2月21日China Daily 出了一篇新闻,标题是“Palace Museum lightens up its staid old image”,让我们来学习一下相关词汇吧。
I. 专有词汇
1. The Palace Museum 故宫博物院
2. The Lantern Festival 元宵节
新闻原句:The Palace Museum organized its first light show on Tuesday evening to celebrate the Lantern Festival.
3. The Forbidden City 紫禁城
说说:紫禁城就是故宫,官网翻译一般采用的是“the Palace Museum”。
II. 动词
1. treat v.款待
新闻原句:Three thousand lucky ticket holders were treated to a spectacular light show that illuminated what was China's imperial palace from 1420 to 1911.
新闻翻译 :三千位幸运者拿到了票,他们将享受一场无与伦比的灯光秀,照亮这座曾在1420年至1911年间熠熠生辉的皇家盛殿。
说说:我请客即“My treat!”,“treat”很形象的把“故宫主人”好客的形象勾勒了出来。
III. 形容词
1. spectacular [spek'tækjʊlə] a.壮丽的
2. up-to-date a.最新的
新闻原句:This more up-to-date branding helped the museum generate an estimated revenue of nearly 2 billion yuan ($297 million) last year.
新闻翻译 :去年,这个最新品牌帮助博物馆创造了近20亿元(2.97亿美元)的收入。
IIII. 名词/短语
1. cultural relics 文物
新闻原句:The Palace Museum, home to 1.86 million cultural relics, is the largest of its kind in China.
说说:relics ['rɛlɪks] n.文物
2. iron-bowl public institutes 铁饭碗的事业单位
新闻原句:But the national treasure trove, like many other iron-bowl public institutes, has long been seen as rather hidebound.
说说:trove [trəʊv] n.宝藏; iron bowl 铁饭碗;public institute 事业单位;hidebound ['haɪdbaʊnd] a.保守的
3. modernize the museum's image 使博物馆的形象现代化
4. raise its profile 提升知名度
新闻原句:However, the museum has apparently decided to up its game, and the management has modernized the museum's image and raised its profile by organizing a series of well-planned and tourist-and consumer-friendly cultural activities.
说说:profile ['prəʊfaɪl] n.外形
5. set an example to other museums 树立榜样
新闻原句:To some extent, the Palace Museum has set an example to other museums in the country, most of which seem to be still living in days gone by.
6. cultural heritage 文化遗产
新闻原句:Hopefully, the handsome turnover produced by such visitor-attracting initiatives will be used appropriately to better protect the Forbidden City and raise its international profile of being part of the world's cultural heritage.