Codeforces Round #372 (Div. 1) A. Plus and Square Root 解题报告

Codeforces Round #372 (Div. 1) A. Plus and Square Root 解题报告

A. Plus and Square Root

Codeforces Round #372 (Div. 1) A. Plus and Square Root

ZS the Coder is playing a game. There is a number displayed on the screen and there are two buttons, ’ + ’ (plus) and ‘根号’ (square root). Initially, the number 2 is displayed on the screen. There are n + 1 levels in the game and ZS the Coder start at the level 1.

When ZS the Coder is at level k, he can :

  1. Press the ’ + ’ button. This increases the number on the screen by exactly k. So, if the number on the screen was x, it becomes x + k.
  2. Press the ‘根号’button. Let the number on the screen be x. After pressing this button, the number become 根号x. After that, ZS the Coder levels up, so his current level becomes k + 1. This button can only be pressed when x is a perfect square, i.e. x = m2 for some positive integer m.

Additionally, after each move, if ZS the Coder is at level k, and the number on the screen is m, then m must be a multiple of k. Note that this condition is only checked after performing the press. For example, if ZS the Coder is at level 4 and current number is 100, he presses the ‘根号’ button and the number turns into 10. Note that at this moment, 10 is not divisible by 4, but this press is still valid, because after it, ZS the Coder is at level 5, and 10 is divisible by 5.

ZS the Coder needs your help in beating the game — he wants to reach level n + 1. In other words, he needs to press the ‘根号’ button n times. Help him determine the number of times he should press the ’ + ’ button before pressing the ‘根号’ button at each level.

Please note that ZS the Coder wants to find just any sequence of presses allowing him to reach level n + 1, but not necessarily a sequence minimizing the number of presses.




之后是看了一下m=10000左右的数据, 挺惊喜的发现大部分的最小的i都等于当前的回合数m,然后就直接把这个现象拿过来用重写了循环,只是m=1的时候需要特判一下。

using namespace std;

long long n,k;

int main()
for(long long m=1;m<=n;m++)
  if(m==1) k=2;
  else k=m*m*(m+2)+1;
return 0;  



当m=1 时,k=2,新的num为2,成立。
假设m=x-1时成立,此时的num为(x-1)*x,当m=x时,若k=m^ 2* (m+2)+1,可求得新的num为x^2*(x+1)^2,整除于x+1。
