一、 全IPcore的HLS console
二、 processInputChannel函数的HLSconsole
Starting C synthesis ...
D:/xilinx/SDx/2016.4/Vivado_HLS/bin/vivado_hls.bat E:/FPGAdocuments/ZynqNetProj/zynqNetHLS/FPGAtop/solution1/csynth.tcl
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Running 'D:/xilinx/SDx/2016.4/Vivado_HLS/bin/unwrapped/win64.o/vivado_hls.exe'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] For user 'Administrator' on host 'cn-20171201uvsa' (Windows NT_amd64 version 6.1) on Wed Dec 12 10:33:39 +0800 2018
INFO: [HLS 200-10] In directory 'E:/FPGAdocuments/ZynqNetProj/zynqNetHLS'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Opening project 'E:/FPGAdocuments/ZynqNetProj/zynqNetHLS/FPGAtop'.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/unittests.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/unittests.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/output_cache.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/output_cache.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/network.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/network.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/netconfig.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/netconfig.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/memory_controller.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/memory_controller.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/hls_stream.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/ap_utils.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/ap_shift_reg.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/etc/ap_private.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/etc/ap_int_sim.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/ap_int.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/etc/ap_fixed_sim.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/ap_fixed.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding test bench file '../_HLS_CODE/weights.bin' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding test bench file '../_HLS_CODE/indata.bin' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding test bench file '../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding test bench file '../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Opening solution 'E:/FPGAdocuments/ZynqNetProj/zynqNetHLS/FPGAtop/solution1'.
INFO: [SYN 201-201] Setting up clock 'default' with a period of 10ns.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Setting target device to 'xc7z035ffg676-2'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.cpp' ...
WARNING: [HLS 200-40] ../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.cpp:254:46: warning: format specifies type 'unsigned long' but the argument has type 'unsigned int' [-Wformat]
printf("CPU: Loading Input from File %s, %lu kBytes.\n", filename,
1 warning generated.
WARNING: [HLS 200-40]
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/memory_controller.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/netconfig.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/network.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/output_cache.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/unittests.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Validating synthesis directives ...
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Checking Pragmas Time (s): cpu = 00:00:32 ; elapsed = 00:06:41 . Memory (MB): peak = 96.879 ; gain = 47.004
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Linking Time (s): cpu = 00:00:32 ; elapsed = 00:08:44 . Memory (MB): peak = 96.879 ; gain = 47.004
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Starting code transformations ...
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'MemoryController::setup' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:52).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ImageCache::reset' into 'ImageCache::setLayerConfig' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:96).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ImageCache::setLayerConfig' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:62).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::setLayerConfig' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:63).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::precalcInputOffset' into 'WeightsCache::loadFromDRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:81).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::precalcInputOffset' into 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:100).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::precalcInputOffset' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:143).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'MemoryController::loadNextWeight' into 'WeightsCache::loadFromDRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:95).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::getAddrForSingleWeight' into 'WeightsCache::getOneWeight' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:182).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::getAddrForSingleWeight' into 'WeightsCache::getNineWeights' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:153).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::getAddrForSingleWeight' into 'WeightsCache::loadFromDRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:103).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::loadFromDRAM' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:70).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'MemoryController::loadNextChannel' into 'ImageCache::preloadPixelFromDRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:69).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ImageCache::preloadPixelFromDRAM' into 'ImageCache::preloadRowFromDRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:80).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ImageCache::preloadPixelFromDRAM' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:102).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ImageCache::preloadPixelFromDRAM' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:76).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ImageCache::preloadRowFromDRAM' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:74).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ImageCache::precalcYOffset' into 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixels' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:81).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ImageCache::getPixel' into 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixels' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixels' into 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::getNineWeights' into 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ProcessingElement::macc2d' into 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:63).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'OutputCache::setChannel' into 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:66).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'OutputCache::setChannel' into 'OutputCache::accumulateChannel' (../_HLS_CODE/output_cache.cpp:37).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'OutputCache::getChannel' into 'ProcessingElement::postprocess' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:128).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'OutputCache::getChannel' into 'OutputCache::accumulateChannel' (../_HLS_CODE/output_cache.cpp:35).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'OutputCache::accumulateChannel' into 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:68).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'MemoryController::setupPixelWriteback' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:137).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::getOneWeight' into 'ProcessingElement::postprocess' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:130).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ProcessingElement::postprocess' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:152).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'MemoryController::writeBackOutputChannel' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:155).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'GPoolCache::setChannel' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:161).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'GPoolCache::accumulateChannel' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:163).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'GPoolCache::getChannel' into 'MemoryController::writeBackResult' (../_HLS_CODE/memory_controller.cpp:111).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'MemoryController::writeBackResult' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:178).
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Standard Transforms Time (s): cpu = 00:01:53 ; elapsed = 00:11:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 2966.441 ; gain = 2916.566
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Checking synthesizability ...
INFO: [XFORM 203-602] Inlining function 'MemoryController::setLayerConfig' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:64) automatically.
INFO: [XFORM 203-602] Inlining function 'ProcessingElement::setLayerConfig' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:65) automatically.
INFO: [XFORM 203-602] Inlining function 'MemoryController::setPixelLoadRow' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:73) automatically.
INFO: [XFORM 203-602] Inlining function 'ImageCache::setNextChannel' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:70->../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:80->../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:74) automatically.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Checking Synthesizability Time (s): cpu = 00:02:09 ; elapsed = 00:11:25 . Memory (MB): peak = 3025.816 ; gain = 2975.941
INFO: [XFORM 203-502] Unrolling all sub-loops inside loop 'L_CH_OUT' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' for pipelining.
INFO: [XFORM 203-502] Unrolling all loops for pipelining in function 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:38:28).
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_CH_OUT' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' partially with a factor of 16.
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_getNineWeights' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:160) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_MACC_multiply' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:110) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_MACC_accumulate' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:115) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_PE_loadPixel_Y' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:79) in function 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset' completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_PE_loadPixel_X' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:83) in function 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset' completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'GPoolCache::GBRAM' in dimension 1 with a cyclic factor 16.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'pixel_buffer' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:40) in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'multresult' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:107) in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'weights_temp' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:157) in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'weights_local' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:58) in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'OutputCache::OBRAM' in dimension 1 with a cyclic factor 16.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.0' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.1' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.2' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.3' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.4' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.5' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.6' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.7' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.8' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.9' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.10' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.11' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.12' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.13' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.14' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.15' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.0.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.0.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.0.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.1.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.1.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.1.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.2.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.2.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.2.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.3.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.3.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.3.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.4.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.4.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.4.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.5.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.5.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.5.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.6.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.6.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.6.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.7.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.7.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.7.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.8.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.8.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.8.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.9.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.9.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.9.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.10.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.10.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.10.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.11.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.11.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.11.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.12.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.12.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.12.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.13.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.13.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.13.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.14.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.14.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.14.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.15.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.15.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.15.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-602] Inlining function 'MemoryController::setLayerConfig' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:64) automatically.
INFO: [XFORM 203-602] Inlining function 'ProcessingElement::setLayerConfig' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:65) automatically.
INFO: [XFORM 203-602] Inlining function 'MemoryController::setPixelLoadRow' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:73) automatically.
INFO: [XFORM 203-602] Inlining function 'ImageCache::setNextChannel' into 'fpga_top' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:70->../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:80->../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:74) automatically.
INFO: [XFORM 203-622] Instantiating function 'ProcessingElement::processInputChannel'(../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:35:1) to 'ProcessingElement::processInputChannel.0' at call site (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:122) by setting 'ci_in.V' to '.0'.
INFO: [XFORM 203-712] Applying dataflow to function 'ProcessingElement::processInputChannel.0' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:35:1), detected/extracted 2 process function(s):
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:91:56) to (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:105:7) in function 'fpga_top'... converting 4 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:147:52) to (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:159:9) in function 'fpga_top'... converting 4 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:135:67) to (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:147:12) in function 'fpga_top'... converting 3 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock from (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54:46) to (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:65:9) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout'... converting 13 basic blocks.
INFO: [XFORM 203-401] Performing if-conversion on hyperblock in function 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset108'... converting 19 basic blocks.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Pre-synthesis Time (s): cpu = 00:03:19 ; elapsed = 00:14:15 . Memory (MB): peak = 4396.457 ; gain = 4346.582
WARNING: [XFORM 203-542] Cannot flatten a loop nest 'L_LOADWEIGHTS_CI' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:78:49) in function 'fpga_top' :
WARNING: [XFORM 203-542] the outer loop is not a perfect loop.
WARNING: [XFORM 203-542] Cannot flatten a loop nest 'L_DRAM_PRELOADROW_X' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:78:68) in function 'fpga_top' :
WARNING: [XFORM 203-542] the outer loop is not a perfect loop because there is nontrivial logic before entering the inner loop.
WARNING: [XFORM 203-542] Cannot flatten a loop nest 'L_X' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:92:40) in function 'fpga_top' :
WARNING: [XFORM 203-542] more than one sub loop.
INFO: [XFORM 203-541] Flattening a loop nest 'L_Y' (../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp:81:39) in function 'fpga_top'.
WARNING: [XFORM 203-631] Renaming function 'ProcessingElement::processInputChannel.0' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:37:1) into processInputChannel..
WARNING: [XFORM 203-631] Renaming function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:51) into processAllCHout.
WARNING: [XFORM 203-631] Renaming function 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset108' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:38:1) into preloadPixelsAndPrec.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.10'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.11'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.12'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.5'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.6'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.7'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.14'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.13'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.15'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.3'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.2'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.4'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.1'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.0'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.9'.
WARNING: [ANALYSIS 214-52] Found false inter dependency for variable 'GBRAM.8'.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Architecture Synthesis Time (s): cpu = 00:04:07 ; elapsed = 00:16:17 . Memory (MB): peak = 4958.328 ; gain = 4908.453
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Starting hardware synthesis ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Synthesizing 'fpga_top' ...
WARNING: [SYN 201-103] Legalizing function name 'reg' to 'reg_float_s'.
WARNING: [SYN 201-103] Legalizing function name 'processInputChannel.' to 'processInputChannel_s'.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Implementing module 'reg_float_s'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Starting scheduling ...
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining function 'reg'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 1, Depth: 2.
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Finished scheduling.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 1280.23 seconds; current allocated memory: 528.616 MB.
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Starting micro-architecture generation ...
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Performing variable lifetime analysis.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Exploring resource sharing.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Binding ...
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Finished micro-architecture generation.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 3.39 seconds; current allocated memory: 528.618 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Implementing module 'preloadPixelsAndPrec'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Starting scheduling ...
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining function 'preloadPixelsAndPrec'.
WARNING: [SCHED 204-69] Unable to schedule 'load' operation ('ImageCache_IBRAM_lo_7', ../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:117->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98) on array 'ImageCache_IBRAM' due to limited memory ports.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 7, Final II: 9, Depth: 14.
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Finished scheduling.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 4.17 seconds; current allocated memory: 528.573 MB.
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Starting micro-architecture generation ...
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Performing variable lifetime analysis.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Exploring resource sharing.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Binding ...
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Finished micro-architecture generation.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 3.54 seconds; current allocated memory: 528.703 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Implementing module 'processAllCHout'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Starting scheduling ...
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining loop 'L_CH_OUT'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 1, Depth: 51.
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Finished scheduling.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 16.351 seconds; current allocated memory: 545.185 MB.
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Starting micro-architecture generation ...
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Performing variable lifetime analysis.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Exploring resource sharing.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Binding ...
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Finished micro-architecture generation.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 23.25 seconds; current allocated memory: 551.798 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Implementing module 'processInputChannel_s'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Starting scheduling ...
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Finished scheduling.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 24.21 seconds; current allocated memory: 551.389 MB.
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Starting micro-architecture generation ...
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Performing variable lifetime analysis.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Exploring resource sharing.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Binding ...
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Finished micro-architecture generation.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 6.13 seconds; current allocated memory: 551.382 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Implementing module 'fpga_top'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Starting scheduling ...
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining loop 'L_LOADWEIGHTS_CO'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 2, Final II: 2, Depth: 12.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining loop 'L_PRELOAD_PIXEL_FROM_DRAM'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 1, Depth: 11.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining loop 'L_PRELOAD_PIXEL_FROM_DRAM'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 1, Depth: 11.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining loop 'L_PRELOAD_PIXEL_FROM_DRAM'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 1, Depth: 11.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining loop 'L_POSTPROCESS'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 1, Depth: 17.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining loop 'L_writeBackResult'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 1, Depth: 9.
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6660) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6637) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6661) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6635) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6662) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6633) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6663) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6631) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6664) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6629) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6665) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6627) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6666) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6625) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6667) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6623) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6668) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6621) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6669) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6619) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6670) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6617) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6671) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6615) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6672) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6613) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6673) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6611) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6674) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6609) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6675) 'load' (29) to operation (ID:6639) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6704) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6609) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6705) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6611) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6706) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6613) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6707) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6615) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6708) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6617) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6709) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6619) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6710) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6621) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6711) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6623) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6712) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6625) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6713) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6627) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6714) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6629) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6715) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6631) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6716) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6633) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6717) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6635) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6718) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6637) 'store' (27).
WARNING: [SCHED 204-81] Due to pragma (../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp:33:1), dependence in pipeline region 'L_POSTPROCESS' need to be checked during RTL simulation, which is from operation (ID:6719) 'store' (34) to operation (ID:6639) 'store' (27).
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Finished scheduling.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 41.92 seconds; current allocated memory: 582.749 MB.
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Starting micro-architecture generation ...
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Performing variable lifetime analysis.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Exploring resource sharing.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Binding ...
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Finished micro-architecture generation.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 37.121 seconds; current allocated memory: 594.992 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Generating RTL for module 'reg_float_s'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Finished creating RTL model for 'reg_float_s'.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 36.68 seconds; current allocated memory: 595.097 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Generating RTL for module 'preloadPixelsAndPrec'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_mul_16s_2ns_16_3' to 'fpga_top_mul_16s_bkb' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_mul_10ns_10ns_19_3' to 'fpga_top_mul_10nscud' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_mul_10nscud': 1 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_mul_16s_bkb': 3 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Finished creating RTL model for 'preloadPixelsAndPrec'.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 2.75 seconds; current allocated memory: 596.029 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Generating RTL for module 'processAllCHout'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_fadd_32ns_32ns_32_4_full_dsp' to 'fpga_top_fadd_32ndEe' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_fmul_32ns_32ns_32_3_max_dsp' to 'fpga_top_fmul_32neOg' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_mux_32_32_1' to 'fpga_top_mux_32_3fYi' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_fadd_32ndEe': 160 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_fmul_32neOg': 144 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_mux_32_3fYi': 144 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Finished creating RTL model for 'processAllCHout'.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 11.68 seconds; current allocated memory: 620.074 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Generating RTL for module 'processInputChannel_s'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Finished creating RTL model for 'processInputChannel_s'.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 39.53 seconds; current allocated memory: 631.107 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Generating RTL for module 'fpga_top'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/memorybus' to 'm_axi'.
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_name' to 's_axilite & ap_memory'.
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_width_V' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_height_V' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_channels_in_V' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_channels_out_V' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_kernel_V' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_stride_V' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_pad' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_relu' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_is_first_split_layer' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_is_second_split_layer' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_global_pool' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_mem_addr_input_V' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_mem_addr_output_V' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/layer_mem_addr_weights_V' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/SHARED_DRAM' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/weights_offset' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/num_weights_V' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'fpga_top/input_offset' to 's_axilite & ap_none' (register).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on function 'fpga_top' to 's_axilite & ap_ctrl_hs' (register).
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'MemoryController_dr' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'MemoryController_dr' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'MemoryController_dr_1' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'MemoryController_dr_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'ImageCache_width_in' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'ImageCache_width_in' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'ImageCache_height_i' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'ImageCache_height_i' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'ImageCache_ch_in_V' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'ImageCache_ch_in_V' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'ImageCache_line_wid' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'ImageCache_line_wid' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'ImageCache_loads_le' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'ImageCache_loads_le' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'ImageCache_curr_img' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'ImageCache_curr_img_1' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'ImageCache_curr_img_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'WeightsCache_kernel' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'WeightsCache_kernel' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'WeightsCache_ch_in_s' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'WeightsCache_ch_out' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'WeightsCache_ch_out' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'WeightsCache_num_we' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'WeightsCache_write_s' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'MemoryController_la' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'MemoryController_la' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'MemoryController_la_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'MemoryController_la_4' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'MemoryController_la_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'pixels_per_row' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'MemoryController_ch' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'MemoryController_ch' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'MemoryController_wi' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'MemoryController_wi' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'MemoryController_is_1' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'MemoryController_is_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'MemoryController_is' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'MemoryController_is' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'ProcessingElement_k' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'ProcessingElement_r' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'ProcessingElement_r' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'MemoryController_la_5' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'MemoryController_la_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'ImageCache_IBRAM' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_ImageCache_IBRAM' to 'fpga_top_ImageCacg8j' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_hbi' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_ibs' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_jbC' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_kbM' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_lbW' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_mb6' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_ncg' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_ocq' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_pcA' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_qcK' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_rcU' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_sc4' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_tde' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_udo' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_vdy' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_wdI' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_xdS' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_yd2' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_zec' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_Aem' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_Bew' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_CeG' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_DeQ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_Ee0' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_Ffa' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_Gfk' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_0_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_Hfu' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_IfE' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_JfO' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_KfY' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_Lf8' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_Mgi' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_Ngs' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_OgC' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_PgM' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_QgW' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_Rg6' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_Shg' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_Thq' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_UhA' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_VhK' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_WhU' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_Xh4' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_Yie' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_Zio' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_0iy' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_1iI' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_2iS' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_3i2' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_4jc' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_5jm' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_6jw' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_7jG' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_1_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_1_8jQ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_9j0' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bak' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bbk' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bck' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bdk' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bek' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bfk' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bgk' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bhl' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bil' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bjl' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bkl' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bll' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bml' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bnm' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bom' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bpm' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bqm' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_brm' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bsm' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_btn' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bun' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bvn' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bwn' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bxn' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_byn' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_2_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_2_bzo' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bAo' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bBo' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bCo' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bDo' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bEo' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bFp' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bGp' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bHp' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bIp' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bJp' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bKp' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bLp' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bMq' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bNq' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bOq' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bPq' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bQq' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bRq' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bSr' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bTr' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bUr' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bVr' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bWr' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bXr' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bYs' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_bZs' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_3_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_3_b0s' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_b1s' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_b2s' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_b3s' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_b4t' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_b5t' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_b6t' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_b7t' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_b8t' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_b9t' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_cau' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_cbu' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_ccu' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_cdu' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_ceu' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_cfu' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_cgu' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_chv' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_civ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_cjv' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_ckv' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_clv' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_cmv' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_cnw' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_cow' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_cpw' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_cqw' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_4_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_4_crw' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_csw' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_ctx' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cux' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cvx' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cwx' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cxx' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cyx' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_czy' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cAy' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cBy' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cCy' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cDy' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cEy' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cFz' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cGz' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cHz' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cIz' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cJz' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cKz' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cLz' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cMA' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cNA' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cOA' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cPA' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cQA' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cRA' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_5_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_5_cSB' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_cTB' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_cUB' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_cVB' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_cWB' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_cXB' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_cYC' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_cZC' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_c0C' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_c1C' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_c2C' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_c3C' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_c4D' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_c5D' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_c6D' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_c7D' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_c8D' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_c9D' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_daE' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_dbE' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_dcE' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_ddE' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_deE' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_dfE' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_dgE' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_dhF' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_diF' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_6_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_6_djF' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dkF' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dlF' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dmF' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dnG' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_doG' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dpG' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dqG' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_drG' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dsG' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dtH' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_duH' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dvH' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dwH' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dxH' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dyH' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dzI' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dAI' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dBI' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dCI' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dDI' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dEI' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dFJ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dGJ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dHJ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dIJ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dJJ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_7_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_7_dKJ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dLJ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dMK' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dNK' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dOK' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dPK' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dQK' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dRK' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dSL' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dTL' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dUL' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dVL' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dWL' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dXL' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dYM' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_dZM' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_d0M' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_d1M' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_d2M' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_d3M' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_d4N' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_d5N' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_d6N' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_d7N' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_d8N' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_d9N' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_eaO' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_8_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_8_ebO' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_9' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_ecO' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_edO' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_eeO' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_efO' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_egO' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_ehP' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_eiP' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_ejP' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_ekP' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_elP' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_emP' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_enQ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_eoQ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_epQ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_eqQ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_erQ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_esQ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_etR' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_euR' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_evR' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_ewR' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_exR' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_eyR' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_ezS' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_eAS' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_eBS' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_9_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_9_eCS' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_10' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eDS' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eES' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eFT' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eGT' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eHT' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eIT' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eJT' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eKT' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eLT' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eMU' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eNU' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eOU' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10ePU' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eQU' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eRU' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eSV' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eTV' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eUV' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eVV' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eWV' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eXV' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eYW' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10eZW' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10e0W' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10e1W' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10e2W' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_10_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_10e3W' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_11' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11e4X' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11e5X' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11e6X' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11e7X' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11e8X' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11e9X' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11faY' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fbY' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fcY' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fdY' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11feY' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11ffY' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fgY' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fhZ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fiZ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fjZ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fkZ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11flZ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fmZ' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fn0' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fo0' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fp0' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fq0' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fr0' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fs0' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11ft1' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_11_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_11fu1' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_12' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fv1' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fw1' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fx1' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fy1' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fz2' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fA2' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fB2' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fC2' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fD2' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fE2' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fF3' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fG3' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fH3' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fI3' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fJ3' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fK3' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fL3' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fM4' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fN4' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fO4' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fP4' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fQ4' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fR4' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fS5' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fT5' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fU5' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_12_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_12fV5' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_13' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13fW5' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13fX5' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13fY6' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13fZ6' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13f06' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13f16' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13f26' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13f36' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13f47' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13f57' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13f67' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13f77' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13f87' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13f97' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13ga8' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13gb8' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13gc8' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13gd8' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13ge8' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13gf8' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13gg8' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13gh9' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13gi9' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13gj9' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13gk9' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13gl9' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_13_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_13gm9' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_14' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gnb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gob' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gpb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gqb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14grb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gsb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gtb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gub' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gvb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gwb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gxb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gyb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gzb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gAb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gBb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gCb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gDb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gEb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gFb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gGb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gHb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gIb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gJb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gKb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gLb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gMb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_14_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gNb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] RTL name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gNb' is changed to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_14gNb_x' due to conflict.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'OBRAM_15' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_0_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_0_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gOb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_1_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_1_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gPb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_2_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_2_0' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gQb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_0_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_0_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gRb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_1_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_1_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gSb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_2_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_2_1' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gTb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_0_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_0_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gUb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_1_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_1_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gVb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_2_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_2_2' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gWb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_0_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_0_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gXb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_1_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_1_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gYb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_2_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_2_3' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15gZb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_0_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_0_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15g0b' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_1_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_1_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15g1b' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_2_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_2_4' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15g2b' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_0_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_0_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15g3b' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_1_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_1_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15g4b' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_2_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_2_5' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15g5b' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_0_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_0_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15g6b' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_1_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_1_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15g7b' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_2_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_2_6' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15g8b' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_0_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_0_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15g9b' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_1_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_1_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15hab' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_2_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_2_7' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15hbb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_0_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_0_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15hcb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_1_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_1_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15hdb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'WBRAM_15_2_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15_2_8' to 'fpga_top_WBRAM_15heb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Register 'MemoryController_pi' is power-on initialization.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global scalar 'MemoryController_pi' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_0' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_1' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_2' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_3' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_4' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_5' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_6' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_7' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_8' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_9' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_10' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_11' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_12' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_13' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_14' will not be exposed as RTL port.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Global array 'GBRAM_15' will not be exposed as RTL port.
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Bundling port 'return', 'layer_name', 'layer_width_V', 'layer_height_V', 'layer_channels_in_V', 'layer_kernel_V', 'layer_stride_V', 'layer_pad', 'layer_relu', 'layer_is_first_split_layer', 'layer_is_second_split_layer', 'layer_global_pool', 'layer_mem_addr_input_V', 'layer_mem_addr_output_V', 'layer_mem_addr_weights_V', 'SHARED_DRAM', 'weights_offset', 'num_weights_V' and 'input_offset' to AXI-Lite port axilite.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] RTL name 'fpga_top_fadd_32ndEe' is changed to 'fpga_top_fadd_32ndEe_x' due to conflict.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_fcmp_32ns_32ns_1_1' to 'fpga_top_fcmp_32nhfb' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_mul_16ns_9ns_21_3' to 'fpga_top_mul_16nshgb' due to the length limit 20
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] RTL name 'fpga_top_mul_10nscud' is changed to 'fpga_top_mul_10nscud_x' due to conflict.
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_mul_9ns_9ns_18_3' to 'fpga_top_mul_9ns_hhb' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_mul_18ns_10ns_23_3' to 'fpga_top_mul_18nshib' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_mux_164_32_1' to 'fpga_top_mux_164_hjb' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'fpga_top_mux_4329_32_1' to 'fpga_top_mux_4329hkb' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_fadd_32ndEe': 2 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_fcmp_32nhfb': 1 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_mul_10nscud': 2 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_mul_16nshgb': 1 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_mul_18nshib': 1 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_mul_9ns_hhb': 1 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_mux_164_hjb': 3 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'fpga_top_mux_4329hkb': 1 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Finished creating RTL model for 'fpga_top'.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 85.05 seconds; current allocated memory: 680.183 MB.
INFO: [RTMG 210-282] Generating pipelined core: 'fpga_top_mul_16s_bkb_MulnS_0'
INFO: [RTMG 210-282] Generating pipelined core: 'fpga_top_mul_10nscud_MulnS_1'
INFO: [RTMG 210-285] Implementing FIFO 'fifo_w19_d2_A' using Shift Registers.
INFO: [RTMG 210-285] Implementing FIFO 'fifo_w32_d2_A' using Shift Registers.
INFO: [RTMG 210-285] Implementing FIFO 'fifo_w32_d2_A' using Shift Registers.
INFO: [RTMG 210-285] Implementing FIFO 'fifo_w32_d2_A' using Shift Registers.
INFO: [RTMG 210-285] Implementing FIFO 'fifo_w32_d2_A' using Shift Registers.
INFO: [RTMG 210-285] Implementing FIFO 'fifo_w32_d2_A' using Shift Registers.
INFO: [RTMG 210-285] Implementing FIFO 'fifo_w32_d2_A' using Shift Registers.
INFO: [RTMG 210-285] Implementing FIFO 'fifo_w32_d2_A' using Shift Registers.
INFO: [RTMG 210-285] Implementing FIFO 'fifo_w32_d2_A' using Shift Registers.
INFO: [RTMG 210-285] Implementing FIFO 'fifo_w32_d2_A' using Shift Registers.
INFO: [RTMG 210-282] Generating pipelined core: 'fpga_top_mul_16nshgb_MulnS_2'
INFO: [RTMG 210-282] Generating pipelined core: 'fpga_top_mul_9ns_hhb_MulnS_3'
INFO: [RTMG 210-282] Generating pipelined core: 'fpga_top_mul_18nshib_MulnS_4'
INFO: [RTMG 210-278] Implementing memory 'fpga_top_ImageCacg8j_ram' using block RAMs with power-on initialization.
INFO: [RTMG 210-278] Implementing memory 'fpga_top_OBRAM_0_ram' using block RAMs with power-on initialization.
INFO: [RTMG 210-278] Implementing memory 'fpga_top_WBRAM_0_hbi_ram' using block RAMs with power-on initialization.
INFO: [RTMG 210-278] Implementing memory 'fpga_top_GBRAM_0_ram' using block RAMs with power-on initialization.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished generating all RTL models Time (s): cpu = 00:09:23 ; elapsed = 00:28:26 . Memory (MB): peak = 5104.777 ; gain = 5054.902
INFO: [SYSC 207-301] Generating SystemC RTL for fpga_top.
INFO: [VHDL 208-304] Generating VHDL RTL for fpga_top.
INFO: [VLOG 209-307] Generating Verilog RTL for fpga_top.
INFO: [HLS 200-112] Total elapsed time: 1730.11 seconds; peak allocated memory: 680.183 MB.
Finished C synthesis.
Starting C synthesis ...
D:/xilinx/SDx/2016.4/Vivado_HLS/bin/vivado_hls.bat E:/FPGAdocuments/ZynqNetProj/zynqNetHLS/FPGAtop/solution1/csynth.tcl
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Running 'D:/xilinx/SDx/2016.4/Vivado_HLS/bin/unwrapped/win64.o/vivado_hls.exe'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] For user 'Administrator' on host 'cn-20171201uvsa' (Windows NT_amd64 version 6.1) on Wed Dec 12 14:04:14 +0800 2018
INFO: [HLS 200-10] In directory 'E:/FPGAdocuments/ZynqNetProj/zynqNetHLS'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Opening project 'E:/FPGAdocuments/ZynqNetProj/zynqNetHLS/FPGAtop'.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/unittests.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/unittests.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/output_cache.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/output_cache.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/network.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/network.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/netconfig.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/netconfig.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/memory_controller.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/memory_controller.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/hls_stream.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/ap_utils.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/ap_shift_reg.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/etc/ap_private.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/etc/ap_int_sim.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/ap_int.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/etc/ap_fixed_sim.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding design file '../_HLS_CODE/vivado_include/ap_fixed.h' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding test bench file '../_HLS_CODE/weights.bin' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding test bench file '../_HLS_CODE/indata.bin' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding test bench file '../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.hpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Adding test bench file '../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.cpp' to the project
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Opening solution 'E:/FPGAdocuments/ZynqNetProj/zynqNetHLS/FPGAtop/solution1'.
INFO: [SYN 201-201] Setting up clock 'default' with a period of 10ns.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Setting target device to 'xc7z035ffg676-2'
INFO: [SYN 201-201] Setting up clock 'default' with a period of 10ns.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.cpp' ...
WARNING: [HLS 200-40] ../_HLS_CODE/cpu_top.cpp:254:46: warning: format specifies type 'unsigned long' but the argument has type 'unsigned int' [-Wformat]
printf("CPU: Loading Input from File %s, %lu kBytes.\n", filename,
1 warning generated.
WARNING: [HLS 200-40]
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/fpga_top.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/gpool_cache.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/memory_controller.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/netconfig.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/network.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/output_cache.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/unittests.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Analyzing design file '../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp' ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Validating synthesis directives ...
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Checking Pragmas Time (s): cpu = 00:00:37 ; elapsed = 00:06:41 . Memory (MB): peak = 96.762 ; gain = 46.891
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Linking Time (s): cpu = 00:00:37 ; elapsed = 00:08:43 . Memory (MB): peak = 96.762 ; gain = 46.891
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Starting code transformations ...
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ImageCache::precalcYOffset' into 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixels' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:81).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ImageCache::getPixel' into 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixels' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixels' into 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::precalcInputOffset' into 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:100).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::getAddrForSingleWeight' into 'WeightsCache::getNineWeights' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:153).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'WeightsCache::getNineWeights' into 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'ProcessingElement::macc2d' into 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:63).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'OutputCache::setChannel' into 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:66).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'OutputCache::setChannel' into 'OutputCache::accumulateChannel' (../_HLS_CODE/output_cache.cpp:37).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'OutputCache::getChannel' into 'OutputCache::accumulateChannel' (../_HLS_CODE/output_cache.cpp:35).
INFO: [XFORM 203-603] Inlining function 'OutputCache::accumulateChannel' into 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:68).
WARNING: [XFORM 203-623] Cannot instantiate function 'ProcessingElement::processInputChannel'(../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:36:1) for 'ci_in' since none of the actual argument(s) of 'ci_in' are constant or global.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Standard Transforms Time (s): cpu = 00:01:57 ; elapsed = 00:11:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 2977.684 ; gain = 2927.813
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Checking synthesizability ...
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Checking Synthesizability Time (s): cpu = 00:02:12 ; elapsed = 00:11:25 . Memory (MB): peak = 2977.684 ; gain = 2927.813
INFO: [XFORM 203-502] Unrolling all sub-loops inside loop 'L_CH_OUT' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' for pipelining.
INFO: [XFORM 203-502] Unrolling all loops for pipelining in function 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:40:28).
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_CH_OUT' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:54) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' partially with a factor of 16.
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_getNineWeights' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:160) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_MACC_multiply' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:110) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_MACC_accumulate' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:115) in function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_PE_loadPixel_Y' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:79) in function 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset' completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-501] Unrolling loop 'L_PE_loadPixel_X' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:83) in function 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset' completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'pixel_buffer' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:40) in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'weights_local' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:58) in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'weights_temp' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:157) in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'multresult' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:107) in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'OutputCache::OBRAM' in dimension 1 with a cyclic factor 16.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.0' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.1' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.2' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.3' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.4' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.5' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.6' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.7' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.8' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.9' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.10' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.11' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.12' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.13' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.14' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.15' in dimension 1 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.0.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.0.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.0.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.1.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.1.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.1.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.2.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.2.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.2.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.3.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.3.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.3.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.4.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.4.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.4.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.5.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.5.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.5.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.6.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.6.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.6.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.7.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.7.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.7.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.8.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.8.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.8.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.9.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.9.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.9.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.10.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.10.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.10.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.11.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.11.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.11.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.12.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.12.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.12.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.13.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.13.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.13.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.14.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.14.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.14.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.15.0' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.15.1' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-101] Partitioning array 'WeightsCache::WBRAM.15.2' in dimension 2 completely.
INFO: [XFORM 203-712] Applying dataflow to function 'ProcessingElement::processInputChannel' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:35:1), detected/extracted 2 process function(s):
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Pre-synthesis Time (s): cpu = 00:02:45 ; elapsed = 00:12:57 . Memory (MB): peak = 4143.105 ; gain = 4093.234
WARNING: [XFORM 203-631] Renaming function 'ProcessingElement::processAllCHout' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:51) into processAllCHout.
WARNING: [XFORM 203-631] Renaming function 'ProcessingElement::preloadPixelsAndPrecalcCIoffset89' (../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:83:5) into preloadPixelsAndPrec.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished Architecture Synthesis Time (s): cpu = 00:02:57 ; elapsed = 00:13:20 . Memory (MB): peak = 4481.738 ; gain = 4431.867
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Starting hardware synthesis ...
INFO: [HLS 200-10] Synthesizing 'ProcessingElement::processInputChannel' ...
WARNING: [SYN 201-103] Top function name 'ProcessingElement::processInputChannel' is not a legal RTL name.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:110->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98): 'ImageCache_IBRAM' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:110->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98): 'ImageCache_IBRAM' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:110->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98): 'ImageCache_IBRAM' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:110->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98): 'ImageCache_IBRAM' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:110->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98): 'ImageCache_IBRAM' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:110->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98): 'ImageCache_IBRAM' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:110->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98): 'ImageCache_IBRAM' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:110->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98): 'ImageCache_IBRAM' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/image_cache.cpp:110->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:85->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:98): 'ImageCache_IBRAM' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-303] Cannot apply memory assignment of 'RAM_S2P_BRAM' (../_HLS_CODE/weights_cache.cpp:145->../_HLS_CODE/processing_element.cpp:61): 'WBRAM_0_0_0' does not exist or is optimized away.
WARNING: [SYN 201-103] Top function name 'ProcessingElement::processInputChannel' is not a legal RTL name and is changed to 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel'; this may result in automatic C/RTL co-simulation failure.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Implementing module 'preloadPixelsAndPrec'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Starting scheduling ...
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining function 'preloadPixelsAndPrec'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 7, Final II: 1, Depth: 1.
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Finished scheduling.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 853.652 seconds; current allocated memory: 146.763 MB.
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Starting micro-architecture generation ...
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Performing variable lifetime analysis.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Exploring resource sharing.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Binding ...
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Finished micro-architecture generation.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 6.053 seconds; current allocated memory: 146.850 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Implementing module 'processAllCHout'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Starting scheduling ...
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining loop 'L_CH_OUT'.
INFO: [SCHED 204-61] Pipelining result: Target II: 1, Final II: 1, Depth: 8.
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Finished scheduling.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 3.791 seconds; current allocated memory: 149.450 MB.
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Starting micro-architecture generation ...
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Performing variable lifetime analysis.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Exploring resource sharing.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Binding ...
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Finished micro-architecture generation.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 3.978 seconds; current allocated memory: 151.613 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Implementing module 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Starting scheduling ...
INFO: [SCHED 204-11] Finished scheduling.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 2.714 seconds; current allocated memory: 151.644 MB.
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Starting micro-architecture generation ...
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Performing variable lifetime analysis.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Exploring resource sharing.
INFO: [BIND 205-101] Binding ...
INFO: [BIND 205-100] Finished micro-architecture generation.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 2.902 seconds; current allocated memory: 151.703 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Generating RTL for module 'preloadPixelsAndPrec'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Finished creating RTL model for 'preloadPixelsAndPrec'.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 5.819 seconds; current allocated memory: 151.714 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Generating RTL for module 'processAllCHout'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_0' to 'processAllCHout_Obkb' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_1' to 'processAllCHout_Ocud' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_2' to 'processAllCHout_OdEe' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_3' to 'processAllCHout_OeOg' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_4' to 'processAllCHout_OfYi' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_5' to 'processAllCHout_Og8j' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_6' to 'processAllCHout_Ohbi' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_7' to 'processAllCHout_Oibs' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_8' to 'processAllCHout_OjbC' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_9' to 'processAllCHout_OkbM' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_10' to 'processAllCHout_OlbW' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_11' to 'processAllCHout_Omb6' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_12' to 'processAllCHout_Oncg' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_13' to 'processAllCHout_Oocq' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_14' to 'processAllCHout_OpcA' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'processAllCHout_OBRAM_15' to 'processAllCHout_OqcK' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel_fadd_32ns_32ns_32_4_full_dsp' to 'ProcessingElementrcU' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [SYN 201-210] Renamed object name 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel_fmul_32ns_32ns_32_3_max_dsp' to 'ProcessingElementsc4' due to the length limit 20
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'ProcessingElementrcU': 16 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Generating core module 'ProcessingElementsc4': 1 instance(s).
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Finished creating RTL model for 'processAllCHout'.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 3.198 seconds; current allocated memory: 153.746 MB.
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [HLS 200-10] -- Generating RTL for module 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel'
INFO: [HLS 200-10] ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel/y_V' to 'ap_none'.
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel/x_V' to 'ap_none'.
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel/ci_in_V' to 'ap_none'.
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on port 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel/ch_out_V' to 'ap_none'.
INFO: [RTGEN 206-500] Setting interface mode on function 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel' to 'ap_ctrl_hs'.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Port 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel/y_V' has no fanin or fanout and is left dangling.
Please use C simulation to confirm this function argument can be read from or written to.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Port 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel/x_V' has no fanin or fanout and is left dangling.
Please use C simulation to confirm this function argument can be read from or written to.
WARNING: [RTGEN 206-101] Setting dangling out port 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel/ap_done' to 0.
INFO: [RTGEN 206-100] Finished creating RTL model for 'ProcessingElement_processInputChannel'.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Elapsed time: 6.801 seconds; current allocated memory: 153.375 MB.
INFO: [RTMG 210-278] Implementing memory 'processAllCHout_Obkb_ram' using block RAMs with power-on initialization.
INFO: [HLS 200-111] Finished generating all RTL models Time (s): cpu = 00:03:17 ; elapsed = 00:15:07 . Memory (MB): peak = 4481.738 ; gain = 4431.867
INFO: [SYSC 207-301] Generating SystemC RTL for ProcessingElement::processInputChannel.
INFO: [VHDL 208-304] Generating VHDL RTL for ProcessingElement::processInputChannel.
INFO: [VLOG 209-307] Generating Verilog RTL for ProcessingElement::processInputChannel.
INFO: [HLS 200-112] Total elapsed time: 909.5 seconds; peak allocated memory: 153.746 MB.
Finished C synthesis.