        // Fail audio source creation if source sample rate is too high, as it could
1050        // cause out-of-memory due to large input buffer size. And audio recording
1051        // probably doesn't make sense in the scenario, since the slow-down factor
1052        // is probably huge (eg. mSampleRate=48K, mCaptureFps=240, mFrameRate=1).
1053        const static int32_t SAMPLE_RATE_HZ_MAX = 192000;
1054        sourceSampleRate =
1055                (mSampleRate * mCaptureFps + mFrameRate / 2) / mFrameRate;
1056        if (sourceSampleRate < mSampleRate || sourceSampleRate > SAMPLE_RATE_HZ_MAX) {
1057            ALOGE("source sample rate out of range! "
1058                    "(mSampleRate %d, mCaptureFps %.2f, mFrameRate %d",
1059                    mSampleRate, mCaptureFps, mFrameRate);
1060            return NULL;
1061        }
1062    }
1064    sp<AudioSource> audioSource =
1065        new AudioSource(
1066                mAudioSource,
1067                mOpPackageName,
1068                sourceSampleRate,
1069                mAudioChannels,
1070                mSampleRate,
1071                mClientUid,
1072                mClientPid);

9 配置Video[Camera API 1.0]

1560status_t StagefrightRecorder::setupCameraSource(
1561        sp<CameraSource> *cameraSource) {
1562    status_t err = OK;
1563    if ((err = checkVideoEncoderCapabilities()) != OK) {
1564        return err;
1565    }
1566    Size videoSize;
1567    videoSize.width = mVideoWidth;
1568    videoSize.height = mVideoHeight;
1569    if (mCaptureFpsEnable) {
1570        if (!(mCaptureFps > 0.)) {
1571            ALOGE("Invalid mCaptureFps value: %lf", mCaptureFps);
1572            return BAD_VALUE;
1573        }
1575        mCameraSourceTimeLapse = CameraSourceTimeLapse::CreateFromCamera(
1576                mCamera, mCameraProxy, mCameraId, mClientName, mClientUid, mClientPid,
1577                videoSize, mFrameRate, mPreviewSurface,
1578                std::llround(1e6 / mCaptureFps));
1579        *cameraSource = mCameraSourceTimeLapse;

10 配置Video[Camera API 2.0]

10.1 MediaCodecSource

1650    if (cameraSource != NULL) {
1651        sp<MetaData> meta = cameraSource->getFormat();
1653        int32_t width, height, stride, sliceHeight, colorFormat;
1654        CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width));
1655        CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height));
1656        CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyStride, &stride));
1657        CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeySliceHeight, &sliceHeight));
1658        CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyColorFormat, &colorFormat));
1660        format->setInt32("width", width);
1661        format->setInt32("height", height);
1662        format->setInt32("stride", stride);
1663        format->setInt32("slice-height", sliceHeight);
1664        format->setInt32("color-format", colorFormat);
1665    } else {
1666        format->setInt32("width", mVideoWidth);
1667        format->setInt32("height", mVideoHeight);
1668        format->setInt32("stride", mVideoWidth);
1669        format->setInt32("slice-height", mVideoHeight);
1670        format->setInt32("color-format", OMX_COLOR_FormatAndroidOpaque);
1672        // set up time lapse/slow motion for surface source
1673        if (mCaptureFpsEnable) {
1674            if (!(mCaptureFps > 0.)) {
1675                ALOGE("Invalid mCaptureFps value: %lf", mCaptureFps);
1676                return BAD_VALUE;
1677            }
1678            format->setDouble("time-lapse-fps", mCaptureFps);
1679        }
1680    }

10.2 MediaCodecSource构造函数

415        const sp<ALooper> &looper,
416        const sp<AMessage> &outputFormat,
417        const sp<MediaSource> &source,
418        const sp<PersistentSurface> &persistentSurface,
419        uint32_t flags)
420    : mLooper(looper),
421      mOutputFormat(outputFormat),

10.3 MediaCodecSource创建VideoEncoder

468status_t MediaCodecSource::initEncoder() {

503        err = mEncoder->configure(
504                    mOutputFormat,
505                    NULL /* nativeWindow */,
506                    NULL /* crypto */,
507                    MediaCodec::CONFIGURE_FLAG_ENCODE);

10.2 VideoEncoder配置

1711status_t ACodec::configureCodec(
1712        const char *mime, const sp &msg) {
1836        if (!msg->findDouble("time-lapse-fps", &mCaptureFps)) {
1837            mCaptureFps = -1.0;
1838        }

10.3 GraphicBufferSource配置

6644    if (mCodec->mCaptureFps > 0. && mCodec->mFps > 0.) {
6645        err = statusFromBinderStatus(
6646                mCodec->mGraphicBufferSource->setTimeLapseConfig(
6647                        mCodec->mFps, mCodec->mCaptureFps));
6649        if (err != OK) {
6650            ALOGE("[%s] Unable to configure time lapse (err %d)",
6651                    mCodec->mComponentName.c_str(), err);
6652            return err;
6653        }
6654    }

1223status_t GraphicBufferSource::setTimeLapseConfig(double fps, double captureFps) {
1224    ALOGV("setTimeLapseConfig: fps=%lg, captureFps=%lg",
1225            fps, captureFps);
1227    Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mMutex);
1229    if (mExecuting || !(fps > 0) || !(captureFps > 0)) {
1230        return INVALID_OPERATION;
1231    }
1233    mFps = fps;
1234    mCaptureFps = captureFps;
1236    return OK;

你可能感兴趣的:(Media Recorder 录像流程中时间戳的处理)