Unity Shader-Universal Render Pipeline(URP)基础入门一

一些Unity Shader的个人心得,本文中的含义描述都是自己的理解。
首先Unity官方API中说的渲染管线(Render Pipeline)有三种

  1. Built-in Render Pipeline(URP):内置渲染管线,自定义选项有限
  2. Universal Render Pipeline (URP),可编程的轻量级(通用)渲染管线,前身是Lightweight Render Pipeline简称LWPR,在Unity2019.3版本中正式应用,详情参见官方手册
  3. High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) 可编程的高保真的渲染管线,有硬件要求

官方文档对Render pipeline选择的提议中还出现了一个Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) 名词,个人认为它是一种实现可编程管线的一种方法(即通过C#代码,调用API来自己定义渲染顺序,相机工作方式顺序,光照特性等很多渲染相关的东西),通过这种方法写出来的代码文件称之为SRP。


  1. 画面表现
  2. 实现原理级细节
  3. 应用时机

Universal Render Pipeline overview

The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) is a prebuilt Scriptable Render Pipeline, made by Unity. URP provides artist-friendly workflows that let you quickly and easily create optimized graphics across a range of platforms, from mobile to high-end consoles and PCs.

通用渲染管道 (URP)是Unity预先构建的可编写脚本的渲染管道。 URP提供了艺术家友好的工作流程,使您可以快速,轻松地在从移动平台到高端控制台和PC的各种平台上创建优化的图形。


For information about requirements and compatibility, see section Requirements.

What’s new in URP

For information on what’s new in the latest version of URP, see the Changelog.

Getting started with URP

For information on starting a new URP Project from scratch, or about installing URP in an existing Unity Project, see Getting started.


For information on upgrading from a previous version of URP to the current version, or for information about upgrading from the Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP) to URP, see Upgrade guides.
