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FieldName是字段名称,类型是你想要选择随机生成怎么样的数据,比如我想生成邮箱。除了基本的类型外,还提供其他类型比如 : 位置地址,涉及到金融类型的(比如信用卡)、IBAN等,只需要点击这个下面的文件夹图标进行选择:



#Formulas allow you to use Ruby code to generate data based on custom logic. For example:

times_reached_base / at_bats + slugging


+ - * / %

< > <= >= == != and or
Conditional Statements

if my_num % 2 == 0 then 'even' else 'odd' end

if score > 10 then "high" elsif score > 5 then "medium" else "low" end

base64(str) => encodes a string as base64

code("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP") => returns a value that is will not be wrapped in quotes in the downloaded file. Use this to inject code into your data.

concat(first_name, " ", last_name) => concatenates all arguments into a single string.

date('7/4/2015') => July 4, 2015. You can optionally pass a format string as a second argument. The default format is "%m/%d/%Y". See Ruby Date.strptime for more info on formats.

date_diff('days', my_date, date('2015-01-01')) => The numbers of days between my_date and Jan 1, 2015. 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', and 'seconds' are also supported.

day(my_date_field) => The day of my_date_field as an integer. Optionally specify true as a second argument to return the day as string in 2 digit format.

digest(str, 'MD5|HMAC|RMD160|SHA1|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512', 'hex|base64') => digest of str with specific algorithm and encoding

epoch(datetime) => Converts a datetime field to an epoch.

field("My Field Name") => gets the value of a field. Use this to access fields that start with an uppercase letter or contain non-alphanumeric characters.

from_dataset("dataset", "column", join_criteria) => Fetches a value from a dataset.
For example, from_dataset("People", "name", id: person_id) returns the value of the "name" column from the "People" dataset where the id column matches the person_id column in the current schema.

hex(str) => encodes a string as hex

lower("XYZ") => xyz

mongo_object_id(my_id) => Output the value of my_id in MongoDB ObjectId JSON format

month(my_date_field) => The month of my_date_field as an integer. Optionally specify true as a second argument to return the month as a string in 2 digit format.

my_date + years(2) => the date 2 years after my_date. months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds are also available.

naughty(my_field, 10) => returns a naughty string 10% of the time and the value of my_field 90% of the time. Use with hidden fields (name starting with "__") to turn nice fields into naughty fields!

now() => The current date and time.

pad(field, length, fill_string, "left|right|center") => pads a string to a fixed length with filler.

format(number_value, decimals) => formats a number as a string with a fixed number of decimal places. For example: format(1.2, 3) => "1.200"

random(min, max) => generates a random number between min and max.

round(x / y, 2) => rounds to 2 decimal places

time(my_datetime_field => Returns only the time part of a datetime field.

upper("xyz") => XYZ

year(my_date_field) => The year of my_date_field as an integer
Accessing Request Parameters when Used in a Mock API

request_params['name_of_parameter'] => returns the value of a URL or query string parameter specified in the request

request_entity['name_of_parameter'] => returns the value of a key in the JSON request entity body
Handling Blanks

my_num + 1 if my_num => returns my_num + 1, or blank if my_num is blank

a + b if a and b => returns a + b, or blank if either is blank

(my_num || 0) + 1 => returns my_num + 1, or 1 if my_num is blank

if my_field.nil? then 'blank' else 'not blank' end => "blank" when my_field is blank, otherwise "not blank"
Accessing Nested JSON Objects

When a formula field is inside of a JSON array it has access to all fields in that array as well as all fields on parent objects. Both fields in the array and parent fields are accessed without a qualifier. For example, if a formula is in an array named "myArray" that has nested field named "myArray.myField", the formula can access that field as "myField" NOT "myArray.myField". When formulas need to access fields in nested objects (not in an array), however, the fully qualified field name must be used.
  1. 接下来点击提交,我这里保存为Json格式
  2. 打开文件,查看
