vue modal 组件_适用于Vue应用程序的简单易用的Modal组件

vue modal 组件

虚拟可爱模态 (vue-cute-modal)

A simple and easy to use Modal component for Vue applications.


View demo 查看演示 Download Source 下载源

特征 (Features)

  • Simple API


  • Customizable modal classes


  • Customizable Vue transition name


  • Name component whatever you like!


安装 (Install)

npm i vue-cute-modal

yarn add vue-cute-modal

For In-DOM templates include the JS CDN and optionally the CSS in your project:

对于In-DOM模板,在项目中包括JS CDN和CSS(可选):


CDN:[email protected]/dist/vue-cute-modal.min.js[email protected]/dist/vue-cute-modal.min.css

用法 (Usage)

建立 (Setup)

Include the plugin at the root of your application


import CuteModal from 'vue-cute-modal'


创建模态 (Creating a Modal)

Simply create your modal in your Vue app:


  Your modal content.

Then open/hide the modal within the app:


// Opens the modal

// Hides the modal

基本范例 (Basic Example)

自定义组件 (Customizing the Component)

The plugin comes with some base styles and classes. These may not fit your project and you may wish to override. We can do this via global settings or props.

该插件带有一些基本样式和类。 这些可能不适合您的项目,您可能希望覆盖。 我们可以通过全局设置或道具来做到这一点。

To override defaults globally pass in the configuration object when you register the component to Vue.use():


/** Default Settings */
  body: 'cute-modal__body',
  container: 'cute-modal__container',
  footer: 'cute-modal__footer',
  header: 'cute-modal__header',
  height: 'auto',
  overlay: 'cute-modal__overlay',
  transition: 'modal',
  width: '600px',
  onOpen: null, // available in 1.1
  onClose: null // available in 1.1

Vue.use(CuteModal, {
  // Override the component's name to match your app's
  // Default 'cute-modal' = 
  component: '',

  // Override the component's base classes to match your app's
  body: '',
  container: '',
  footer: '',
  header: '',
  overlay: ''

  // Set default width and heights for all your modals
  height: '',
  width: '',

  // Set the transition name to use custom Vue transitions
  // This will be set as the transition's name 
  transition: '',

  // Setup callbacks to be executed globally when Modal is closed/opened.
  onClose: () => {
    // ...
  onOpen: () => {
    // ...

Alternatively, you could pass props separately to each component. Note that these will override the globally set options.

或者,您可以将道具分别传递给每个组件。 注意,这些将覆盖全局设置的选项



道具 (Props)

Full prop list


Name Required Type Description
name true String Name of your modal
containerClass false String Class name for container of modal
footerClass false String Modal footer class name
headerClass false String Modal header class name
height false String Set the height of the modal
overlayClass false String Overlay class name
transition false String Name for Vue transition
wdith false String Set the width of the modal
名称 需要 类型 描述
名称 真正 模态名称
containerClass 模态容器的类名
footerClass 模态页脚类名称
headerClass 模态标题类名称
高度 设置模态的高度
overlayClass 叠加类别名称
过渡 Vue过渡的名称
wdith 设置模态的宽度

方法 (Methods)

// Open a Modal
this.$* modal name */)

// Close a Modal
this.$cuteModal.hide(/* modal name */)

1.1更新 (1.1 Updates)

In 1.1 a built in hide method is made available within the header and footer slots. It will be available on the slot-scope as a method named $hide. It takes no parameters.

在1.1中,内置的hide方法在页眉和页脚插槽中可用。 它可以在slot-scope作为名为$hide的方法使用。 它不带任何参数。

  Some content


Futhermore, in 1.1 you can globally set a callback function to be ran when a modal is opened or closed using the onOpen and onClose keys on your configuration object.


  onClose: () => { = 'auto'
  onOpen: () => { = 'hidden'

开发设置 (Development Setup)

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# run unit tests
npm run unit

# run all tests
npm test


vue modal 组件

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