Born a Crime-10、11

人以群分 (Birds of a feather flock together )

新入中学,Trevor依然面临困惑(predicament , in limbo , purgatory )。尽管种族隔离已不存在,但各色人种之间多年的隔阂依然横亘。物以类聚,人以群分。混血孩子嫌弃Trevor;白人同学常常出去嗨皮,Trevor没有钱,和他们玩不到一起;黑人同学住在黑人区,上下学同来同往,Trevor和他们也走不到一起;Trevor成了孤零零的outsider。

跑腿小哥 (Tuck-shop guy)

不过即便如此,Trevor也找到了自己存在的方式(I needed a way to fit in) 。凭借Trevor和妈妈之间“猫鼠大战”中练就的飞毛腿, 他一举成为学校的“跑腿小哥”。课间一散,闪电一般(run like a bat out of hell )冲向小卖部,帮同学们买东西。之前的无所适从,此时成了左右逢源。Since I belonged to no group I learned to move seamlessly between groups . I was a chameleon ,still ,a cultural chameleon . 尽管他不属于任何圈子,但是他娴熟游走在各个圈子。I could play sports with the jocks. I could talk computers with the nerds . I could jump in the circle and dance with the township kids .

作为一个被排斥的局外人,有人退缩做隐形人,有人却另辟蹊径。生活其实每次都给了我们选择,可是我们总是选择默默承受。As a outsider ,you can retreat into a shell ,be anonymous ,be invisible . Or you can go the other way . 也许别人不能接纳我们的全部,但是我们只要找到一个交集就好了。You don't ask to be accepted for everything you are , just the one part of youself that you're willing to share .




我依然感受 这世界的温度

读这本书有一种很特别的感受,一个沉重的主题(Apartheid),读得却很欢乐,笑过之后却又是一丝忧伤 ——— 就仿佛吃了一块陈皮糖,甜蜜的滋味中却总是隐隐有苦涩。读到 “I was everywhere with everybody , and at the same time I was all by myself.”  我是为他内心的孤单感到悲伤?还是为他找到自己拥抱世界的方式感到高兴?又或许都有,就是这种夹杂的情感,我对Trevor苦中作乐的范儿倍感钦佩。

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