Workflow WF Reference Links for 2009-01-16

Workflow Reference Links:

1. 我们为什么需要工作流    

2.   The 2008 Business Process Management Software Landscape  

3.  Looking Ahead at Business Process Management, 2009  


WF Reference Links

1.   .NET Services Whitepapers

4 whitepapers on .NET Services: an intro, a workflow, service bus, and access control specific ones. Check them out here:

2.  Workflow Simulator - Project Home

The application serves as the runtime environment, allowing users to load and visualize the execution of workflows - demonstrating how the loaded workflows react to input from the scenario specific user interface.

3. IWebWF - Windows Workflow Foundation Hosting Framework

Windows Workflow Foundation Hosting Framework. Allows hosting of workflows that use web services.  

4.  Hands On - WF Rules In WCF

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) ships with a robust business rule engine that can be incorporated into workflows to assist in managing business processes. This same business rule processing can be used in various capacities with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to enrich its message processing capabilities. This hands on article will walk through using the rules engine to provide routing logic for a WCF message router.

5. Hands On - WF Rules In .Net Apps

Windows Workflow Foundation ships with a robust business rule engine that can be incorporated into workflows to assist in managing business processes. What some developers do not realize is that the rule engine can be used outside of workflows in any .NET application to provide robust rule processing against any .NET object. This hands-on article will walk through how developers can take advantage of using the rule engine in .NET applications through examples using WPF and ASP.NET.

6. Talks Tracking

the folks that bring you are doing a two part series on Workflow Tracking in 3.0/3.5.
