29、level2-unit2-part1 listening-Lisa's class schedule

This is Lisa's class schedule for today.这是丽莎今天的课程表。
She gets to school at 7:55.她在7:55到达学校。
Her first class starts at 8:00.她的第一节课8点开始。
It's her math class.这是她的数学课。
It lasts for 50 minutes.它持续50分钟。
It finishes at 8:50.  8点50分结束。
She has a ten-minute break from 8:50 until 9:00.她从8点50分到9点有10分钟的休息时间。

Her second class starts at 9:00.她的第二节课9点开始。
It finishes at 9:50.  9点50分结束。
Then she has another ten-minute break.然后她又有10分钟的休息时间。
Her third and fourth classes go until 11:50.她的第三和第四节课一直上到11:50。
She and her classmates have lunch at 12:00.她和她的同学在12点吃午饭。
They eat in the cafeteria.  /,kæfə'tɪrɪə/ 他们在食堂吃饭

After lunch she has her first afternoon class.午饭后,她有她的第一节下午课。
It starts at 1:00 and finishes at 1:50.它1点开始,1点50结束。
Today it's her science class.今天是她的科学课。
Her last class starts at 2:00 and finishes at 2:50.她最后一节课两点开始,2:50结束。
After school she walks to the subway.放学后,她步行去地铁。
She gets home around 3:45.她大约3点45分到家。

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