
        Bluetooth进行FCC测试,需要先进入信令模式。Android4.0以下版本,在system/bin目录下没有hci_qcomm_init文件,在system/xbin目录下没有hcitool。进入测试模式之前,我们需要把这两个文件push到对应目录。然后进入adb shell,执行hcitool cmd。在4.0如果按照此步骤执行,执行完后能进入测试模式,测试完一项之后重启手机,查看bluetooth的状态一直是正在打开,最终打开失败。查看log,显示以下信息:

I/qcom-bluetooth(  434): /system/etc/ Transport :  
I/qcom-bluetooth(  435): /system/etc/ Power Class: Ignored. Default(1) used (1-CLASS1/2-CLASS2/3-CUSTOM) 
I/SystemServer(  290): UI Mode Manager Service
I/SystemServer(  290): Backup Service
I/qcom-bluetooth(  437): /system/etc/ Power Class: To override, Before turning BT ON; setprop <1 or 2 or 3> 
V/BackupManagerService(  290): Initializing package tracking
V/BackupManagerService(  290): No ancestral data
I/qcom-bluetooth(  438): /system/etc/ LE Power Class: Ignored. Default(2) used (1-CLASS1/2-CLASS2/3-CUSTOM) 
I/qcom-bluetooth(  439): /system/etc/ LE Power Class: To override, Before turning BT ON; setprop <1 or 2 or 3> 
E/qcom-bluetooth(  441): /system/etc/ Bluetooth QSoC firmware download failed: exit code 1 
E/bluedroid(  290): bt_enable: Timeout waiting for HCI device to come up, error- -1, 
E/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine(  290): failed to prepare bluetooth, abort turning on



adb shell
#hcitool cmd 0x06 0x0003
#hcitool cmd 0x03 0x0005 0x02 0x00 0x02
#hcitool cmd 0x03 0x001A 0x03
#hcitool cmd 0x03 0x0020 0x00
#hcitool cmd 0x03 0x0022 0x00

