2 国画之工笔画篇

工笔画的第一步是勾画,讲究笔的精挑细选,细长的狼毫笔为首选。其次加入水墨汁调匀。起笔从完整的部分开始,注意衔接处自然流畅。长线要匀称饱满。The first step is to select the thin and long brush to draw the lines,of which the wolf brush ranks top.Second,add a bit of water with ink to stir equally.Third start from a complete part and pay attention to the turning point as well as the virtual and realistic mixture. The most significant things lie in the fluent lines especially the long ones.

2 国画之工笔画篇_第1张图片

山脉蜿蜒,怪石林立,掩映在绿色植被间。鸟儿在枝桠间叽叽喳喳。灌木丛郁郁葱葱,奇花异草处处可见。The winding hill is covered by the greenish plantation with the birds resting in the branches chirping merrily . The strange stones line cultivating the prosperity of the bushes and precious flowers and particular weeds.

2 国画之工笔画篇_第2张图片

雍容华丽的牡丹一向为绘画爱好者的推崇。花瓣丛丛,花香阵阵,蝴蝶翩跹,一嗅芬芳,采撷花蜜。The elegant peonies is advocated by painters. The pedals block and the the flavor attempt the marvelous butterflies to smell the flavor and harvest the honey.


野百合也有春天。翠绿的叶子彰显着大侠情结,为花苞提供丰沛的营养。层林尽染在染色中体现得淋漓尽致。统染是将整体结构完整上色。分染则是突出了明暗关系,鲜艳的色彩和背景色彩的搭配突出了画的立体风格,Lilies possess their own spring . The green leaves release the heroic quality providing the sufficient nutrients for the buds and the following blooming flowers. The layers of dying are represented in the painting. The original structure is painted and then the outstanding parts are brilliant colors and the background part are presented dark colors, which displays the three-dimensional style.

2 国画之工笔画篇_第3张图片

竹之高雅清新可以追溯到远古时期。与此同时,娇翠欲滴寓意着生机盎然。我们通常借助竹子赞美文人墨客。Bamboos’ characteristics is praised by the artists dating back to the distant ancient times owing to their unique characters which mean elegance and freshness.Meanwhile green resembles prosperity.When we describe the literary poets and calligraphers we generally use the bamboos to honor them.

2 国画之工笔画篇_第4张图片

莲花素以出淤泥而不染而著称。硕大的荷叶浮于水面,仿佛铺就一层毯子。小荷才露尖尖角,随风舞动风姿绰约。仿佛听取蛙声一片。Lotuses are known for their style that stand out from the mud but still pure. The enormous leaves float above the surface of water forming a greenish blanket. The fantastic lotuses stand out straight waving and dancing to the breeze.We listen attentively to the the chorus of the loads of frogs .



偶然与工笔画结缘源自于无意间看到两年前高中同学发的微信,免费学习工笔画,传承国画经典。作为一个门外汉我一直羡慕那些能画板报的人。这个契机可以实现我的夙愿。至今记忆深处还牢记最初握笔画圆时手腕酸涩。执着坚持绘画小有收获。尽管每幅作品瑕疵不断。但是我坚信瑕不掩瑜。Accidentally I was inspired by the blog my previous high classmate to tutor conventional painting to inherit classic.Being a new starter I have been envy the persons who can design the poster.It provides an opportunity for me to achieve my longtime dream in my inner heart .Nowadays I still impress the original moment to hold the brush to circle repeatedly .Consequently my wrist is extremely exhausted.As the time flies persistence enhances my skill and have harvested slightly in spite of the faults in per works.What I believe is that fault can’t cover jade.

2 国画之工笔画篇_第5张图片

接下来创造的是鱼。寓意富富有余,吉祥如意,精致的笔画要求耐心和精细。起笔前深呼吸,然后一气呵成。倘若中涂搁笔需把笔轻提。创作过程其乐融融,我也乐此不疲沉溺其中。The following step is advancing to the fish whose significance marks wealth and good fortune. The delicate lines require patience and entirety.Before you begin,you breathe deeply in order to produce the perfect nature. If you pause on the halfway, you demand to raise the brush and then continue.The procedures of creation is a pleasure to appreciate the leisure time. I am devoted to it willingly.

2 国画之工笔画篇_第6张图片

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