



     * Writes a DataStream to the file specified by path in text format.

For every element of the DataStream the result of {@link Object#toString()} is written. * * @param path * The path pointing to the location the text file is written to * @param writeMode * Controls the behavior for existing files. Options are * NO_OVERWRITE and OVERWRITE. * * @return The closed DataStream. */ @PublicEvolving public DataStreamSink writeAsText(String path, WriteMode writeMode) { TextOutputFormat tof = new TextOutputFormat<>(new Path(path)); tof.setWriteMode(writeMode); return writeUsingOutputFormat(tof); } /** * Writes the dataStream into an output, described by an OutputFormat. * *

The output is not participating in Flink's checkpointing! * *

For writing to a file system periodically, the use of the "flink-connector-filesystem" * is recommended. * * @param format The output format * @return The closed DataStream */ @PublicEvolving public DataStreamSink writeUsingOutputFormat(OutputFormat format) { return addSink(new OutputFormatSinkFunction<>(format)); }

  • DataStream的writeAsText方法创建了TextOutputFormat,然后通过OutputFormatSinkFunction包装为sink function



 * A {@link FileOutputFormat} that writes objects to a text file.

Objects are converted to Strings using either {@link Object#toString()} or a {@link TextFormatter}. * @param type of elements */ @PublicEvolving public class TextOutputFormat extends FileOutputFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final int NEWLINE = '\n'; private String charsetName; private transient Charset charset; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Formatter that transforms values into their {@link String} representations. * @param type of input elements */ public interface TextFormatter extends Serializable { String format(IN value); } public TextOutputFormat(Path outputPath) { this(outputPath, "UTF-8"); } public TextOutputFormat(Path outputPath, String charset) { super(outputPath); this.charsetName = charset; } public String getCharsetName() { return charsetName; } public void setCharsetName(String charsetName) throws IllegalCharsetNameException, UnsupportedCharsetException { if (charsetName == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (!Charset.isSupported(charsetName)) { throw new UnsupportedCharsetException("The charset " + charsetName + " is not supported."); } this.charsetName = charsetName; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void open(int taskNumber, int numTasks) throws IOException { super.open(taskNumber, numTasks); try { this.charset = Charset.forName(charsetName); } catch (IllegalCharsetNameException e) { throw new IOException("The charset " + charsetName + " is not valid.", e); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) { throw new IOException("The charset " + charsetName + " is not supported.", e); } } @Override public void writeRecord(T record) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = record.toString().getBytes(charset); this.stream.write(bytes); this.stream.write(NEWLINE); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public String toString() { return "TextOutputFormat (" + getOutputFilePath() + ") - " + this.charsetName; } }

  • TextOutputFormat继承了FileOutputFormat,其open方法主要是调用FileOutputFormat的open方法,而writeRecord方法则直接往stream进行write,写完一条record之后再写一个换行(\n)



 * The abstract base class for all Rich output formats that are file based. Contains the logic to
 * open/close the target
 * file streams.
public abstract class FileOutputFormat extends RichOutputFormat implements InitializeOnMaster, CleanupWhenUnsuccessful {

     * Initialization of the distributed file system if it is used.
     * @param parallelism The task parallelism.
    public void initializeGlobal(int parallelism) throws IOException {
        final Path path = getOutputFilePath();
        final FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem();
        // only distributed file systems can be initialized at start-up time.
        if (fs.isDistributedFS()) {
            final WriteMode writeMode = getWriteMode();
            final OutputDirectoryMode outDirMode = getOutputDirectoryMode();

            if (parallelism == 1 && outDirMode == OutputDirectoryMode.PARONLY) {
                // output is not written in parallel and should be written to a single file.
                // prepare distributed output path
                if(!fs.initOutPathDistFS(path, writeMode, false)) {
                    // output preparation failed! Cancel task.
                    throw new IOException("Output path could not be initialized.");

            } else {
                // output should be written to a directory

                // only distributed file systems can be initialized at start-up time.
                if(!fs.initOutPathDistFS(path, writeMode, true)) {
                    throw new IOException("Output directory could not be created.");
    public void tryCleanupOnError() {
        if (this.fileCreated) {
            this.fileCreated = false;
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("Could not properly close FileOutputFormat.", e);

            try {
                FileSystem.get(this.actualFilePath.toUri()).delete(actualFilePath, false);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                // ignore, may not be visible yet or may be already removed
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                LOG.error("Could not remove the incomplete file " + actualFilePath + '.', t);

    public void configure(Configuration parameters) {
        // get the output file path, if it was not yet set
        if (this.outputFilePath == null) {
            // get the file parameter
            String filePath = parameters.getString(FILE_PARAMETER_KEY, null);
            if (filePath == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The output path has been specified neither via constructor/setters" +
                        ", nor via the Configuration.");
            try {
                this.outputFilePath = new Path(filePath);
            catch (RuntimeException rex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not create a valid URI from the given file path name: " + rex.getMessage()); 
        // check if have not been set and use the defaults in that case
        if (this.writeMode == null) {
            this.writeMode = DEFAULT_WRITE_MODE;
        if (this.outputDirectoryMode == null) {
            this.outputDirectoryMode = DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_MODE;

    public void open(int taskNumber, int numTasks) throws IOException {
        if (taskNumber < 0 || numTasks < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("TaskNumber: " + taskNumber + ", numTasks: " + numTasks);
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Opening stream for output (" + (taskNumber+1) + "/" + numTasks + "). WriteMode=" + writeMode +
                    ", OutputDirectoryMode=" + outputDirectoryMode);
        Path p = this.outputFilePath;
        if (p == null) {
            throw new IOException("The file path is null.");
        final FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem();

        // if this is a local file system, we need to initialize the local output directory here
        if (!fs.isDistributedFS()) {
            if (numTasks == 1 && outputDirectoryMode == OutputDirectoryMode.PARONLY) {
                // output should go to a single file
                // prepare local output path. checks for write mode and removes existing files in case of OVERWRITE mode
                if(!fs.initOutPathLocalFS(p, writeMode, false)) {
                    // output preparation failed! Cancel task.
                    throw new IOException("Output path '" + p.toString() + "' could not be initialized. Canceling task...");
            else {
                // numTasks > 1 || outDirMode == OutputDirectoryMode.ALWAYS
                if(!fs.initOutPathLocalFS(p, writeMode, true)) {
                    // output preparation failed! Cancel task.
                    throw new IOException("Output directory '" + p.toString() + "' could not be created. Canceling task...");

        // Suffix the path with the parallel instance index, if needed
        this.actualFilePath = (numTasks > 1 || outputDirectoryMode == OutputDirectoryMode.ALWAYS) ? p.suffix("/" + getDirectoryFileName(taskNumber)) : p;

        // create output file
        this.stream = fs.create(this.actualFilePath, writeMode);
        // at this point, the file creation must have succeeded, or an exception has been thrown
        this.fileCreated = true;

    public void close() throws IOException {
        final FSDataOutputStream s = this.stream;
        if (s != null) {
            this.stream = null;
  • FileOutputFormat继承了RichOutputFormat,实现了InitializeOnMaster(initializeGlobal方法)、CleanupWhenUnsuccessful(tryCleanupOnError方法)接口
  • initializeGlobal主要是判断,如果文件是分布式系统文件,那么就在启动的时候全局初始化一下;tryCleanupOnError方法先close,然后再delete文件
  • FileOutputFormat还实现了OutputFormat接口的configure、open、close方法,而writeRecord方法由子类来实现;configure方法主要是配置outputFilePath、writeMode、outputDirectoryMode这几个属性;open方法则根据taskNumber来获取actualFilePath(对于numTasks大于1的,则根据tasknumber在配置的outputFilePath目录下新增文件,文件名为tasknumber对应的数值+1),然后创建stream;close方法只要是关闭stream



 * An abstract stub implementation for Rich output formats.
 * Rich formats have access to their runtime execution context via {@link #getRuntimeContext()}.
public abstract class RichOutputFormat implements OutputFormat {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Runtime context access
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private transient RuntimeContext runtimeContext;

    public void setRuntimeContext(RuntimeContext t) {
        this.runtimeContext = t;
    public RuntimeContext getRuntimeContext() {
        if (this.runtimeContext != null) {
            return this.runtimeContext;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The runtime context has not been initialized yet. Try accessing " +
                    "it in one of the other life cycle methods.");
  • RichOutputFormat声明实现OutputFormat接口,它主要是增加了RuntimeContext属性



 * The base interface for outputs that consumes records. The output format
 * describes how to store the final records, for example in a file.

* The life cycle of an output format is the following: *

  1. configure() is invoked a single time. The method can be used to implement initialization from * the parameters (configuration) that may be attached upon instantiation.
  2. *
  3. Each parallel output task creates an instance, configures it and opens it.
  4. *
  5. All records of its parallel instance are handed to the output format.
  6. *
  7. The output format is closed
  8. *
* * @param The type of the consumed records. */ @Public public interface OutputFormat extends Serializable { /** * Configures this output format. Since output formats are instantiated generically and hence parameterless, * this method is the place where the output formats set their basic fields based on configuration values. *

* This method is always called first on a newly instantiated output format. * * @param parameters The configuration with all parameters. */ void configure(Configuration parameters); /** * Opens a parallel instance of the output format to store the result of its parallel instance. *

* When this method is called, the output format it guaranteed to be configured. * * @param taskNumber The number of the parallel instance. * @param numTasks The number of parallel tasks. * @throws IOException Thrown, if the output could not be opened due to an I/O problem. */ void open(int taskNumber, int numTasks) throws IOException; /** * Adds a record to the output. *

* When this method is called, the output format it guaranteed to be opened. * * @param record The records to add to the output. * @throws IOException Thrown, if the records could not be added to to an I/O problem. */ void writeRecord(IT record) throws IOException; /** * Method that marks the end of the life-cycle of parallel output instance. Should be used to close * channels and streams and release resources. * After this method returns without an error, the output is assumed to be correct. *

* When this method is called, the output format it guaranteed to be opened. * * @throws IOException Thrown, if the input could not be closed properly. */ void close() throws IOException; }

  • OutputFormat接口定义了configure、open、writeRecord、close方法


  • DataStream的writeAsText方法创建了TextOutputFormat,然后通过OutputFormatSinkFunction包装为sink function
  • TextOutputFormat继承了FileOutputFormat,其open方法主要是调用FileOutputFormat的open方法,而writeRecord方法则直接往stream进行write,写完一条record之后再写一个换行(\n)
  • FileOutputFormat继承了RichOutputFormat,实现了InitializeOnMaster(initializeGlobal方法)、CleanupWhenUnsuccessful(tryCleanupOnError方法)接口,以及OutputFormat接口的configure、open、close方法,而writeRecord方法由子类来实现;
  • FileOutputFormat的open方法则根据taskNumber来获取actualFilePath(对于numTasks大于1的,则根据tasknumber在配置的outputFilePath目录下新增文件,文件名为tasknumber对应的数值+1),然后创建stream
  • RichOutputFormat声明实现OutputFormat接口,它主要是增加了RuntimeContext属性;OutputFormat接口则定义了configure、open、writeRecord、close方法


  • TextOutputFormat
