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// structural quantile functions || 结构分位数回归help fuzzydid
// 模糊倍分法help tvdiff
// 时变倍分法help balancetable
//||组间均值差异检验help dag
//directed acyclic graphs (DAG) || 有向无环图help rdpermute
// 断点回归 (RDD) 和拐点回归 (RKD) 的组合检验help gtools
// 快速计算分组统计量
created or revised 2018-11-21 to 2018-12-21
DYNARDL module to dynamically simulate autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) models
Authors: Soren Jordan Andrew Q. Philips Req: Stata version 8
Created: 2018-12-10
IVQREG2 module to provide structural quantile function estimation || 分位数回归
Authors: J.A.F. Machado J.M.C. Santos Silva Req: Stata version 14
Created: 2018-12-09
NICEWORDS module to pay compliments
Authors: Joe Long Req: Stata version 12
Created: 2018-12-09
PMSAMPSIZE module to calculate the minimum sample size required for developing a multivariable prediction model
Authors: Joie Ensor Req: Stata version 12.1
Created: 2018-12-04
CDO module to get an update when the dofile stalls
Authors: Jesse Wursten Req: Stata version 8
Revised: 2018-12-10
BFMCORR module for correcting surveys using tax data
Authors: Thomas Blanchet Ignacio Flores Marc Morgan Req: Stata version 11
Created: 2018-12-04
BRAIN module to provide neural network || 神经网络
Authors: Thorsten Doherr Req: Stata version 9
Created: 2018-11-26
MOTIVATE module providing motivation to users
Authors: Kabira Namit Req: Stata version 10
Revised: 2018-11-26
SVMACHINES module providing Support Vector Machines for both Classification and Regression || 支持向量机
Authors: Nick Guenther Matthias Schonlau Req: Stata version 13
Revised: 2018-11-22
ADMETAN module to provide comprehensive meta-analysis
Authors: David Fisher Req: Stata version 11
Revised: 2018-12-04
PRTAB module to compute Precision-recall curves
Authors: Jonathan Cook Req: Stata version 11
Revised: 2018-12-04
FUZZYDID module to estimate Fuzzy Difference-in-Difference Designs || 模糊倍分法
Authors: Cl茅ment de Chaisemartin Xavier D’Haultfoeuille Yannick Guyonvarch Req: Stata version 13.1
Revised: 2018-11-26
RDPERMUTE module to perform a permutation test for the Regression Kink (RK) and Regression Discontinuity (RD) Design || 断点回归和拐点回归的组合检验
Authors: Simon J盲ger Peter Ganong Req: Stata version 13, rdrobust and rd from SSC (q.v.)
Revised: 2018-12-09
GTOOLS module to provide a fast implementation of common group commands || 快速分组计算
Authors: Mauricio Caceres Bravo Req: Stata version 13.1
Revised: 2018-12-09
DRM module to fit Sobel’s Diagonal Reference Model (DRM)
Authors: Caspar Kaiser Req: Stata version 12
Revised: 2018-11-23
CV_REGRESS module to estimate the leave-one-out error for linear regression models
Authors: Fernando Rios-Avila Req: Stata version 7
Revised: 2018-11-23
DAG module to provide utilities for directed acyclic graphs || 有向无环图
Authors: Chunsen Wu Req: Stata version 13.1
Revised: 2018-12-04
FUNNELPERFORM module to produce funnel plot for institutional comparison || 漏斗图
Authors: Brent McSharry Req: Stata version 9.1
Revised: 2018-14-18
BALANCETABLE module to build a balance table and print it in a LaTeX file or an Excel file || 组间均值差异检验
Authors: Mattia Chiapello Req: Stata version 14 and listtab from SSC (q.v.)
Revised: 2018-11-23
TVDIFF module to compute pre- and post-treatment estimation of the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) with binary time-varying treatment || 时变倍分法
Authors: Giovanni Cerulli Marco Ventura Req: Stata version 14 and coefplot from SSC (q.v.)
Revised: 2018-11-23
WID module to download data from the World Wealth and Income Database (
Authors: Thomas Blanchet Req: Stata version 13
Revised: 2018-12-04
ENTROPYETC module for entropy and related measures for categories
Authors: Nicholas J. Cox Req: Stata version 11.2
Revised: 2018-11-23
PPML_PANEL_SG module to estimate “structural gravity” models via Poisson PML
Authors: Tom Zylkin Req: Stata version 11.2, hdfe and reghdfe from SSC (q.v.)
Revised: 2018-12-04
TIMEIT module to provide single line version of timer on/off
Authors: Jesse Wursten Req: Stata version 10
Revised: 2018-12-04
CPRDLINKUTIL module for inputting CPRD linkage-source datasets into Stata
Authors: Roger Newson Req: Stata version 13 and keyby, chardef from SSC (q.v.)
Revised: 2018-12-10
ASROL module to generate rolling window / groups descriptive statistics || 滚动窗口统计量
Authors: Attaullah Shah Req: Stata version 11
Revised: 2018-12-10
STRCS module to estimate flexible parametric survival models on the log hazard scale || 生存分析
Authors: Hannah Bower Michael J. Crowther Paul Lambert Req: Stata version 13.1
Revised: 2018-12-04
MIMRGNS module to run margins after mi estimate
Authors: Daniel Klein Req: Stata version 11.2
Revised: 2018-12-04
IPDMETAN module for performing two-stage IPD meta-analysis
Authors: David Fisher Req: Stata version 11
Revised: 2018-12-04
SPPACK module for cross-section spatial-autoregressive models || 截面空间自回归模型
Authors: David M. Drukker Hua Peng Ingmar Prucha Rafal Raciborski Req: Stata version 11.2
Revised: 2018-12-04
Stata连享会(公众号: StataChina)
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