Divorce papers: Brexit

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Divorce papers: Brexit

  • divorce paper 离婚协议书
  1. Today Theresa May plans to ask the British cabinet to approve a provisional withdrawal deal negotiated with European Union representatives in Brussels.
  • cabinet 政府内阁
  • provisional 临时的;暂时的;暂定的
  • withdrawal 撤回;取款;收回;撤走
  1. The final obstacle was a lengthy dispute over a “backstop” agreement to avoid a hard border in Ireland in all circumstances.
  • obstacle 障碍;障碍物;阻碍;绊脚石
  • lengthy 很长的;漫长的;冗长的
  • backstop 最后担保;捕手;挡网
  • circumstance 环境;境况
  1. This has been settled by proposing to keep the whole United Kingdom in a customs union with the EU until an alternative trading arrangement that avoids a border is agreed.
  • customs union 关税联盟;海关同盟
  1. Any such new arrangement would require both sides’ approval; Britain is unlikely to be allowed to exit the customs union unilaterally.
  • unilaterally adv. 单方面地
  1. EU leaders will now have to endorse the agreement, as will both the European and British parliaments.
  • endorse 赞同;认可;签署
  • British parliament 英国国会
  1. The last of these looks especially tricky, as many Tory MPs from both pro- and anti-Brexit wings of the party have been saying they plan to vote against Mrs May’s deal.
  • tricky 棘手的;复杂的
  1. Expect frenzied lobbying by Tory whips over the next few weeks.
  • frenzied 疯狂的;狂暴的
  • lobby 游说
  • whip 〈口〉击败
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