
 1. The world we live only belongs to the emeny. We must live carefully. That's why things are, you cannot change the nature. But change is nature, even some part we can influence. So we must have brave heart, straight forword and say luck to ourselves.我们的世界属于敌人。所以我们必须小心翼翼的生活下去。这就是万物存在的道理,我们不能改变自然。这是小鼠的老爸说的话。小鼠的答话:自然的真谛就是改变。至少我们能够影响自然的一部分。所以我们能够勇往直前。总有我们可能控制的事情!

2.why you care? Because I am a cook.专注的做事情,不管你属于哪个行业。请热爱你的工作。

3. In many way, the work of critic is easy. we risk very little. we enjoy who offer up thier work and sell our judgement. We are rised in opposite critical and fun the readers. But after all long time, critics's risk is discover and defense the new. The world is not  very kind to the new: new creativation, new talent, new friends.评论家所冒险的风险极小,去评论大大小小的事情,只是为了讨取读者的欢心。但是评论家所冒的最大的风险就是能不能发现和保护新事物。这个世界总是不那么喜欢新的事物,不管是新的创造,新的天才,还是新的朋友。有没有勇气去接受新的事物,这不光是对评论家的考验,也是对我们每一个平常人的考验。

4. Not everyone can become great artist. But great artist can came from everywhere.不是每给人都能成为伟大的艺术家。但是什么地方都有可能出来伟大的艺术家。请留心身边的每一个人,或许某个人就是未来的伟大艺术家。


