







But you, like myself, have had a terrible tragedy in your life. The one of an entirely opposite character to mine.

Do you want to learn what it was? It was this. In you Hate was always stronger than Love.

Your hatred of your father entirely outstripped and overshadowed your love of me. Love is fed by the imagination, by which we can understand others in their real as in their ideal relations. Only what is fine can feed Love. But anything will feed Hate. There was not a glass of champagne you drank, not a rich dish you ate, that did not feed your Hate and make it fat. To gratify it, you gambled with my life, as you gambled with my money, carelessly, recklessly, indifferent to the consequences. When your father first began to attack me it was in a private letter to you. With obscene threats and coarse violences, I saw at once that a terrible danger was looming on the horizon of my troubled days.



You sent a foolish and vulgar telegram as your answer. It was a telegram of which the commonest street-boy would have been ashamed.

From pert telegrams to priggish lawyer's letters was a natural progress and the result of your lawyer's letters to your father was, of course, to urge him on still further.

You left him no option but to go on. You forced it on him as a point of honour, or of dishonour rather.

So the next time he attacks me in public. He goes from restaurant to restaurant looking for me, in order to insult me before the whole world. Then surely was the time when you should have come forward, and said that you would not expose me to such hideous attacks.

But hate blinded you. You scented the chance of a public scandal and flew to it. You hounded him on in the chase still more. Family instincts were strong in him. His hatred of you was just as persistent as your hatred of him, and I was the stalking-horse for both of you.


从不加思考的电报到趾高气扬的律师信,是一个自然的演进过程。而你那些发给你父亲的律师信的结果,当然,是刺激得他愈发变本加厉。你逼得他没有选择,只能一往直前。你迫使他把这件事,看成了是名誉与耻辱的分界点。因此他下一次对我的攻击,就选在了公共场合。他一家挨一家餐馆地找我,想要在大庭广众之下羞辱我。那时,无疑是你应该出面,说你绝不会让我暴露在如此恶毒攻击之下的时候 。但你被仇恨蒙住了双眼。你嗅到了闹出公众大丑闻的机会,立刻抓住不放。对他更是穷追不舍。他身上的家族本能十分强烈。他对你的仇恨,就如同你对他的仇恨一样,顽不可化,而我,则成了你们两人相互攻击的靶子。


You see that I have to write your life to you, and you have to realise it. The supreme vice is shallowness. Whatever is realised is right. I have now got as far as the House of Detention, have I not? After a night passed in the Police Cells I'm sent there in the van. You were most attentive and kind. Almost every afternoon till you go abroad, you took the trouble to drive up to Holloway to see me. You also wrote very sweet and nice letters. But that it was not your father but you who had put me into prison, never for one instant dawned on you. You had the sympathy and sentimentality of the spectator of a rather pathetic play. That you were the true author of the hideous tragedy did not occur to you. I remember your producing with absolute pride a letter you'd published in one of the half penny newspapers about me. It was a very commonplace production. You appealed to the " English sense of fair play, " or something dreary of that kind, on behalf of " a man who was down."












