一周精华热词汇总(2018.9.10-2018.9.16)by 中国高翻团队
by 中国高翻团队整理
1. 就业力 employability
就业创业 employment and entrepreneurship
慢就业 delayed employment
自由职业者 freelancer
自主创业 self-employment
就业压力 employment pressure
2. 传承计划 succession plan
合伙人机制(co-partnership system)
领导人传承(leader succession)
文化传承(culture succession)
卓越的才华 superb talent
商业头脑 business acumen
坚定沉着的领导力 determined leadership
坚信使命愿景 hold dear our mission and vision
勇于担当 embrace responsibility with passion
3. 评书艺术家 pingshu artist
评书(pingshu, or storytelling)
曲艺世家(a family of Chinese Quyi aritists)
国家级非物质文化遗产继承人(inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage)
中国传统艺术形式(traditional Chinese art form)
中式长衫(Chinese-style gown)
历史朝代更迭(the rise and fall of dynasties)
终身成就奖(Lifetime Achievement Award)
说书人 pingshu performer, storyteller
相声 cross talk
评弹 storytelling and ballad singing
舞台道具 stage props
民间艺术 folk art
地方戏曲 local operas
4. 双卡双待 dual-SIM dual standby
第三方渠道(third-party channel)
硬件升级 hardware upgrading
处理器 processor
操作系统 operating system
解锁 unlock
人脸识别 face recognition
可穿戴设备 wearable device
5. 娘炮之风 feminization trend
娘娘腔 sissy pants
妆容精致 wear delicate makeup
主流审美 mainstream aesthetic
少年娘则中国娘 If a teenager is sissy, then the country is sissy.