人类基因组计划如何改写生物学?| 双语精选


人类基因组计划如何改写生物学?| 双语精选_第1张图片




Dawn of an era


The Human Genome Project has transformed biology and medicine


人类基因组计划如何改写生物学?| 双语精选_第2张图片

人类基因组计划如何改写生物学?| 双语精选_第3张图片

TWENTY YEARS ago, on June 26th 2000, those running the public Human Genome Project and its private-sector shadow, a firm called Celera Genomics, decided to declare victory. In a simultaneous breasting of the tape, each published a “working draft” of the genome. The broker, Bill Clinton, hosted the chief scientists at the White House. Hyperbolic comparisons were made to the Apollo project to land people on the Moon.

二十年前的2000年6月26日,受公共基金资助的人类基因组计划(Human Genome Project)以及它在私营部门的平行项目赛雷拉基因组公司(Celera Genomics)的负责人都决定要宣告胜利。两者同时冲过了终点线,都发表了基因组“工作草图”。居中斡旋的比尔·克林顿在白宫招待了两方的首席科学家。人们夸张地把该计划和阿波罗登月计划相提并论。

Unlike Apollo, though, this announcement marked a beginning rather than an end. Genomics is now so embedded in biology that it is hard to recall what things were like before it. Those first human sequences cost billions of dollars to obtain. Today, with the advent of new technologies, a full sequence costs about $200, and less detailed versions are cheaper still. It is as if, to use Apollo as the analogy, regular shuttles to the Moon had become available at prices an average family in the West could afford—and the more adventurous might now be considering a trip to Mars.


Researchers with a hypothesis to test can, for instance, turn to biobanks containing details of tens or hundreds of thousands of people—their medical records, education, employment and, crucially, data about their genomes. Private companies will also sequence genomes to varying standards, for a suitable price. It is probably the case, and if not, it soon will be, that more than 1m human genomes have been sequenced by one method or another.


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