css 切入切出_HTML,CSS和我们消失的行业切入点

css 切入切出

Everyone is angry about CSS again. I’m not even going to try to summarize the arguments. However it always seems to boil down to the fact that CSS is simultaneously too easy to bother with, yet so hard it needs to be wrapped up in a ball of JavaScript in case it scares the horses. You can read a more sensible take from Chris Coyier in The Great Divide.

每个人都再次对CSS感到愤怒。 我什至不会尝试总结这些论点。 但是,它总是似乎归结为这样一个事实,即CSS太容易被打扰,但又是如此的困难,需要用JavaScript封装起来,以防万一。 您可以阅读《大分水岭》中克里斯·科耶尔的著作。

These arguments about tools, frameworks and technologies happen throughout the stack. I have watched them go round and round during the 20 years I’ve been working on the front and backend of the web. The de facto standard technology has limitations, we hit up against problems, we want to solve the problems. So often, we decide to solve the problems by throwing everything away. The old stuff is terrible, invented when we knew no better! We can do a far better job now, with all of our knowledge. Let’s reinvent that wheel!

这些有关工具,框架和技术的论点遍及整个堆栈。 在我研究Web的前端和后端的20年中,我已经看到它们不断旋转。 事实标准技术有局限性,我们要解决问题,我们要解决问题。 很多时候,我们决定通过扔掉所有东西来解决问题。 当我们再也知道不了的时候,旧的东西就糟透了! 现在,我们将用自己的全部知识做得更好。 让我们重新发明轮子!

We see it in the world of data storage, people will do anything to avoid a relational database, despite the fact that a relational database is very often what you actually need.

我们在数据存储领域看到了这一点,尽管关系数据库经常是您真正需要的 ,但人们还是会尽一切努力避免使用关系数据库。

We see it with a drive to static sites, conflating speed with the lack of a database, and ending up recreating the database in the filesystem or relying on a raft of third party services to plug the holes that would have been filled by a more traditional CMS.


In both of the above scenarios, there are situations where the RDBMS alternative is the right choice, the static site perfect for the type of content being published. These are good solutions for particular problems. However I’ve seen many situations where the desire to adopt the latest technology or technique leaves the project in a mess, and ultimately an expensive rebuild or refactor has to be made.

在上述两种情况下,都有RDBMS替代方案是正确选择的情况,静态站点非常适合要发布的内容类型。 这些是解决特定问题的好方法。 但是,我已经看到许多情况,采用最新技术的愿望使项目陷入混乱,最终必须进行昂贵的重建或重构。

This constant wheel reinvention is something we seem to be wired to do. We can be optimistic and hope that good things fall out of it, but so often what is left is a mess. Teams find themselves with projects that no-one has the skills to fix, due to them being based on a toolchain that only a few people understand how to use. Businesses are handed websites by external agencies, using a technology that quickly falls out of favour, and when they want an update the next contractor looks at it, and suggests a rebuild.

不断进行车轮重塑是我们似乎要做的事情。 我们可以保持乐观,并希望美好的事物会掉下来,但是通常剩下的就是一团糟。 团队发现自己的项目没有人能够修复,因为他们基于只有少数人知道如何使用的工具链。 外部机构将业务转交给网站,使用的技术很快就不受欢迎了,当他们想要更新时,下一个承包商会研究并提出重建建议。

However, when it comes to frameworks and approaches which build complexity around writing HTML and CSS, there is something deeper and more worrying than a company having to throw away a couple of years of work and rebuild because they can’t support a poorly chosen framework.


When we talk about HTML and CSS these discussions impact the entry point into this profession. Whether front or backend, many of us without a computer science background are here because of the ease of starting to write HTML and CSS. The magic of seeing our code do stuff on a real live webpage! We have already lost many of the entry points that we had. We don’t have the forums of parents teaching each other HTML and CSS, in order to make a family album. Those people now use Facebook, or perhaps run a blog on wordpress.com or SquareSpace with a standard template. We don’t have people customising their MySpace profile, or learning HTML via Neopets. We don’t have the people, usually women, entering the industry because they needed to learn HTML during that period when an organisation’s website was deemed part of the duties of the administrator.

当我们谈论HTML和CSS时,这些讨论会影响该专业的切入点。 无论是前端还是后端,我们中许多没有计算机科学背景的人都在这里,因为他们开始编写HTML和CSS很容易。 在真实的实时网页上看到我们的代码的神奇之处! 我们已经失去了许多进入点。 我们没有父母互相讲授HTML和CSS来制作家庭相册的论坛。 这些人现在使用Facebook,或者使用标准模板在wordpress.com或SquareSpace上运行博客。 我们没有人自定义MySpace个人资料,也没有人通过Neopets学习HTML。 我们没有人(通常是妇女)进入这个行业,因为在组织的网站被视为管理员职责的那段时期,他们需要学习HTML。

As this amazing thread highlights, the entry point more recently for non-traditionally educated people has been the bootcamps. They are typically teaching a framework-heavy style of development which gets students as quickly as possible up to speed with the technologies most likely to get them a job. However, I see from the questions I get from those who have been through that type of training, the basics are often glossed over at best. If those new recruits then head into an environment where those gaps are never filled, or worse one where HTML and CSS is devalued and rubbished, we do them a huge disservice. I can feel comfortable about the way we build the web changing because of my HTML and CSS skills; I know from past experience they allow me to hold the tools built on top of them lightly, to learn quickly and switch easily.

正如这个惊人的线索所强调的那样,对于非传统教育人士来说,最近的切入点就是训练营。 他们通常会教授重框架的开发风格,使学生尽快掌握最有可能找到工作的技术。 但是,从那些经历过此类培训的人那里得到的问题中,我看到,基础知识通常充其量只能充其量。 如果这些新手进入了一个从未填补过这些空白的环境,或者更糟糕的是HTML和CSS贬值和被淘汰的环境,我们会对他们造成极大的损害。 由于我HTML和CSS技能,我对构建网络更改的方式感到满意; 我从过去的经验中知道,它们使我可以轻松掌握构建在它们之上的工具,从而快速学习并轻松切换。

There is something remarkable about the fact that, with everything we have created in the past 20 years or so, I can still take a complete beginner and teach them to build a simple webpage with HTML and CSS, in a day. We don’t need to talk about tools or frameworks, learn how to make a pull request or drag vast amounts of code onto our computer via npm to make that start. We just need a text editor and a few hours. This is how we make things show up on a webpage.

关于事实,我们在过去20多年的时间里创造了一切,但我仍然可以作为一个完整的初学者,并教他们在一天之内用HTML和CSS来构建一个简单的网页,这一事实令人瞩目。 我们不需要谈论工具或框架,学习如何发出拉取请求或通过npm将大量代码拖到我们的计算机上就可以开始。 我们只需要一个文本编辑器和几个小时。 这就是我们使事物显示在网页上的方式

That’s the real entry point here and yes, in 2019 they are going to have to move on quickly to the tools and techniques that will make them employable, if that is their aim. However those tools output HTML and CSS in the end. It is the bedrock of everything that we do, which makes the devaluing of those with real deep skills in those areas so much more baffling.

这是这里的真正切入点,是的,如果这是他们的目标,那么在2019年,他们将不得不Swift转向使他们能够就业的工具和技术。 但是这些工具最终会输出HTML和CSS。 这是我们所做所有工作的基石,这使得那些在这些领域具有真正技能的人的贬值更加令人困惑。

If you have real-world knowledge of problems you have found when working with CSS, ideas as to how they might be solved, ways you have solved them using JavaScript, great! There are lots of us who work on CSS who want to hear your ideas. However if you start by telling me that you haven’t really bothered to learn CSS, before deciding how you are going to replace it; if you belittle me (or I see you doing that to other people) because I don’t know your framework of choice, I might be slightly less amenable to your suggestions. That said, what I will never do is help you build a world that someone like me would have never been able to enter.

如果您具有使用CSS时发现的现实问题知识,关于如何解决这些问题的想法,使用JavaScript解决问题的方式,那就太好了! 我们中有很多致力于CSS的人都想听听您的想法。 但是,如果您先告诉我在决定如何替换CSS之前并没有真正去学习CSS, 如果您因为我不知道您选择的框架而贬低了我(或者我看到您对其他人这样做),那么我可能不太会接受您的建议。 就是说,我永远不会做的是帮助您建立一个像我这样的人永远无法进入的世界。

I might be the “old guard” but if you think I’m incapable of learning React, or another framework, and am defending my way of working because of this, please get over yourself. However, 22 year old me would have looked at those things and run away. If we make it so that you have to understand programming to even start, then we take something open and enabling, and place it back in the hands of those who are already privileged. I have plenty of fight left in me to stand up against that.

我可能是“老手”,但如果您认为我无法学习React或其他框架,并且因此而在捍卫的工作方式 ,请克服自己。 但是,22岁的我会看着那些东西然后逃跑。 如果我们做到这一点,那么您甚至必须了解编程才能开始,那么我们将采取一些开放和启用的方式,并将其交还给那些已经享有特权的人。 我还有很多战斗要反对。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2019/01/30/html-css-and-our-vanishing-industry-entry-points/

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