Backup Exec
是一款主要用于Windows平台的数据保护产品,但是它也包含了用于Linux或Unix的代理程序。要清楚你所使用的Backup Exec支持哪些Linux或Unix系统,请访问技术支持网站上的软件兼容性列表,以现在用户数量最多的BE10d为例,它的兼容性列表网址是:
Remote Agent for Linux and UNIX Servers (RALUS) Compatibility // 即RALUS,新的代理程序,收费,性能较高。
Legacy Linux/UNIX/Mac Compatibility // 传统的代理程序,免费,性能较低,以后会被RALUS取代。
查过兼容性列表之后,如果你所使用的操作系统包括在兼容性列表之中,就可以考虑采用Backup Exec来保护你的系统。如果兼容性列表中没有列出你所使用的系统,则可能存在兼容性问题,建议先进行测试,确认可以使用再购买。
下面将介绍RALUS的安装(Legacy Agent现在很少有人使用,就不介绍了)
下面假定你的Media Server(安装有Backup Exec的备份服务器)己经安装好,并且安装了RALUS选件。
下载的安装包是压缩的,需要先解包,光盘中的安装程序不是压缩的,可以直接安装。下面是我的安装记录(用的是BE11d RALUS安装程序),中间加了一些解释(红色部分)。
[root@redhatas3 /]# mount /mnt/cdrom
[root@redhatas3 /]# cd /mnt/cdrom
[root@redhatas3 cdrom]# ./installralus // 执行安装脚本
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install RALUS: (redhatas3) // 输入目标主机名称
Checking system communication:
Checking OS version on redhatas3 ........................ Linux 2.4.21-32.EL
Checking system support for redhatas3 ... Linux 2.4.21-32.EL supported by RALUS
Initial system check completed successfully.
Press [Return] to continue:
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
installralus will install the following RALUS packages on Linux target system: redhatas3
VRTSvxmsa VERITAS - VxMS Mapping Service, Application Libraries. // 两个安装包需要安装
VRTSralus VERITAS Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers
Press [Return] to continue:
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
Checking system installation requirements:
Checking RALUS installation requirements on Linux target systems: redhatas3
Checking RALUS installation requirements on redhatas3:
Checking file system space ................... required space is available
Installation requirements checks completed successfully.
Press [Return] to continue:
Checking for Port 10000 ............................................. Done // RALUS服务监视在TCP 10000端口,确保没有其它应用使用该端口。
Remote Agent Media Server Configuration
To display the Remote Agent as a selection in a media server's backup selection tree, and to be able to specify a local network for use between the Remote Agent and a media server, enter the names or IP addresses of the media servers that you want the Remote Agent to communicate with.
Enter a directory host:mybeserver // 输入备份服务器的名称,RALUS会定期向备份服务器通告自己的存在,收到通知后备份服务器会在备份选择窗口中显示该Linux/Unix主机。
Do you want to add another name or address for this agent? [y, n] (n)
Remote Agent Media Server Configuration
Hostnames and/or IP addresses verification:
Address: mybeserver
Is this information correct? [y, n] (y)
Remote Agent User Group Setup
To perform backups, you must have a 'beoper' user group. This user group can be created only if you are not using NIS server. Your system will be scanned to detect a NIS server, group and membership.
Press [Return] to continue:
Checking if system uses NIS server: .................................. No
The installer will now check your system for the 'beoper' user group and root membership.
Press [Return] to continue:
Checking for 'beoper' user group: .............................. Not Found
Checking for 'root' user membership in 'beoper' user group: .... Not Found
You can create 'beoper' user group manually or you can choose to have it created automatically.
Do you want installer to create 'beoper' user group? [y, n] (y)
Do you want to use specific group ID when creating 'beoper' user group? [y, n] (n)
Creating group 'beoper': ............................................ Done // 如果系统不采用NIS管理用户,安装向导会在本地组中添加beoper组,属于beoper组中的用户可以用于备份该主机上的资源,在备份服务器连接该主机时使用。
Do you want to add the 'root' user to 'beoper' user group? [y, n] (y)
Adding 'root' user to 'beoper' user group: ......................... Done // 如果将root用户加入beoper组,则可以在备份服务器使用root用户连接到该主机,可备份或恢复根下的所有文件和目录。
Press [Return] to continue:
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
will upgrade from Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers.
Checking VRTSvxmsa package ................................. not installed
Checking VRTSralus package ................................. not installed
Press [Return] to continue:
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
Base pre Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers. uninstall failed!
Installing VRTSvxmsa 4.4 on redhatas3 .................... done 1 of 2 steps
Installing VRTSralus 11.00.6235 on redhatas3 ............. done 2 of 2 steps
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers. installation completed successfully.
Press [Return] to continue: // 创建启动脚本,并在rc2.d,rc3.d和rc5.d中创建软链接,以便在系统启动时自动启动RALUS服务。
Copying new initialization scripts .................................. Done
Creating RALUS linkedname in rc2.d .................................. Done
Creating RALUS linkedname in rc3.d .................................. Done
Creating RALUS linkedname in rc5.d .................................. Done
Updating RALUS files for beoper ..................................... Done
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
Configuring Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers.:
Creating configuration files ........................................ Done
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers. configured successfully.
Press [Return] to continue:
The response file is saved at:
The installralus log is saved at:
// 最后给出了安装日志的位置,可以通过查看这些日志了解安装完成情况。
Remote Agent for Linux and UNIX Servers (RALUS) Compatibility // 即RALUS,新的代理程序,收费,性能较高。
Legacy Linux/UNIX/Mac Compatibility // 传统的代理程序,免费,性能较低,以后会被RALUS取代。
查过兼容性列表之后,如果你所使用的操作系统包括在兼容性列表之中,就可以考虑采用Backup Exec来保护你的系统。如果兼容性列表中没有列出你所使用的系统,则可能存在兼容性问题,建议先进行测试,确认可以使用再购买。
下面将介绍RALUS的安装(Legacy Agent现在很少有人使用,就不介绍了)
下面假定你的Media Server(安装有Backup Exec的备份服务器)己经安装好,并且安装了RALUS选件。
下载的安装包是压缩的,需要先解包,光盘中的安装程序不是压缩的,可以直接安装。下面是我的安装记录(用的是BE11d RALUS安装程序),中间加了一些解释(红色部分)。
[root@redhatas3 /]# mount /mnt/cdrom
[root@redhatas3 /]# cd /mnt/cdrom
[root@redhatas3 cdrom]# ./installralus // 执行安装脚本
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install RALUS: (redhatas3) // 输入目标主机名称
Checking system communication:
Checking OS version on redhatas3 ........................ Linux 2.4.21-32.EL
Checking system support for redhatas3 ... Linux 2.4.21-32.EL supported by RALUS
Initial system check completed successfully.
Press [Return] to continue:
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
installralus will install the following RALUS packages on Linux target system: redhatas3
VRTSvxmsa VERITAS - VxMS Mapping Service, Application Libraries. // 两个安装包需要安装
VRTSralus VERITAS Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers
Press [Return] to continue:
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
Checking system installation requirements:
Checking RALUS installation requirements on Linux target systems: redhatas3
Checking RALUS installation requirements on redhatas3:
Checking file system space ................... required space is available
Installation requirements checks completed successfully.
Press [Return] to continue:
Checking for Port 10000 ............................................. Done // RALUS服务监视在TCP 10000端口,确保没有其它应用使用该端口。
Remote Agent Media Server Configuration
To display the Remote Agent as a selection in a media server's backup selection tree, and to be able to specify a local network for use between the Remote Agent and a media server, enter the names or IP addresses of the media servers that you want the Remote Agent to communicate with.
Enter a directory host:mybeserver // 输入备份服务器的名称,RALUS会定期向备份服务器通告自己的存在,收到通知后备份服务器会在备份选择窗口中显示该Linux/Unix主机。
Ralus vs Legacy Agent.jpg
(54.81 KB)
Ralus vs Legacy Agent
Ralus vs Legacy Agent
2007-3-15 22:16
Do you want to add another name or address for this agent? [y, n] (n)
Remote Agent Media Server Configuration
Hostnames and/or IP addresses verification:
Address: mybeserver
Is this information correct? [y, n] (y)
Remote Agent User Group Setup
To perform backups, you must have a 'beoper' user group. This user group can be created only if you are not using NIS server. Your system will be scanned to detect a NIS server, group and membership.
Press [Return] to continue:
Checking if system uses NIS server: .................................. No
The installer will now check your system for the 'beoper' user group and root membership.
Press [Return] to continue:
Checking for 'beoper' user group: .............................. Not Found
Checking for 'root' user membership in 'beoper' user group: .... Not Found
You can create 'beoper' user group manually or you can choose to have it created automatically.
Do you want installer to create 'beoper' user group? [y, n] (y)
Do you want to use specific group ID when creating 'beoper' user group? [y, n] (n)
Creating group 'beoper': ............................................ Done // 如果系统不采用NIS管理用户,安装向导会在本地组中添加beoper组,属于beoper组中的用户可以用于备份该主机上的资源,在备份服务器连接该主机时使用。
Do you want to add the 'root' user to 'beoper' user group? [y, n] (y)
Adding 'root' user to 'beoper' user group: ......................... Done // 如果将root用户加入beoper组,则可以在备份服务器使用root用户连接到该主机,可备份或恢复根下的所有文件和目录。
Press [Return] to continue:
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
will upgrade from Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers.
Checking VRTSvxmsa package ................................. not installed
Checking VRTSralus package ................................. not installed
Press [Return] to continue:
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
Base pre Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers. uninstall failed!
Installing VRTSvxmsa 4.4 on redhatas3 .................... done 1 of 2 steps
Installing VRTSralus 11.00.6235 on redhatas3 ............. done 2 of 2 steps
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers. installation completed successfully.
Press [Return] to continue: // 创建启动脚本,并在rc2.d,rc3.d和rc5.d中创建软链接,以便在系统启动时自动启动RALUS服务。
Copying new initialization scripts .................................. Done
Creating RALUS linkedname in rc2.d .................................. Done
Creating RALUS linkedname in rc3.d .................................. Done
Creating RALUS linkedname in rc5.d .................................. Done
Updating RALUS files for beoper ..................................... Done
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers 11.00.6235
Configuring Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers.:
Creating configuration files ........................................ Done
Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers Remote Agent for Linux/Unix Servers. configured successfully.
Press [Return] to continue:
The response file is saved at:
The installralus log is saved at:
// 最后给出了安装日志的位置,可以通过查看这些日志了解安装完成情况。