To Install SAP JCo on Windows 32 To Install SAP JCo on Windows 32 Create a directory. For example C:/SAPJCo and extract the JCo ZIP file into this directory. Copy the files librfc32.dll and sapjcorfc.dll from your SAP JCo main directory to C:/WINNT/SYSTEM32 Make sure that the version that is already there is not a more recent version than the one that is delivered with the SAP JCo. Copy the file sapjco.jar from your SAP JCo main directory to /netbeans/lib/ext Where is the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite install directory. The sapjco.jar file is also required during runtime. For this, add the JAR file to /netbeans/is/lib Download the following DLL files: msvcp71.dll msvcr71.dll These are available, free of charge, from various sources on the Internet: Manually add the DLL files to the following location: c:/WINNT/system32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note – Restart both Netbeans IDE and the domain after installing the JAR file.
