【Monica绘本】――《Who is Monica?》

【Monica绘本】――《Who is Monica?》_第1张图片

One day, It was Sunny.

There were six tigers on a prairie to play a little plane. A bird flied here.

"Let's go to a travel!" the bird said.

"OK! but go to where." Baby tiger said.

"Let's go to the sea." Lou tiger answered.

"That's a good idea!" Baby tyger yelled and She most liked the sea.

They walked for long time and came to the sea. They all immediately ran into and laughed.

Baby tyger swam for a long time and were so tied. She written on the beach"Monica".

"Who is Monica? Why do I write his name?" Baby thought.

"Run! run! run fast! dangerous......"A toy monkey suddenly opened to say beside she. after then, He did't moved.

The tigers all immediately ran for leaving there. They ran for a long way for a long time. They were so tired and stoped.

"What happened?" Dady tiger said.

Nobady knew what's wrong.

"I have an idea. I taken a telescope." Baby tiger said.

"Oh,my god!" Baby tyger said.

An alien and a shark monster were fighting, Because the monster was a bad shark.

The superman alien's name is Monica.


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