PCL学习笔记(1) win8 64bit系统 + VS208——搭建PCL开发环境

搭建环境: windows 8  + VS2008

从PCL网上下载了一个All in one(MSVC2008)的安装包,直接默认安装,在安装到OpenNI时,弹出一个提示框PCL学习笔记(1) win8 64bit系统 + VS208——搭建PCL开发环境_第1张图片

具体失败原因不太清楚,略过这一步,完成PCL安装,再重新安装更高版本的OpenNI + SensorKinect ,




    AllInOne包内的OpenNI版本与windows8不兼容, 导致kinect的驱动(SensorKinect依附于OpenNI)不能正确安装


解决办法:1)先在Win8 下成功安装 OpenNI  + SensorKinect ,正确之后


                   2) 再用预先编译好的第三方源码包搭建PCL开发环境

更简单的办法:换一台win7 的电脑!简直各种正确!各种不出错,看得你赏心悦目!

步骤1:在Win8 下成功安装 OpenNI  + SensorKinect

OpenNI/NITEInstallation on Windows 8


May 2014: PrimeSense was bought by Apple at the end of April, andthe OpenNI.org website was shut down.Fortunately, several sites have set up archives of the old OpenNI and NITEsoftware, such as Simple-OpenNI and StructureSensor.

When looking through these archives, it's important to rememberthat the code examples in my book use OpenNI version 1. It's quitedifferent from version 2, which sports many changes to the skeleton and handdetection functions, resulting in big changes to NITE as well. In other words,you need to find archive copies of version 1 of OpenNI andNITE to run my code. The following instructions explain how to do that.

This page is written in the form of a checklist. If you prefera wordier explanation, then please have a look at section 3 of the draft chapter. Remember that it refers to thenow-defunct OpenNI website from 2012, so ignore any weblink information in thatchapter.


1. Clean Up

Useful freeware tools for cleaning Windows: Revo Uninstaller, CCleaner

    •   use Revo Uninstaller to delete any applications that mention Kinect, Xbox , PrimeSense , OpenNI, NITE
    • delete the C:\Program Files\PrimeSense and C:\Program Files\OpenNI directories (or the equivalents for your platform)
    • uninstall any drivers that mention 'Kinect', 'Xbox' or 'PrimeSense' via Window's Device Manager


2. Download the Packages

Download the relevant OpenNI/NITE zip file from the Simple-OpenNI downloads website. Search for"All Downloads" to find suitable versions of OpenNI and NITE forWindows, Linux, and OSX. I recommend the following:

(NOTE: OpenNI不同的版本号与对应版本的NITE以及SensorKinect,如果版本不对应,可能会出现各种缺乏.dll错误)

  • Windows 32-bit: OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win32-0.27.zip
  • Windows 64-bit: OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win64-0.27.zip
  • Linux 32-bit: OpenNI_NITE_Installer-Linux32-0.27.zip
  • Linux 64-bit: OpenNI_NITE_Installer-Linux64-0.27.zip
  • OSX: OpenNI_NITE_Installer-OSX-0.24.zip

        32-bit zip file ( OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win32-0.27.zip) contains four installers:

  • nite-win32-
  • openni-win32-
  • SensorKinect092-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1.msi
  • sensor-win32-

For example, the Windows 64-bit zipfile ( OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win64-0.27.zip) contains four installers:

  • nite-win64-
  • openni-win64-
  • SensorKinect092-Bin-Win64-v5.1.2.1.msi
  • sensor-win64-

So for 64-bitwindows 8, we choose  OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win64-0.27.zipfor the nextInstallment.

Thereare two installers containing the word "sensor", which relate to theSensorKinect driver. It seems that the driverinside SensorKinect092-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1.msi is compiled usingVC++ 2010 so you must have Microsoft  stalledfor the driver to correctly execute. The redistributable isinside sensor-win32-

Ifyou don't want to install the 64-bit version of OpenNI on your 64-bit Windowsmachine, then you can use the 32-bit installer instead. Some good instructionson how to do that can be found here.


1.Pleasenote the version of Microsoft Visual Studio,

Ifyou chooseWindows 32-bit zip file,then Microsoft's VC++ 2010 redistributable is needed

2. For The 64-bit machine ,  OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win64-0.27.zipis recommended.

3. Installation

Installthe four downloaded packages in the order(注意顺序):

  1. OpenNI: openni-win32-
  2. SensorKinect driver -- there are two steps: first sensor-win32-, and then SensorKinect092-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1.msi
  3. NITE: nite-win32-

Afterwards,check if the software is in the C:\ProgramFiles\OpenNI\ and C:\Program Files\PrimeSense\ directories.



Toinstall the three hardware drivers (for motor, audio, and camera), you should:

  • plug the Kinect into your PC and into the mains;
  • this will trigger Windows into installing the drivers, but don't let the installation search for the drivers itself. Instead you should supply their location inC:\Program Files\PrimeSense\SensorKinect\Driver


1, Win+ x ---选择Device Manager

2, 选择unknown device---Kinect motor---右键选择更新驱动update driver



4.      接下来,他会问驱动程序在哪里?如下图:

    选择第一个选项,填入SensorKinect的driver所在的文件位置,我的是C:\Program Files\PrimeSense\SensorKinect\Driver



Note 由于SensorKinect是第三方破解驱动,没有签名,可能在windows8下安装会有问题,其中的一个解决办法是:禁用驱动强制签名


如果是Win8(主)双系统,启动到选系统的时候,选最下面的:更改默认值或选择其它选项 ——>选择其它选项 ——>疑难解答 ——>高级选项 ——>Windows启动设置 —重新启动 ,然后选择“禁用驱动程序强制签名” ;

  • afterwards, check if the 3 drivers show up in Windows' Device Manager under a 'PrimeSense' header

whenyou see this, you are successful to make the computer to recognize the Kinect!


DeleteOpenNI's Java CLASSPATH environment variable via Windows' System control panelAdvanced tab

4. Edit four XML Configuration Files

In C:\Program Files\PrimeSense\NITE\Data edit:

  • Sample-Scene.xml
  • Sample-Training.xml
  • Sample-User.xml

In C:\Program Files\OpenNI\Data edit:

  • SampleConfig.xml

The edits to these XML files are:

  • add the PrimeSense license:  
  • add  attributes to all the  subterms: 

Look at SampleConfig.xml in the chapter 2 code for examples of these changes.


解决办法:先把文件复制到非系统盘 修改后copy过去就行了
文件夹《step 3修改后的Xml文件》提供了需要的xml文件,直接覆盖原目录下的同名文件即可


5. Test OpenNI and NITE

In C:\Program Files\OpenNI\Samples\Bin\Release, run theapplications:

  • NiSimpleRead.exe
  • NiSimpleViewer.exe
  • NiViewer.exe,
  • NiUserTracker.exe.

In C:\Program Files\PrimeSense\NITE\Samples\Bin\Release, run:

  • Sample-Boxes.exe


Compiling PCL from source on Windows


This tutorial explains how to build the Point CloudLibrary from source on Microsoft Windows platforms. In thistutorial, we assume that you have built and installed all the requireddependencies, or that you have installed them using the dependencies installersprovided on the downloads page.


If you installed PCL using one of the all-in-one providedinstallers, then this tutorial is not for you. The all-in-one installeralready contains prebuilt PCL binaries which are ready to be used without anycompilation step.


If there is no installers for your compiler, it is recommendedthat you build the dependencies out of source. The Building PCL’s dependencies from source on Windows tutorial should guide you through the download and thecompilation of all the required dependencies.


we assume that you have built and installed all the requireddependencies, or that you have installed them using the dependencies installersprovided on the downloads page. Installing them to the default locations will makeconfiguring PCL easier.

  • Boost

used for shared pointers, and threading. mandatory

  • Eigen

used as the matrix backend for SSE optimized math. mandatory


used in kdtree for fastapproximate nearest neighbors search. mandatory

  • Visualization ToolKit (VTK)

used in visualization for3D point cloud rendering and visualization. mandatory

  • Qt

used for applications with a graphical user interface(GUI) optional


used for convex/concave hull decompositions in surfaceoptional

  • OpenNI and patched Sensor Module

used to grab point clouds from OpenNI compliant devices. optional

  • GTest version >= 1.6.0 (http://code.google.com/p/googletest/)

is needed only to build PCL tests. We do not provide GTestinstallers. optional


Though not a dependency per se, don’t forget that you also needthe CMake build system (http://www.cmake.org/), at least version 2.8.7. A Git client for Windowsis also required to download the PCL source code.

Downloading PCLsource code

To build the current official release, download the source archivefrom http://pointclouds.org/downloads/ and extract it somewhere on your disk, sayC:\PCL\PCL-1.5.1-Source. In this case, you can go directly to Configuring PCLsection, and pay attention to adjust the paths accordingly.

Or, you might want to build an experimental version of PCL totest some new features not yet available in the official releases. For this,you will need git ( http://git-scm.com/download ).

The invocation to download the source code is thus, using acommand line:

cd wherever/you/want/to/put/the/repo/git clone https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl.git

You could also use Github for Windows (https://windows.github.com/), but that is potentially more troublesome than setting up giton windows.

Configuring PCL

On Windows, we recommend to build shared PCLlibraries with static dependencies. In this tutorial, we willuse static dependencies when possible to build shared PCL. You can easilyswitch to using shared dependencies. Then, you need to make sure you put thedependencies’ dlls either in your PATH or in thesame folder as PCL dlls and executables.You can also build static PCL libraries if you want.

Run the CMake-gui application and fill in the fields:

Where is the source code   :C:/PCL/pcl

Where to build the binaries: C:/PCL

Now hit the “Configure” button. You will be asked for a generator. A generator is simply a compiler.


In this tutorial, we will be using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010compiler. If you want to build 32bit PCL, then pick the “Visual Studio 10”generator. If you want to build 64bit PCL, then pick the “Visual Studio 10Win64”.

Make sure you have installed the right third partydependencies. You cannot mix 32bit and 64bit code, and it is highly recommandedto not mix codes compiled with different compilers.

In the remaining of this tutorial, we will be using “VisualStudio 10 Win64” generator. Once you picked your generator, hit finish toclose the dialog window. CMake will start configuring PCL and looking for itsdependencies. For example, we can get this output :

The upper part of CMake window contains a list of CMakevariables and its respective values. The lower part contains some loggingoutput that can help figure out what is happening. We can see, for example,that VTK was not found, thus, the visualization module will not get built.

Before solving the VTK issue, let’s organize the CMakevariables in groups by checking the Grouped checkbox in the top right of CMake window. Let’s checkalso the Advancedcheckbox to show some advanced CMake variables. Now, if we wantto look for a specific variable value, we can either browse the CMake variablesto look for it, or we can use the Search: field to type the variable name.

Let’s check whether CMake did actually find the needed thirdparty dependencies or not :

  • Boost :

CMake was not able to find boost automatically. No problem, wewill help it find it :) . If CMake has found your boost installation, then skipto the next bullet item.

Let’s tell CMake where boost headers are by specifiying theheaders path in Boost_INCLUDE_DIR variable. For example, myboost headers are in C:\Program Files\PCL-Boost\include (C:\ProgramFiles\Boost\include for newer installers). Then, let’s hit configure again ! Hopefully, CMake is now able to find all theother items (the libraries).


This behaviour is not common for all libraries. Generally, ifCMake is not able to find a specific library or package, we have to manuallyset the values of all the CMake related variables. Hopefully, the CMake scriptresponsible of finding boost is able to find libraries using the headers path.

  • Eigen :

Eigen is a header-only library, thus, we need only EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR tobe set. Hopefully, CMake did fing Eigen.

  • FLANN :

CMake was able to find my FLANN installation. By default onwindows, PCL will pick the static FLANN libraries with _s suffix. Thus, the FLANN_IS_STATICcheckbox ischecked by default.


If you rather want to use the shared FLANNlibraries (those without the _s suffix), you need to manuallyedit the FLANN_LIBRARY and FLANN_LIBRARY_DEBUGvariablesto remove the _s suffix and do not forget touncheck FLANN_IS_STATIC. Make sure the FLANN dlls are either inyour PATH or in the same folder as your executables.


In recent PCL, the FLANN_IS_STATIC checkbox nolonger exists.

  • Qt :

It is highly recommended to install Qt to the default pathsuggested by the installer. You need then to define an environment variablenamed QTDIR to point to Qt installation path (e.g. C:\Qt\4.8.0). Also, you need to append the bin folder to the PATH environmentvariable. Once you modify the environment variables, you need to restart CMakeand click “Configure” again. If Qt is not found, you need at least tofill QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE CMake entry with the path ofqmake.exe (e.g. C:\Qt\4.8.0\bin\qmake.exe), then click “Configure”.

  • VTK :

CMake did not find my VTK installation. There is only one VTKrelated CMake variable called VTK_DIR. We have to set it to thepath of the folder containingVTKConfig.cmake, which is in my case :C:\Program Files\VTK 5.6\lib\vtk-5.6 (C:\Program Files\VTK 5.8.0\lib\vtk-5.8for VTK 5.8). After you set VTK_DIR, hitconfigure again.


After clicking configure, in the logging window, we can see that VTK is found, butthe visualization module is still disabled manually. We have then to enable it by checking the BUILD_visualization checkbox.You can also do the same thing with the apps module. Then, hit configure again.

  • QHull :

CMake was able to find my QHull installation. By default onwindows, PCL will pick the static QHull libraries with static suffix.

  • OpenNI :

CMake was able to find my OpenNI installation.


CMake do not look for the installed OpenNI Sensor module. It isneeded at runtime.

  • GTest :

If you want to build PCL tests, you need to download GTest and buildit yourself. In this tutorial, we will not build tests.

Once CMake has found all the needed dependencies, let’s see thePCL specific CMake variables :

  • PCL_SHARED_LIBS is checked by default. Uncheck it if you want static PCL libs (not recommanded).
  • CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is where PCL will be installed after building it (more information on this later).

If you have the Pro version of Microsoft Visual Studio, you cancheck USE_PROJECT_FOLDERS checkbox to organize PCL projects infolders within the PCL solution. If you have an express edition, it isrecommended to keep it unchecked, as in express editions, project folders aredisabled.

Once PCL configuration is ok, hit the Generate button. CMake will then generate Visual Studio projectfiles (vcproj files) and the main solution file (PCL.sln) in C:\PCL directory.

Building PCL

Open that generated solution file (PCL.sln) to finally buildthe PCL libraries. This is how your solution will look like whether youenabled USE_PROJECT_FOLDERS (left) or not (right).

Building the “ALL_BUILD” project will build everything.


Make sure to build the “ALL_BUILD” project in both debug and release mode.


Installing PCL

To install the built libraries and executbles, you need tobuild the “INSTALL” project in the solution explorer. This utility project willcopy PCL headers, libraries and executable to the directory defined bythe CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX CMake variable.






Make sure to build the “INSTALL” project in both debug and release mode.


It is highly recommanded to add the bin folder in PCLinstallation tree (e.g. C:\Program Files\PCL\bin) to your PATH environmentvariable.


1. 搭建环境: windows 8 64 bit + VS 2008


For example, the Windows 64-bit zip file ( OpenNI_NITE_Installer-win64-0.27.zip) contains four installers:

  • nite-win64-
  • openni-win64-
  • SensorKinect092-Bin-Win64-v5.1.2.1.msi
  • sensor-win64-

NoteOpenNI + NITE + Sensor + SensprKinect的安装请参看

《step 0 跟着我在win8 64位下_来安装 OpenNI.doc》



RequirementsàDownloadingPCL source codeàConfiguringPCLàInstallingPCL


中文指导可以参看 http://www.pclcn.org/study/shownews.php?lang=cn&id=48 写的好一般




4. 工程编译出现的问题以及解决办法






错误: PCL.sln编译时报错:错误起因为缺乏:在template之前,







      Pcl_io这个工程编译失败 导致pcl_io_debug.lib无法被成功建立,导致后续连续出错,打不开pcl_io_debug.lib类似的错误


项目: pcl_io,配置: Debug|x64

========== 生成:rce\PCL_src1.5.0\io\include\pcl/io/ply/ply_parser.h(54) :

fatal error C1083: 无法打开包括文件:“tuple”: No such file or directory

成功 19 个,失败 77 个,最新 2 个,跳过 0 个 ==========



我疯了!竟然是这个原因!: Tuple is onlyavailable in .NET 4, which isn't supported by VS2008.



Update toframework 4.0 (find any patch for VS 2008) else, visual studio 2010 isrecommended for Tuple

更新.NET for VS 2008patch疑问以及解答:https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/671325e0-b41d-4cdc-9536-f024fff98a6e/framework-40-compatibility-with-vs-2008?forum=netfxgeneralprerelease

2)安装Visual studio 2010 ,它才支持tuple啊!



因为pcl1.5以及以上版本用到了tuple这个结构体,这个结构体只在.NET 4.0以上的版本定义VS2008无法debug .NET 4.0,除非升级到VS 2010,所以呢,要么用低版本的pCL 要么把Vs升级




LINK : fatalerror LNK1104: 无法打开文件“C:\Program Files\MicrosoftSDKs\Windows\v6.1\Lib\x64\d3d9.lib”


解决办法:手动添加d3d9.lib 自己创一个文件夹

原本,d3d9.lib存在于C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib\x64

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\下只有子目录v6.0A,

在C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\我新建一个文件夹名为v6.1,把Lib文件夹全部拷贝过去,pcl_io工程成功编译!





分别简直Debug, Release版本下的INSTANLL工程后



Advanced topics

  • Building PCL Tests :

If you want to build PCL tests, you need to download GTest 1.6 (http://code.google.com/p/googletest/) and build it yourself. Make sure, when you configure GTestvia CMake to check the gtest_force_shared_crt checkbox. Youneed, as usual, to build GTest in both release and debug.

Back to PCL’s CMake settings, you have to fill the GTEST_* CMakeentries (include directory, gtest libraries (debug and release) and gtestmainlibraries (debug and release)). Then, you have to check BUILD_TEST and BUILD_global_tests CMakecheckboxes, and hit Configure and Generate.

  • Building the documentation :

You can build the doxygen documentation of PCL in order to havea local up-to-date api documentation. For this, you need Doxygen (http://www.doxygen.org). You will need also the Graph Visualization Software(GraphViz, http://www.graphviz.org/) to get the doxygen graphics, specifically the dot executable.

Once you installed these two packages, hit Configure. Three CMake variables should be set (if CMake cannot findthem, you can fill them manually) :

o   DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE : path to doxygen.exe (e.g. C:/Program Files (x86)/doxygen/bin/doxygen.exe)

o   DOXYGEN_DOT_EXECUTABLE : path to dot.exe from GraphViz (e.g. C:/Program Files(x86)/Graphviz2.26.3/bin/dot.exe)

o   DOXYGEN_DOT_PATH : path of the folder containing dot.exe from GraphViz (e.g. C:/Program Files(x86)/Graphviz2.26.3/bin)

Then, you need to enable the documentation project in Visual Studio by checking the BUILD_DOCUMENTATION checkboxin CMake.

You can also build one single CHM file that will gather all thegenerated html files into one file. You need the Microsoft HTML HELP Workshop. After you install the Microsoft HTML HELP Workshop, hit Configure. If CMake is notable to find HTML_HEL_COMPILER, then fill it manually with the pathto hhc.exe (e.g. C:/Program Files (x86)/HTML Help Workshop/hhc.exe),then click Configure and Generate.

Now, in PCL Visual Studio solution, you will have a new projectcalled doc. To generate the documentation files, right click on it, andchoose Build. Then, you can build the INSTALL project so that the generated documentation files getcopied to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/PCL/share/doc/pcl/html folder (e.g.C:\Program Files\PCL\share\doc\pcl\html).

Using PCL

We finally managed to compile the Point Cloud Library (PCL) asbinaries for Windows. You can start using them in your project by followingthe Using PCL in your own projecttutorial.

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Exceptwhere otherwise noted, the PointClouds.org web pages are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.










11 测试需要建立的文件




14 配置与生成

选择对应的编译器,如图13所示,笔者选择对应visual studio 9 2008,点击finish,再点击配置与生成,如图14所示,即可得到工程文件,如图15所示。




17 测试exe文件运行结果


打开cmd.exe(win + R 快捷键),到编译输出的project_inliers.exe文件目录下运行该程序文件,可以看到相应的打印输出,如图17所示。




