

DNS:域名系统 (DNS: Domain Name System)

DNS is an abbreviation of the Domain Name System. An internet resource, which converts a domain name into an equivalent IP address, is called Domain Name System. The world of internet is entirely based on Internet Protocol address also known as IP address. If the user wants to access some website, then the user requires an IP address of that website, which is not feasible because an IP address is a lengthy numeric code. The domain name, which is used in this system is alphabetic and can be simply recalled.

DNS是“域名系统”的缩写 。 将域名转换为等效IP地址的Internet资源称为“ 域名系统” 。 互联网世界完全基于互联网协议地址,也称为IP地址。 如果用户要访问某个网站,则用户需要该网站的IP地址,这是不可行的,因为IP地址是一个冗长的数字代码。 该系统中使用的域名是字母,可以简单地调用。

For example, the domain name of a site is "www.example.com" and it will get converted into its IP address with the aid of DNS.

例如 ,站点的域名为“ www.example.com” ,它将借助于DNS转换为IP地址198.105.232.4。

DNS的工作 (Working of DNS)

With the aid of DNS servers, working in DNS processed. Into a web browser, when a domain name entered by the user, the supplication goes to the DNS server. By using a look-up table, the DNS server determines the IP address. Then it conveys the supplicated information through genuine servers to the web browser of the user's.

借助DNS服务器,在DNS中进行处理。 进入Web浏览器后,当用户输入域名时,请求将转到DNS服务器。 通过使用查找表,DNS服务器确定IP地址。 然后它通过真正的服务器将请求的信息传送到用户的Web浏览器。

In addition to the process, a DNS system contains its arrangement of the interconnection network. If a server of one DNS does not be aware of how to convert a specific domain name, it will inquire to another server, then the next server, and so on, till they do not discover the accurate IP address. A directory of all IP addresses together with its domain names are carried by the DNS server, which can be recovered when needed.

除了该过程外,DNS系统还包含其互连网络的安排。 如果一个DNS的服务器不知道如何转换特定域名,它将查询到另一台服务器,然后再查询下一个服务器,依此类推,直到他们找不到准确的IP地址为止。 DNS服务器携带所有IP地址的目录及其域名,可以在需要时进行恢复。


优点 (Advantages)

  • With zero downtime, the substantial messages are delivered to users.


  • DNS rectifies the errors, automatically.


  • Through Anycast technology, the supplications are responded by the nearest node in an instance of maintenance or downtime.


缺点 (Disadvantages)

  • The DNS root registry which is a nonprofit private organization can be controlled by ICANN which connects to one particular nation and challenges the abstract idea of net neutrality.


  • The World Wide Web will be crashed by the breakdown of DNS, even though there are more than one root server and backup servers, which will do enormous damage at specific key locations, decided on DNS servers.


特征 (Features)

  • DNS server provides a great functioning and user interface. An enormous amount of DNS has to be managed by the user interface.

    DNS服务器提供了强大的功能和用户界面。 用户界面必须管理大量的DNS。

  • A DNS contains a dispersed database.


  • In the DNS database, extra lists of data are also reserved.


  • To make other applications easier, it holds a list of types of data. For example, Mail Exchanger (MX) record.

    为了简化其他应用程序,它保存了一系列数据类型。 例如,邮件交换器(MX)记录。

  • Any type of application which utilizes the internet to attach a joining from more than one host to share some information depends on DNS.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/dns-full-form.aspx

