

Ode to Joy: 欢乐颂

Ode: 颂歌

Beethoven's Ode to Joy: 贝多芬的《欢乐颂》

Superbly popular: 特别受欢迎

superbly popular

Internet drama: 网络剧

internet drama

Woman empowerment: 女性自立自强

woman empowerment

Plot, story: 剧情

It's like Sex and the City, but without the sex: 就像欲望都市,但是没有那么多激情戏

Drinking Cosmos: 喝柯梦波丹鸡尾酒drinking cosmos

Ode to Joy is about five women from different social backgrounds and their struggles in life: 欢乐颂讲的是来自不同社会背景的五个美女在生活中的困扰

ode to joy is about five women from different social backgrounds and their struggles

Socioeconomic status: 社会经济状况

It's a realistic depiction of life in modern China: 是当今中国人生活真实的写照


Rich second generation kids: 富二代

rich second generation kids

rich second generation kids

Someone who comes from money: 家里很有钱

someone who comes from money

Someone born with a silver spoon in their mouth: 含着银汤匙出生的孩子,指家里很有钱

someone born with a silver spoon in thir mouth

Legacy: 美语指出生世家的孩子legacy legacy


Power woman: 女强人

power woman

High-flying/high-flyer: 企业高管

high   flying high-flyer

Elite: 精英



The other three women on the show come from humble backgrounds: 戏里其他三个女生出生背景平凡

the other three women on the show come from humble backgrouds

Humble: 谦虚的

But humble background means you didn't grow up with a lot of money : humble background的意思是小时候家境比较艰苦

Work your way up: 通过努力往上爬


A lot of people relate to how the five women in the show are trying to get ahead in life and in love: 很多人爱看这部戏,因为对五个女生在生活和爱情中的奋斗拼搏很有共鸣

A highly competitive social environment: 现在的社会环境竞争很激烈

Love is a battlefield: 爱情也像一个战场


There're a lot of women-themed TV shows and movies: 现在女性题材的电视、电影很多

They're very successful:  而且很成功

It's reflective of women's growing status and purchasing power: 这反应了女性日益提高的地位和购买力

Chick flick: 小妞电影

Rom-com (romantic comedy): 浪漫爱情喜剧

I highly recommend you watch these shows. They'll help you understand modern Chinese life and Chinese women : 我很推荐你看这些戏,它们能帮你更了解当代中国人的生活和中国女性



