typedef struct FCB
char filename[8]; // 文件名
char exname[3]; // 文件扩展名
unsigned char attribute; // 文件属性字段(目录or文件)
unsigned short time; // 创建时间
unsigned short date; // 创建日期
unsigned short first; // 起始盘块号
unsigned short length; // 文件长度
char free; // 表示目录项是否为空
} fcb;
typedef struct FAT
unsigned short id;
} fat;
当打开一个文件时,必须将文件的目录项中的所有内容全部复制到内存中,同时还要记录有关文件操作的动态信息,如读写指针的值等。在本实例中实现的是一个用于单用户单任务系统的文件系统,为简单起见,我们把用户文件描述符表和内存FCB表合在一起,称为用户打开文件表,表项数目为10,即一个用户最多可同时打开10个文件。然后用一个数组来描述,则数组下标即某个打开文件的描述符。另外,我们在用户打开文件表中还设置了一个字段“char dir[80]”,用来记录每个打开文件所在的目录名,以方便用户打开不同目录下具有相同文件名的不同文件。
typedef struct USEROPEN
char filename[8];
char exname[3];
unsigned char attribute;
unsigned short time;
unsigned short date;
unsigned short first;
unsigned short length;
char free;
int dirno; // 父目录文件起始盘块号
int diroff; // 该文件对应的 fcb 在父目录中的逻辑序号
char dir[MAXOPENFILE][80]; // 全路径信息
int count;
char fcbstate; // 是否修改 1是 0否
char topenfile; // 0: 空 openfile
} useropen;
typedef struct BLOCK {
char magic_number[8];
char information[200];
unsigned short root;
unsigned char* startblock;
} block0;
void my_format()
* 初始化前五个磁盘块
* 设定第六个磁盘块为根目录磁盘块
* 初始化 root 目录: 创建 . 和 .. 目录
* 写入 FILENAME 文件 (写入磁盘空间)
block0* boot = (block0*)myvhard;
strcpy(boot->magic_number, "10101010");
strcpy(boot->information, "fat file system");
boot->root = 5;
boot->startblock = myvhard + BLOCKSIZE * 5;
fat* fat1 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE);
fat* fat2 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE * 3);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
fat1[i].id = END;
fat2[i].id = END;
for (i = 6; i < 1000; i++) {
fat1[i].id = FREE;
fat2[i].id = FREE;
// 5th block is root
fcb* root = (fcb*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE * 5);
strcpy(root->filename, ".");
strcpy(root->exname, "di");
root->attribute = 0; // dir file
time_t rawTime = time(NULL);
struct tm* time = localtime(&rawTime);
// 5 6 5 bits
root->time = time->tm_hour * 2048 + time->tm_min * 32 + time->tm_sec / 2;
// 7 4 5 bits; year from 2000
root->date = (time->tm_year - 100) * 512 + (time->tm_mon + 1) * 32 + (time->tm_mday);
root->first = 5;
root->free = 1;
root->length = 2 * sizeof(fcb);
fcb* root2 = root + 1;
memcpy(root2, root, sizeof(fcb));
strcpy(root2->filename, "..");
for (i = 2; i < (int)(BLOCKSIZE / sizeof(fcb)); i++) {
strcpy(root2->filename, "");
root2->free = 0;
FILE* fp = fopen(FILENAME, "w");
fwrite(myvhard, SIZE, 1, fp);
void my_mkdir(char* dirname)
* 当前目录:当前打开目录项表示的目录
* 该目录:以下指创建的目录
* 父目录:指该目录的父目录
* 如:
* 我现在在 root 目录下, 输入命令 mkdir a/b/bb
* 表示 在 root 目录下的 a 目录下的 b 目录中创建 bb 目录
* 这时,父目录指 b,该目录指 bb,当前目录指 root
* 以下都用这个表达,简单情况下,当前目录和父目录是一个目录
* 来不及了,先讨论简单情况,即 mkdir bb
int i = 0;
char text[MAX_TEXT_SIZE];
char* fname = strtok(dirname, ".");
char* exname = strtok(NULL, ".");
if (exname != NULL) {
printf("you can not use extension\n");
// 读取父目录信息
openfilelist[currfd].count = 0;
int filelen = do_read(currfd, openfilelist[currfd].length, text);
fcb* fcbptr = (fcb*)text;
// 查找是否重名
for (i = 0; i < (int)(filelen / sizeof(fcb)); i++) {
if (strcmp(dirname, fcbptr[i].filename) == 0 && fcbptr->attribute == 0) {
printf("dir has existed\n");
// 申请一个打开目录表项
int fd = get_free_openfilelist();
if (fd == -1) {
printf("openfilelist is full\n");
// 申请一个磁盘块
unsigned short int block_num = get_free_block();
if (block_num == END) {
printf("blocks are full\n");
openfilelist[fd].topenfile = 0;
// 更新 fat 表
fat* fat1 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE);
fat* fat2 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE * 3);
fat1[block_num].id = END;
fat2[block_num].id = END;
// 在父目录中找一个空的 fcb,分配给该目录 ??未考虑父目录满的情况??
for (i = 0; i < (int)(filelen / sizeof(fcb)); i++) {
if (fcbptr[i].free == 0) {
openfilelist[currfd].count = i * sizeof(fcb);
openfilelist[currfd].fcbstate = 1;
// 初始化该 fcb
fcb* fcbtmp = (fcb*)malloc(sizeof(fcb));
fcbtmp->attribute = 0;
time_t rawtime = time(NULL);
struct tm* time = localtime(&rawtime);
fcbtmp->date = (time->tm_year - 100) * 512 + (time->tm_mon + 1) * 32 + (time->tm_mday);
fcbtmp->time = (time->tm_hour) * 2048 + (time->tm_min) * 32 + (time->tm_sec) / 2;
strcpy(fcbtmp->filename, dirname);
strcpy(fcbtmp->exname, "di");
fcbtmp->first = block_num;
fcbtmp->length = 2 * sizeof(fcb);
fcbtmp->free = 1;
do_write(currfd, (char*)fcbtmp, sizeof(fcb), 2);
// 设置打开文件表项
openfilelist[fd].attribute = 0;
openfilelist[fd].count = 0;
openfilelist[fd].date = fcbtmp->date;
openfilelist[fd].time = fcbtmp->time;
openfilelist[fd].dirno = openfilelist[currfd].first;
openfilelist[fd].diroff = i;
strcpy(openfilelist[fd].exname, "di");
strcpy(openfilelist[fd].filename, dirname);
openfilelist[fd].fcbstate = 0;
openfilelist[fd].first = fcbtmp->first;
openfilelist[fd].free = fcbtmp->free;
openfilelist[fd].length = fcbtmp->length;
openfilelist[fd].topenfile = 1;
strcat(strcat(strcpy(openfilelist[fd].dir, (char*)(openfilelist[currfd].dir)), dirname), "/");
// 设置 . 和 .. 目录
fcbtmp->attribute = 0;
fcbtmp->date = fcbtmp->date;
fcbtmp->time = fcbtmp->time;
strcpy(fcbtmp->filename, ".");
strcpy(fcbtmp->exname, "di");
fcbtmp->first = block_num;
fcbtmp->length = 2 * sizeof(fcb);
do_write(fd, (char*)fcbtmp, sizeof(fcb), 2);
fcb* fcbtmp2 = (fcb*)malloc(sizeof(fcb));
memcpy(fcbtmp2, fcbtmp, sizeof(fcb));
strcpy(fcbtmp2->filename, "..");
fcbtmp2->first = openfilelist[currfd].first;
fcbtmp2->length = openfilelist[currfd].length;
fcbtmp2->date = openfilelist[currfd].date;
fcbtmp2->time = openfilelist[currfd].time;
do_write(fd, (char*)fcbtmp2, sizeof(fcb), 2);
// 关闭该目录的打开文件表项,close 会修改父目录中对应该目录的 fcb 信息
* 这里注意,一个目录存在 2 个 fcb 信息,一个为该目录下的 . 目录文件,一个为父目录下的 fcb。
* 因此,这俩个fcb均需要修改,前一个 fcb 由各个函数自己完成,后一个 fcb 修改由 close 完成。
* 所以这里,需要打开文件表,再关闭文件表,实际上更新了后一个 fcb 信息。
// 修改父目录 fcb
fcbptr = (fcb*)text;
fcbptr->length = openfilelist[currfd].length;
openfilelist[currfd].count = 0;
do_write(currfd, (char*)fcbptr, sizeof(fcb), 2);
openfilelist[currfd].fcbstate = 1;
void my_cd(char* dirname)
int i = 0;
int tag = -1;
int fd;
if (openfilelist[currfd].attribute == 1) {
// if not a dir
printf("you are in a data file, you could use 'close' to exit this file\n");
char* buf = (char*)malloc(10000);
openfilelist[currfd].count = 0;
do_read(currfd, openfilelist[currfd].length, buf);
fcb* fcbptr = (fcb*)buf;
// 查找目标 fcb
for (i = 0; i < (int)(openfilelist[currfd].length / sizeof(fcb)); i++, fcbptr++) {
if (strcmp(fcbptr->filename, dirname) == 0 && fcbptr->attribute == 0) {
tag = 1;
if (tag != 1) {
printf("my_cd: no such dir\n");
} else {
// . 和 .. 检查
if (strcmp(fcbptr->filename, ".") == 0) {
} else if (strcmp(fcbptr->filename, "..") == 0) {
if (currfd == 0) {
// root
} else {
currfd = my_close(currfd);
} else {
// 其他目录
fd = get_free_openfilelist();
if (fd == -1) {
openfilelist[fd].attribute = fcbptr->attribute;
openfilelist[fd].count = 0;
openfilelist[fd].date = fcbptr->date;
openfilelist[fd].time = fcbptr->time;
strcpy(openfilelist[fd].filename, fcbptr->filename);
strcpy(openfilelist[fd].exname, fcbptr->exname);
openfilelist[fd].first = fcbptr->first;
openfilelist[fd].free = fcbptr->free;
openfilelist[fd].fcbstate = 0;
openfilelist[fd].length = fcbptr->length;
strcat(strcat(strcpy(openfilelist[fd].dir, (char*)(openfilelist[currfd].dir)), dirname), "/");
openfilelist[fd].topenfile = 1;
openfilelist[fd].dirno = openfilelist[currfd].first;
openfilelist[fd].diroff = i;
currfd = fd;
void my_rmdir(char* dirname)
int i, tag = 0;
char buf[MAX_TEXT_SIZE];
// 排除 . 和 .. 目录
if (strcmp(dirname, ".") == 0 || strcmp(dirname, "..") == 0) {
printf("can not remove . and .. special dir\n");
openfilelist[currfd].count = 0;
do_read(currfd, openfilelist[currfd].length, buf);
// 查找要删除的目录
fcb* fcbptr = (fcb*)buf;
for (i = 0; i < (int)(openfilelist[currfd].length / sizeof(fcb)); i++, fcbptr++) {
if (fcbptr->free == 0)
if (strcmp(fcbptr->filename, dirname) == 0 && fcbptr->attribute == 0) {
tag = 1;
if (tag != 1) {
printf("no such dir\n");
// 无法删除非空目录
if (fcbptr->length > 2 * sizeof(fcb)) {
printf("can not remove a non empty dir\n");
// 更新 fat 表
int block_num = fcbptr->first;
fat* fat1 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE);
int nxt_num = 0;
while (1) {
nxt_num = fat1[block_num].id;
fat1[block_num].id = FREE;
if (nxt_num != END) {
block_num = nxt_num;
} else {
fat1 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE);
fat* fat2 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE * 3);
memcpy(fat2, fat1, BLOCKSIZE * 2);
// 更新 fcb
fcbptr->date = 0;
fcbptr->time = 0;
fcbptr->exname[0] = '\0';
fcbptr->filename[0] = '\0';
fcbptr->first = 0;
fcbptr->free = 0;
fcbptr->length = 0;
openfilelist[currfd].count = i * sizeof(fcb);
do_write(currfd, (char*)fcbptr, sizeof(fcb), 2);
// 删除目录需要相应考虑可能删除 fcb,也就是修改父目录 length
// 这里需要注意:因为删除中间的 fcb,目录有效长度不变,即 length 不变
// 因此需要考虑特殊情况,即删除最后一个 fcb 时,极有可能之前的 fcb 都是空的,这是需要
// 循环删除 fcb (以下代码完成),可能需要回收 block 修改 fat 表等过程(do_write 完成)
int lognum = i;
if ((lognum + 1) * sizeof(fcb) == openfilelist[currfd].length) {
openfilelist[currfd].length -= sizeof(fcb);
fcbptr = (fcb *)buf + lognum;
while (fcbptr->free == 0) {
openfilelist[currfd].length -= sizeof(fcb);
// 更新父目录 fcb
fcbptr = (fcb*)buf;
fcbptr->length = openfilelist[currfd].length;
openfilelist[currfd].count = 0;
do_write(currfd, (char*)fcbptr, sizeof(fcb), 2);
openfilelist[currfd].fcbstate = 1;
void my_ls()
// 判断是否是目录
if (openfilelist[currfd].attribute == 1) {
printf("data file\n");
char buf[MAX_TEXT_SIZE];
int i;
// 读取当前目录文件信息(一个个fcb), 载入内存
openfilelist[currfd].count = 0;
do_read(currfd, openfilelist[currfd].length, buf);
// 遍历当前目录 fcb
fcb* fcbptr = (fcb*)buf;
for (i = 0; i < (int)(openfilelist[currfd].length / sizeof(fcb)); i++, fcbptr++) {
if (fcbptr->free == 1) {
if (fcbptr->attribute == 0) {
printf(" %-8s\t%d/%d/%d %d:%d\n" ,
(fcbptr->date >> 9) + 2000,
(fcbptr->date >> 5) & 0x000f,
(fcbptr->date) & 0x001f,
(fcbptr->time >> 11),
(fcbptr->time >> 5) & 0x003f);
} else {
printf("<---> %-8s\t%d/%d/%d %d:%d\t%d\n",
(fcbptr->date >> 9) + 2000,
(fcbptr->date >> 5) & 0x000f,
(fcbptr->date) & 0x001f,
(fcbptr->time >> 11),
(fcbptr->time >> 5) & 0x003f,
int my_create(char* filename)
// 非法判断
if (strcmp(filename, "") == 0) {
printf("please input filename\n");
return -1;
if (openfilelist[currfd].attribute == 1) {
printf("you are in data file now\n");
return -1;
openfilelist[currfd].count = 0;
char buf[MAX_TEXT_SIZE];
do_read(currfd, openfilelist[currfd].length, buf);
int i;
fcb* fcbptr = (fcb*)buf;
// 检查重名
for (i = 0; i < (int)(openfilelist[currfd].length / sizeof(fcb)); i++, fcbptr++) {
if (fcbptr->free == 0) {
if (strcmp(fcbptr->filename, filename) == 0 && fcbptr->attribute == 1) {
printf("the same filename error\n");
return -1;
// 申请空 fcb;
fcbptr = (fcb*)buf;
for (i = 0; i < (int)(openfilelist[currfd].length / sizeof(fcb)); i++, fcbptr++) {
if (fcbptr->free == 0)
// 申请磁盘块并更新 fat 表
int block_num = get_free_block();
if (block_num == -1) {
return -1;
fat* fat1 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE);
fat* fat2 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE * 3);
fat1[block_num].id = END;
memcpy(fat2, fat1, BLOCKSIZE * 2);
// 修改 fcb 信息
strcpy(fcbptr->filename, filename);
time_t rawtime = time(NULL);
struct tm* time = localtime(&rawtime);
fcbptr->date = (time->tm_year - 100) * 512 + (time->tm_mon + 1) * 32 + (time->tm_mday);
fcbptr->time = (time->tm_hour) * 2048 + (time->tm_min) * 32 + (time->tm_sec) / 2;
fcbptr->first = block_num;
fcbptr->free = 1;
fcbptr->attribute = 1;
fcbptr->length = 0;
openfilelist[currfd].count = i * sizeof(fcb);
do_write(currfd, (char*)fcbptr, sizeof(fcb), 2);
// 修改父目录 fcb
fcbptr = (fcb*)buf;
fcbptr->length = openfilelist[currfd].length;
openfilelist[currfd].count = 0;
do_write(currfd, (char*)fcbptr, sizeof(fcb), 2);
openfilelist[currfd].fcbstate = 1;
void my_rm(char* filename)
char buf[MAX_TEXT_SIZE];
openfilelist[currfd].count = 0;
do_read(currfd, openfilelist[currfd].length, buf);
int i, flag = 0;
fcb* fcbptr = (fcb*)buf;
// 查询
for (i = 0; i < (int)(openfilelist[currfd].length / sizeof(fcb)); i++, fcbptr++) {
if (strcmp(fcbptr->filename, filename) == 0 && fcbptr->attribute == 1) {
flag = 1;
if (flag != 1) {
printf("no such file\n");
// 更新 fat 表
int block_num = fcbptr->first;
fat* fat1 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE);
int nxt_num = 0;
while (1) {
nxt_num = fat1[block_num].id;
fat1[block_num].id = FREE;
if (nxt_num != END)
block_num = nxt_num;
fat1 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE);
fat* fat2 = (fat*)(myvhard + BLOCKSIZE * 3);
memcpy(fat2, fat1, BLOCKSIZE * 2);
// 清空 fcb
fcbptr->date = 0;
fcbptr->time = 0;
fcbptr->exname[0] = '\0';
fcbptr->filename[0] = '\0';
fcbptr->first = 0;
fcbptr->free = 0;
fcbptr->length = 0;
openfilelist[currfd].count = i * sizeof(fcb);
do_write(currfd, (char*)fcbptr, sizeof(fcb), 2);
int lognum = i;
if ((lognum + 1) * sizeof(fcb) == openfilelist[currfd].length) {
openfilelist[currfd].length -= sizeof(fcb);
fcbptr = (fcb *)buf + lognum;
while (fcbptr->free == 0) {
openfilelist[currfd].length -= sizeof(fcb);
// 修改父目录 . 目录文件的 fcb
fcbptr = (fcb*)buf;
fcbptr->length = openfilelist[currfd].length;
openfilelist[currfd].count = 0;
do_write(currfd, (char*)fcbptr, sizeof(fcb), 2);
openfilelist[currfd].fcbstate = 1;
int my_open(char* filename)
char buf[MAX_TEXT_SIZE];
openfilelist[currfd].count = 0;
do_read(currfd, openfilelist[currfd].length, buf);
int i, flag = 0;
fcb* fcbptr = (fcb*)buf;
// 重名检查
for (i = 0; i < (int)(openfilelist[currfd].length / sizeof(fcb)); i++, fcbptr++) {
if (strcmp(fcbptr->filename, filename) == 0 && fcbptr->attribute == 1) {
flag = 1;
if (flag != 1) {
printf("no such file\n");
return -1;
// 申请新的打开目录项并初始化该目录项
int fd = get_free_openfilelist();
if (fd == -1) {
printf("my_open: full openfilelist\n");
return -1;
openfilelist[fd].attribute = 1;
openfilelist[fd].count = 0;
openfilelist[fd].date = fcbptr->date;
openfilelist[fd].time = fcbptr->time;
openfilelist[fd].length = fcbptr->length;
openfilelist[fd].first = fcbptr->first;
openfilelist[fd].free = 1;
strcpy(openfilelist[fd].filename, fcbptr->filename);
strcat(strcpy(openfilelist[fd].dir, (char*)(openfilelist[currfd].dir)), filename);
openfilelist[fd].dirno = openfilelist[currfd].first;
openfilelist[fd].diroff = i;
openfilelist[fd].topenfile = 1;
openfilelist[fd].fcbstate = 0;
currfd = fd;
return 1;
int my_close(int fd)
if (fd > MAXOPENFILE || fd < 0) {
printf("my_close: fd error\n");
return -1;
int i;
char buf[MAX_TEXT_SIZE];
int father_fd = -1;
fcb* fcbptr;
for (i = 0; i < MAXOPENFILE; i++) {
if (openfilelist[i].first == openfilelist[fd].dirno) {
father_fd = i;
if (father_fd == -1) {
printf("my_close: no father dir\n");
return -1;
if (openfilelist[fd].fcbstate == 1) {
do_read(father_fd, openfilelist[father_fd].length, buf);
// update fcb
fcbptr = (fcb*)(buf + sizeof(fcb) * openfilelist[fd].diroff);
strcpy(fcbptr->exname, openfilelist[fd].exname);
strcpy(fcbptr->filename, openfilelist[fd].filename);
fcbptr->first = openfilelist[fd].first;
fcbptr->free = openfilelist[fd].free;
fcbptr->length = openfilelist[fd].length;
fcbptr->time = openfilelist[fd].time;
fcbptr->date = openfilelist[fd].date;
fcbptr->attribute = openfilelist[fd].attribute;
openfilelist[father_fd].count = openfilelist[fd].diroff * sizeof(fcb);
do_write(father_fd, (char*)fcbptr, sizeof(fcb), 2);
// 释放打开文件表
memset(&openfilelist[fd], 0, sizeof(useropen));
currfd = father_fd;
return father_fd;
int my_write(int fd)
if (fd < 0 || fd >= MAXOPENFILE) {
printf("my_write: no such file\n");
return -1;
int wstyle;
while (1) {
// 1: 截断写,清空全部内容,从头开始写
// 2. 覆盖写,从文件指针处开始写
// 3. 追加写,字面意思
printf("1:Truncation 2:Coverage 3:Addition\n");
scanf("%d", &wstyle);
if (wstyle > 3 || wstyle < 1) {
printf("input error\n");
} else {
char text[MAX_TEXT_SIZE] = "\0";
char texttmp[MAX_TEXT_SIZE] = "\0";
printf("please input data, line feed + $$ to end file\n");
while (gets(texttmp)) {
if (strcmp(texttmp, "$$") == 0) {
texttmp[strlen(texttmp)] = '\n';
strcat(text, texttmp);
text[strlen(text)] = '\0';
do_write(fd, text, strlen(text) + 1, wstyle);
openfilelist[fd].fcbstate = 1;
return 1;