testlink python api的全部调用方法

('deleteTestPlan(, [devKey=])\n Delete a test plan and all related link to other items ', '\n')('getTestCaseCustomFieldExecutionValue(,,,,, [devKey=])\n Gets a Custom Field of a Test Case in Execution Scope. ', '\n')('createBuild(,,, [active=], [open=], [releasedate=], [copytestersfrombuild=], [devKey=])\n Creates a new build for a specific test plan \n \n active : 1 (default) = activ 0 = inactiv \n open : 1 (default) = open 0 = closed\n releasedate : YYYY-MM-DD\n copytestersfrombuild : valid buildid tester assignments will be copied.\n ', '\n')("getTestCaseCustomFieldDesignValue(,,,,, [devKey=])\n Gets value of a Custom Field with scope='design' for a given Test case\n \n details = changes output information\n null or 'value' => just value\n 'full' => a map with all custom field definition\n plus value and internal test case id\n 'simple' => value plus custom field name, label, and type (as code).\n \n attention - be careful with testcaseexternalid - it must include an '-'. \n otherwise TL (<=1.9.8) returns \n", '\n')('getTestCaseIDByName(, [testsuitename=], [testprojectname=], [testcasepathname=], [devKey=])\n getTestCaseIDByName : Find a test case by its name \n positional args: testcasename, \n optional args : testsuitename, testprojectname, testcasepathname\n \n testcasepathname : Full test case path name, \n starts with test project name , pieces separator -> :: \n \n server return can be a list or a dictionary \n - optional arg testprojectname seems to create a dictionary response \n \n this methods customize the generic behaviour and converts a dictionary \n response into a list, so methods return will be always a list ', '\n')('deleteTestProject(, [devKey=])\n Delete a test project and all related link to other items ', '\n')('uploadRequirementSpecificationAttachment(,, [title=], [description=], [filename=], [filetype=], [content=], [devKey=])\n Uploads an attachment for a Requirement Specification.\n \n reqspecid - The Requirement Specification ID\n \n mandatory non api args: attachmentfile\n - python file descriptor pointing to the file\n - or a valid file path\n \n default values for filename, filetype, content are determine from \n ATTACHMENTFILE, but user could overwrite it, if user want to store the\n attachment with a different name \n ', '\n')

('getTestSuitesForTestPlan(, [devKey=])\n List test suites within a test plan alphabetically\n        \n        returns an empty list, if no suite is assigned ', '\n')

("createTestCaseSteps(, , [testcaseexternalid=], [testcaseid=], [version=], [devKey=])\n creates new test steps or updates existing test steps \n        \n        action - possible values: 'create','update','push'\n            create: if step exist NOTHING WILL BE DONE\n            update: if step DOES NOT EXIST will be created else will be updated.\n            push: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET (TL 1.9.9)\n                  shift down all steps with step number >= step number provided\n                  and use provided data to create step number requested.\n        steps - each element is a hash with following keys\n            step_number,actions,expected_results,execution_type\n        args variations: testcaseid - testcaseexternalid\n        version - optional if not provided LAST ACTIVE version will be used\n                  if all versions are INACTIVE, then latest version will be used. \n        ", '\n')

("getTestCasesForTestSuite(, , , [getkeywords=], [devKey=])\n List test cases within a test suite alphabetically\n        \n        details - default is 'simple', \n                  use 'full' if you want to get summary,steps & expected_results\n                  or 'only_id', if you just need an ID list\n                  \n        deep - True/False - default is True\n              if True, return also test case of child suites\n              \n        getkeywords - True/False - default is False\n              if True AND details='full', dictionary includes for each test\n              case, which as assigned keywords, an additional key value pair \n              'keywords'\n        \n        returns an empty list, if no build is assigned ", '\n')

('getIssueTrackerSystem(, [devKey=])\n Get Issue Tracker System by name ', '\n')

('doesUserExist()\n Checks if user name exists \n        returns true if everything OK, otherwise error structure ', '\n')

('setTestCaseExecutionType(, , , , [devKey=])\n Update execution type for a test case version \n        \n        possible executiontype values\n        1 = TESTCASE_EXECUTION_TYPE_MANUAL, 2 = TESTCASE_EXECUTION_TYPE_AUTO ', '\n')

('getProjects([devKey=])\n Gets a list of all projects  \n        \n        returns an empty list, if no test project exist ', '\n')

('getTestCaseCustomFieldTestPlanDesignValue(, , , , , [devKey=])\n Gets a Custom Field of a Test Case in Test Plan Design Scope.  ', '\n')

('getRequirements(, [testplanid=], [platformid=], [devKey=])\n Get requirements.\n        \n        mandatory arg: testprojectid - identifies the test project \n        \n        optional args: testplanid, platformid\n        ', '\n')

('getTestSuitesForTestSuite(, [devKey=])\n get list of TestSuites which are DIRECT children of a given TestSuite\n        \n        returns an empty list, if no TestSuite is assigned ', '\n')

('getExecCountersByBuild(, [devKey=])\n Gets execution metrics information for a testplan ', '\n')

('updateTestCase(, [version=], [testcasename=], [summary=], [preconditions=], [steps=], [importance=], [executiontype=], [status=], [estimatedexecduration=], [user=], [devKey=])\n Update an existing test case\n        \n        steps    array - each element is a hash with following keys\n                  step_number,actions,expected_results,execution_type\n        user      login name used as updater - optional\n                  if not provided will be set to user that request update\n\n        Not all test case attributes will be able to be updated using this method\n ', '\n')

('getTestSuiteByID(, [devKey=])\n Return a TestSuite by ID ', '\n')

("removeTestCaseKeywords(, [devKey=])\n removes list of keywords from a set of test cases \n        \n        expects as arg a dictionary with \n          as a key and as value\n        \n        example:\n          {'TC-4711' : ['KeyWord02'], 'TC-4712' : ['KeyWord01', KeyWord03']}\n          \n          removes from test case 'TC-4711' the keyword 'KeyWord02'\n          removes from test case 'TC-4712' the keywords 'KeyWord01' + KeyWord03'\n        ", '\n')

('getUserByID(, [devKey=])\n  returns user data for account with USERID in users table, column ID\n        \n    * if everything ok returns an array on just one element with following user data\n    *\n    * firstName,lastName,emailAddress,locale,isActive,defaultTestprojectID,\n    * globalRoleID \n    * globalRole    array with role info\n    * tprojectRoles array  \n    * tplanRoles    array\n    * login \n    * dbID\n    * loginRegExp\n    *\n    * ATTENTION: userApiKey will be set to NULL, because is worst that access to user password\n    ', '\n')

("getTestCase(, [testcaseexternalid=], [version=], [devKey=])\n get test case specification using external or internal id\n        \n        attention - be careful with testcaseexternalid - it must include an '-'. \n        otherwise TL (<=1.9.8) returns \n        ", '\n')

('getTestSuite(, , [devKey=])\n Returns list with all test suites named TESTUITENAME defined for\n        test project using PREFIX ', '\n')

('getTestProjectByName(, [devKey=])\n Gets info about target test project ', '\n')

("addTestCaseKeywords(, [devKey=])\n adds list of keywords to a set of test cases \n        \n        expects as arg a dictionary with \n          as a key and as value\n        \n        example:\n          {'TC-4711' : ['KeyWord02'], 'TC-4712' : ['KeyWord01', KeyWord03']}\n          \n          adds to test case 'TC-4711' the keyword 'KeyWord02'\n          adds to test case 'TC-4712' the keywords 'KeyWord01' + KeyWord03'\n          ", '\n')

('getTestCaseKeywords([testcaseid=], [testcaseexternalid=], [devKey=])\n Gets a dictionary of keywords for a given Test case \n        \n        args variations: testcaseid - testcaseexternalid  (mandatoy!)\n        \n        returns an empty dictionary, if no keywords are defined ', '\n')

('getRequirementCustomFieldDesignValue(, , , [devKey=])\n Gets a Custom Field of a Requirement Specification in Design Scope. ', '\n')

('getTestSuiteCustomFieldDesignValue(, , , [devKey=])\n Gets a Custom Field of a Test Suite in Design Scope.', '\n')

('sayHello()\n Lets you see if the server is up and running ', '\n')

('setTestCaseTestSuite(, , [devKey=])\n move a test case to a different Test Suite \n        \n        mandatory arg: \n            testcaseexternalid - identifies the test case \n            testsuiteid        - identifies the test suite \n\n        ', '\n')

('createTestProject(, , [notes=], [active=], [public=], [options=], [itsname=], [itsenabled=], [devKey=])\n Create a test project  \n        \n        options : dictionary with keys\n                    requirementsEnabled, testPriorityEnabled, \n                    automationEnabled,inventoryEnabled\n                and values 0 (false) and 1 (true)    ', '\n')

("getLastExecutionResult(, , [testcaseexternalid=], [platformid=], [platformname=], [buildid=], [buildname=], [options=], [devKey=])\n Gets the result of LAST EXECUTION for a particular testcase on a test plan.\nIf there are no filter criteria regarding platform and build,\nresult will be get WITHOUT checking for a particular platform and build. \n\nfollowing optional arguments could only used with \nTL version >= 1.9.9 \n- platformid, platformname, buildid, buildname\n\nTL version >= 1.9.11\n- options : dictionary with key value pair\n                    'getBugs' : True / False \n", '\n')

('uploadTestCaseAttachment(, , [title=], [description=], [filename=], [filetype=], [content=], [devKey=])\n Uploads an attachment for a Test Case.\n        \n        testcaseid - Test Case INTERNAL ID\n        \n        mandatory non api args: attachmentfile\n        - python file descriptor pointing to the file\n        - or a valid file path\n        \n        default values for filename, filetype, content are determine from \n        ATTACHMENTFILE, but user could overwrite it, if user want to store the\n        attachment with a different name \n        ', '\n')

('removePlatformFromTestPlan(, , [devKey=])\n Removes a platform from a test plan ', '\n')

('createTestCase(, , , , , [steps=], [preconditions=], [importance=], [executiontype=], [order=], [internalid=], [checkduplicatedname=], [actiononduplicatedname=], [status=], [estimatedexecduration=], [devKey=])\n createTestCase: Create a test case\n        positional args: testcasename, testsuiteid, testprojectid, authorlogin,\n                        summary\n        optional args : steps, preconditions, importance, executiontype, order,\n                        internalid, checkduplicatedname, actiononduplicatedname,\n                        status, estimatedexecduration\n                        \n        argument \'steps\' will be set with values from .stepsList, \n        - when argsOptional does not include a \'steps\' item\n        - .stepsList can be filled before call via .initStep() and .appendStep()\n        \n        otherwise, optional arg \'steps\' must be defined as a list with \n        dictionaries , example\n            [{\'step_number\' : 1, \'actions\' : "action A" , \n                \'expected_results\' : "result A", \'execution_type\' : 0},\n                {\'step_number\' : 2, \'actions\' : "action B" , \n                \'expected_results\' : "result B", \'execution_type\' : 1},\n                {\'step_number\' : 3, \'actions\' : "action C" , \n                \'expected_results\' : "result C", \'execution_type\' : 0}]\n\n        ', '\n')

('getLatestBuildForTestPlan(, [devKey=])\n Gets the latest build by choosing the maximum build id for a specific test plan ', '\n')

('getTestCaseBugs(, [testcaseid=], [testcaseexternalid=], [buildid=], [buildname=], [platformid=], [platformname=], [devKey=])\n Returns all bugs linked to a particular testcase on a test plan.\n        If there are no filter criteria regarding platform and build, \n        result will be get WITHOUT checking for a particular platform and build.\n        \n        \n        testplanid      test plan id\n        \n        args variations: testcaseid - testcaseexternalid  (mandatory!)\n                        buildid - buildname\n                        platformid - platformname\n        test case information is general mandatory\n        ', '\n')

('uploadTestProjectAttachment(, , [title=], [description=], [filename=], [filetype=], [content=], [devKey=])\n Uploads an attachment for a Test Project.\n        \n        testprojectid - The Test Project ID\n        \n        mandatory non api args: attachmentfile\n        - python file descriptor pointing to the file\n        - or a valid file path\n        \n        default values for filename, filetype, content are determine from \n        ATTACHMENTFILE, but user could overwrite it, if user want to store the\n        attachment with a different name \n        ', '\n')

("getExecutionSet(, [testcaseid=], [testcaseexternalid=], [buildid=], [buildname=], [platformid=], [platformname=], [options=], [devKey=])\n Gets a set of EXECUTIONS for a particular testcase on a test plan.\n            If there are no filter criteria regarding platform and build, result\n            will be get WITHOUT checking for a particular platform and build.\n        \n        mandatory arg: testplanid - identifies the test plan \n        \n        mandatory args variations: testcaseid - testcaseexternalid\n        - test case information is general mandatory\n\n        optional args variations:  buildid - buildname\n                                  platformid - platformname\n        \n        options : dictionary with key 'getOrderDescending' and \n                                  values 0 (false = default) or 1 (true)  \n        ", '\n')

('addTestCaseToTestPlan(, , , , [platformid=], [executionorder=], [urgency=], [overwrite=], [devKey=])\n Add a test case version to a test plan ', '\n')

('repeat()\n Repeats a message back ', '\n')

('getReqCoverage(, , [devKey=])\n Get requirement coverage. \n            Retrieve the test cases associated to a requirement\n        \n        mandatory arg: \n            testprojectid    - identifies the test project \n            requirementdocid - identifies the requirement \n\n        ', '\n')

("assignRequirements(, , , [devKey=])\n Assign Requirements to a test case \n        It is possible to assign multiple requirements, belonging to different \n        requirement specifications. (the internal IDs must be known!)\n        \n        Argument REQUIREMENTS expects an array of dictionaries, example:\n        .assignRequirements('GPROAPI4-2', 6652, \n                          [{'req_spec' : 6729, 'requirements' : [6731]},\n                            {'req_spec' : 6733, 'requirements' : [6735, 6737]}])\n        This would assign to testcase 'GPROAPI4-2' (in testproject with id 6652)\n        a) requirement with ID 6731 of requirement spec 6729 AND\n        b) requirements with ID 6735 and 6737 of requirement spec 6733\n        ", '\n')

('getProjectPlatforms(, [devKey=])\n Gets a dictionary of platforms for a project  \n        \n        returns an empty dictionary, if no platform is assigned ', '\n')

('uploadAttachment(, , , [title=], [description=], [filename=], [filetype=], [content=], [devKey=])\n Uploads an attachment for an execution\n        \n        fkid    - The Attachment Foreign Key ID\n        fktable - The Attachment Foreign Key Table\n\n        mandatory non api args: attachmentfile\n        - python file descriptor pointing to the file\n        - or a valid file path\n        \n        default values for filename, filetype, content are determine from \n        ATTACHMENTFILE, but user could overwrite it, if user want to store the\n        attachment with a different name \n        ', '\n')

('getUserByLogin(, [devKey=])\n  returns user data for account with login name USER\n        \n        if everything ok returns an array on just one element with following user data\n    *\n    * firstName,lastName,emailAddress,locale,isActive,defaultTestprojectID,\n    * globalRoleID \n    * globalRole    array with role info\n    * tprojectRoles array  \n    * tplanRoles    array\n    * login \n    * dbID\n    * loginRegExp\n    *\n    * ATTENTION: userApiKey will be set to NULL, because is worst that access to user password ', '\n')

('getProjectKeywords(, [devKey=])\n Gets a dictionary of valid keywords for a project  \n        \n        returns an empty dictionary, if no keywords are defined ', '\n')

('getFirstLevelTestSuitesForTestProject(, [devKey=])\n get set of test suites AT TOP LEVEL of tree on a Test Project\n                            \n        returns an empty list, if no suite is assigned (api error 7008) \n        - details see comments for decoMakerApiCallReplaceTLResponseError ', '\n')

('getTestSuiteAttachments(, [devKey=])\n Gets attachments for specified test suite.\n        The attachment file content is Base64 encoded. To save the file to disk \n        in client, Base64 decode the content and write file in binary mode.  ', '\n')

('uploadRequirementAttachment(, , [title=], [description=], [filename=], [filetype=], [content=], [devKey=])\n Uploads an attachment for a Requirement.\n        \n        requirementid - The Requirement ID\n        \n        mandatory non api args: attachmentfile\n        - python file descriptor pointing to the file\n        - or a valid file path\n        \n        default values for filename, filetype, content are determine from \n        ATTACHMENTFILE, but user could overwrite it, if user want to store the\n        attachment with a different name \n        ', '\n')

('uploadTestSuiteAttachment(, , [title=], [description=], [filename=], [filetype=], [content=], [devKey=])\n Uploads an attachment for a Test Suite.\n        \n        testsuiteid - The Test Suite ID\n        \n        mandatory non api args: attachmentfile\n        - python file descriptor pointing to the file\n        - or a valid file path\n        \n        default values for filename, filetype, content are determine from \n        ATTACHMENTFILE, but user could overwrite it, if user want to store the\n        attachment with a different name \n        ', '\n')

('createPlatform(, , [notes=], [devKey=])\n Creates a platform for test project ', '\n')

('getReqSpecCustomFieldDesignValue(, , , [devKey=])\n Gets a Custom Field of a Requirement Specification in Design Scope. ', '\n')

('deleteExecution(, [devKey=])\n delete an execution \n        \n        Default TL server configuration does not allow deletion of exections\n        see Installation & Configuration Manual Version 1.9\n            chap. 5.8. Test execution settings \n            $tlCfg->exec_cfg->can_delete_execution ', '\n')

('addPlatformToTestPlan(, , [devKey=])\n Adds a platform to a test plan ', '\n')

("getTestCasesForTestPlan(, [buildid=], [platformid=], [testcaseid=], [keywordid=], [keywords=], [executed=], [assignedto=], [executestatus=], [executiontype=], [getstepinfo=], [details=], [devKey=])\n List test cases linked to a test plan\n        \n        details - default is 'full', \n                  'simple', 'details' ??\n                  \n        args variations:    keywordid - keywords \n        \n        returns an empty list, if no build is assigned ", '\n')

("updateTestCaseCustomFieldDesignValue(, , , , [devKey=])\n Update value of Custom Field with scope='design' for a given Test case\n        \n      customfields : dictionary with customfields names + values\n            VERY IMPORTANT: value must be formatted in the way it's written to db  ", '\n')

("updateTestSuiteCustomFieldDesignValue(, , , [devKey=])\n Update value of Custom Field with scope='design' for a given Test Suite\n\n        customfields  : dictionary with customfields names + values\n        VERY IMPORTANT: value must be formatted in the way it's written to db\n        ", '\n')

("unassignTestCaseExecutionTask(, , [buildid=], [buildname=], [platformid=], [platformname=], [user=], [action=], [devKey=])\n assigns a user to a test case execution task\n        \n        testplanid          test plan id\n        testcaseexternalid  format PREFIX-NUMBER\n        \n        args variations:    buildid - buildname \n                            platformid - platformname\n                            user (login name) - action ('unassignAll')\n        build information is general mandatory\n        platform information is required, when test plan has assigned platforms\n        if action=='unassignAll', user information is not needed\n        - otherwise, TL itself will set action to 'unassignOne' and expects a\n          valid user information (login name => tester)\n        \n        ", '\n')

('getTestPlanCustomFieldDesignValue(, , , [devKey=])\n Gets a Custom Field of a Test Plan in Design Scope. ', '\n')

('about()\n Gives basic information about the API ', '\n')

('createTestSuite(, , , [parentid=], [order=], [checkduplicatedname=], [actiononduplicatedname=], [devKey=])\n create a test suite ', '\n')

('getFullPath(, [devKey=])\n Gets full path from the given node till the top using nodes_hierarchy_table\n        \n        nodeid = can be just a single id or a list with ids \n                ATTENTION: id must be an integer. ', '\n')

('getTestPlanByName(, , [devKey=])\n Gets info about target test project ', '\n')

('deleteTestCaseSteps(, , [version=], [devKey=])\n deletes test cases steps\n        \n        steps - each element is a step_number\n        version - optional if not provided LAST ACTIVE version will be used\n        ', '\n')

('reportTCResult(, , , , , [testcaseexternalid=], [buildid=], [platformid=], [platformname=], [guess=], [bugid=], [customfields=], [overwrite=], [user=], [execduration=], [timestamp=], [steps=], [devKey=])\n Reports a result for a single test case\n\n        args variations: testcaseid - testcaseexternalid\n                        buildid - buildname\n                        platformid - platformname\n        \n        customfields : dictionary with customfields names + values\n            VERY IMPORTANT: value must be formatted in the way it\'s written to db\n        overwrite    : if present and true, then last execution for \n                      (testcase,testplan,build,platform) will be overwritten. \n        user : if present and user is a valid login (no other check will be done) \n              it will be used when writing execution.\n        execduration : Exec (min) as float (2.5 = 2min 30sec)\n        timestamp    : \'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm[:ss]\'#\n        steps        : [{\'step_number\' : 6, \'result\' : \'p\', \'notes" : \'a_note\'}, \n                        {\'step_number\' : 7, \'result\' : \'f\', \'notes" : \'blabla\'}] \n        ', '\n')

("updateBuildCustomFieldsValues(, , , , [devKey=])\n Update value of Custom Field with scope='design' for a given Build\n\n        customfields  : dictionary with customfields names + values\n        VERY IMPORTANT: value must be formatted in the way it's written to db\n        ", '\n')

('getTotalsForTestPlan(, [devKey=])\n Gets the summarized results grouped by platform. ', '\n')

('uploadExecutionAttachment(, , , , [filename=], [filetype=], [content=], [devKey=])\n Uploads an attachment for an execution\n        \n        executionid - execution ID\n        \n        mandatory non api args: attachmentfile\n        - python file descriptor pointing to the file\n        - or a valid file path\n        \n        default values for filename, filetype, content are determine from \n        ATTACHMENTFILE, but user could overwrite it, if user want to store the\n        attachment with a different name \n        ', '\n')

("createTestPlan(, [testprojectname=], [prefix=], [note=], [active=], [public=], [devKey=])\n create a test plan \n                \n            args variations: testprojectname - prefix\n                \n            supports also pre 1.9.14 arg definition, where 'testprojectname'\n            was mandatory ('prefix' comes as alternative with 1.9.14)\n            \n            examples:\n            - createTestPlan('aTPlanName', 'aTProjectName')\n            - createTestPlan('aTPlanName', testprojectname='aTProjectName')\n            - createTestPlan('aTPlanName', prefix='aTProjectPrefix')\n\n        ", '\n')

('getBuildsForTestPlan(, [devKey=])\n Gets a list of builds within a test plan \n        \n        returns an empty list, if no build is assigned ', '\n')

("getAllExecutionsResults(, [testcaseid=], [testcaseexternalid=], [platformid=], [buildid=], [options=], [devKey=])\n Gets ALL EXECUTIONS for a particular testcase on a test plan.\n            If there are no filter criteria regarding platform and build,\n            result will be get WITHOUT checking for a particular platform and build.\n        \n        mandatory arg: testplanid - identifies the test plan \n        \n        mandatory args variations: testcaseid - testcaseexternalid\n        - test case information is general mandatory\n\n        optional args:  buildid\n                        platformid\n        \n        options : dictionary with key 'getBugs' and \n                                  values 0 (false = default) or 1 (true)  \n        ", '\n')

('getTestPlanPlatforms(, [devKey=])\n Returns the list of platforms associated to a given test plan\n        \n        returns an empty list, if no platform is assigned (api error 3041) \n        - details see comments for decoMakerApiCallReplaceTLResponseError ', '\n')

('getTestCaseAttachments(, [testcaseexternalid=], [devKey=])\n Gets attachments for specified test case.\n        The attachment file content is Base64 encoded. To save the file to disk \n        in client, Base64 decode the content and write file in binary mode.  ', '\n')

('getProjectTestPlans(, [devKey=])\n Gets a list of test plans within a project  \n        \n        returns an empty list, if no testplan is assigned ', '\n')

('assignTestCaseExecutionTask(, , , [buildid=], [buildname=], [platformid=], [platformname=], [devKey=])\n assigns a user to a test case execution task\n        \n        user                login name => tester\n        testplanid          test plan id\n        testcaseexternalid  format PREFIX-NUMBER\n        \n        args variations:    buildid - buildname \n                            platformid - platformname\n        build information is general mandatory\n        platform information is required, when test plan has assigned platforms\n        ', '\n')

('checkDevKey()\n check if Developer Key exists \n        returns true if everything OK, otherwise error structure ', '\n')

('getTestCaseAssignedTester(, , [buildid=], [buildname=], [platformid=], [platformname=], [devKey=])\n Gets the result of LAST EXECUTION for a particular testcase on a \n        test plan.\n        \n        testplanid          test plan id\n        testcaseexternalid  format PREFIX-NUMBER\n        \n        args variations:    buildid - buildname \n                            platformid - platformname\n        build information is general mandatory\n        platform information is required, when test plan has assigned platforms\n        ', '\n')

('updateTestSuite(, [testprojectid=], [prefix=], [parentid=], [testsuitename=], [details=], [order=], [devKey=])\n update a test suite \n        \n        mandatory arg: testsuiteid - identifies the test suite to be change\n        \n        mandatory args variations: testprojectid or prefix \n        - test project information is general mandatory\n        \n        optional args:\n        - testsuitename - if defined, test suite name will be changed\n        - details      - if defined test suite details will be changed\n        - order        - if defined, order inside parent container is changed\n        ', '\n')

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