Chapter 5&6&7

Syme 消失了。Syme had ceased to exist: he had never existed.赛姆已不复存在:他从未存在。

Late at night, when crowds of rowdy proles roamed the streets, the town had a curiously febrile air. 环境的描写,烘托出了压抑的氛围,和温斯顿的心情。

cross out


Two sentences were crossed out.两句话被删掉了。

Give sb. Pretext for doing sth.


温斯顿和Julia的地下爱情还在进行中,虽然恩爱如初,但有些东西却悄悄地浮出了水面。In some ways she was far more acute than Winston, and far less susceptible to Party propaganda. 尽管温斯顿和Julia 都不相信政党的绝对权威,但是Julia 和温斯顿不同,她不关心与她自身无关的任何事情,但Winston常常考虑更多更长远的事情,他关注政党背后社会的危机,他想寻求evidence.

O'Brien的再次出现,He began speaking with the peculiar grave courtesy that differentiated him from the majority of Inner Party members.O'Brien邀请他加入他们的工作并留下了他的地址。The conspiracy that he had dreamed of did exist, and he had reached the outer edges of it.

It was a vast, luminous dream in which his whole life seemed to stretch out before him like a landscape on a summer evening after rain.


'The proles are human beings,' he said aloud. 'We are not human.'

你可能感兴趣的:(Chapter 5&6&7)