

#pragma once
#ifndef _BITMAP_H_
#define _BITMAP_H_


#include "Allocator.h"
#include "String.h"
#include "UninitializedFunctions.h"

namespace mySTL {

	template<size_t N>
	class bitmap {
		typedef allocator<uint8_t> dataAllocator;
		uint8_t *start_;
		uint8_t *finish_;
		const size_t size_;//记录多少bit
		const size_t sizeOfUINT8_;//记录多少uint8_t
		enum EAlign {
      ALIGN = 8 };

		//Returns the number of bits in the bitset that are set (i.e., that have a value of one)
		size_t count() const;
		size_t size() const {
      return size_; }
		//Returns whether the bit at position pos is set (i.e., whether it is one).
		bool test(size_t pos) const;
		//Returns whether any of the bits is set (i.e., whether at least one bit in the bitset is set to one).
		bool any() const;
		//Returns whether none of the bits is set (i.e., whether all bits in the bitset have a value of zero).
		bool none() const;
		//Returns whether all of the bits in the bitset are set (to one).
		bool all() const;

		bitmap& set();
		bitmap& set(size_t pos, bool val = true);
		bitmap& reset();
		bitmap& reset(size_t pos);
		bitmap& flip();
		bitmap& flip(size_t pos);

		//std::string to_string() const;
		string to_string() const;

		template<size_t N>
		friend std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const bitmap<N>& bm);
		size_t roundUp8(size_t bytes);
		void setNthInInt8(uint8_t& i, size_t nth, bool newVal);
		uint8_t getMask(uint8_t i, size_t nth)const {
      return (i & (1 << nth)); }
		size_t getNth(size_t n)const {
      return (n / 8); }
		size_t getMth(size_t n)const {
      return (n % EAlign::ALIGN); }
		void allocateAndFillN(size_t n, uint8_t val);
		void THROW(size_t n)const;
	};// end of bitmap

#include "Detail\Bitmap.impl.h"


#pragma once
#ifndef  _BITMAP_IMPL_H_
#define _BITMAP_IMPL_H_
namespace mySTL {
	template<size_t N>
	void bitmap<N>::allocateAndFillN(size_t n, uint8_t val) {
		start_ = dataAllocator::allocate(n);
		finish_ = uninitialized_fill_n(start_, n, val);
	template<size_t N>
	void bitmap<N>::THROW(size_t n)const {
		if (!(0 <= n && n < size()))
			throw std::out_of_range("Out Of Range");
	template<size_t N>
	void bitmap<N>::setNthInInt8(uint8_t& i, size_t nth, bool newVal) {
		uint8_t temp = getMask(i, nth);//getmask获取对应位置的值
		if ((bool)temp == newVal) {
		else {
			if (temp) {
				temp = ~temp;//反转后只有对应位置0
				i = i & temp;
			else {
				i = i | (1 << nth);//将1移动到对应位置再填入
	template<size_t N>
	size_t bitmap<N>::roundUp8(size_t bytes) {
		return ((bytes + EAlign::ALIGN - 1) & ~(EAlign::ALIGN - 1));
	template<size_t N>
	bitmap<N>& bitmap<N>::set() {
		uninitialized_fill_n(start_, sizeOfUINT8_, ~0);
		return *this;
	template<size_t N>
	bitmap<N>& bitmap<N>::reset() {
		uninitialized_fill_n(start_, sizeOfUINT8_, 0);
		return *this;
	template<size_t N>
	bool bitmap<N>::test(size_t pos) const {
		const auto nth = getNth(pos);//找到在第几块
		const auto mth = getMth(pos);//找到第几块的第几位
		uint8_t *ptr = start_ + nth;//
		uint8_t temp = getMask(*ptr, mth);
		if (temp)
			return true;
		return false;
	template<size_t N>
	bitmap<N>::bitmap() :size_(roundUp8(N)), sizeOfUINT8_(roundUp8(N) / 8) {
		allocateAndFillN(sizeOfUINT8_, 0);
	template<size_t N>
	bitmap<N>& bitmap<N>::set(size_t pos, bool val) {
		const auto nth = getNth(pos);
		const auto mth = getMth(pos);
		uint8_t *ptr = start_ + nth;//get the nth uint8_t
		setNthInInt8(*ptr, mth, val);
		return *this;
	template<size_t N>
	bitmap<N>& bitmap<N>::reset(size_t pos) {
		set(pos, false);
		return *this;
	template<size_t N>
	bitmap<N>& bitmap<N>::flip() {
		uint8_t *ptr = start_;
		for (; ptr != finish_; ++ptr) {
			uint8_t n = *ptr;
			*ptr = ~n;
		return *this;
	template<size_t N>
	bitmap<N>& bitmap<N>::flip(size_t pos) {
		const auto nth = getNth(pos);
		const auto mth = getMth(pos);
		uint8_t *ptr = start_ + nth;
		uint8_t temp = getMask(*ptr, mth);
		if (temp)
			setNthInInt8(*ptr, mth, false);
			setNthInInt8(*ptr, mth, true);
		return *this;
	template<size_t N>
	size_t bitmap<N>::count() const {
		uint8_t *ptr = start_;
		size_t sum = 0;
		for (; ptr != finish_; ++ptr) {
			for (int i = 0; i != 8; ++i) {
				uint8_t t = getMask(*ptr, i);
				if (t) {
		return sum;
	template<size_t N>
	bool bitmap<N>::any() const {
		uint8_t *ptr = start_;
		for (; ptr != finish_; ++ptr) {
			uint8_t n = *ptr;
			if (n != 0)
				return true;
		return false;
	template<size_t N>
	bool bitmap<N>::all() const {
		uint8_t *ptr = start_;
		for (; ptr != finish_; ++ptr) {
			uint8_t n = *ptr;
			if (n != (uint8_t)~0)
				return false;
		return true;
	template<size_t N>
	bool bitmap<N>::none() const {
		return !any();
	template<size_t N>
	string bitmap<N>::to_string() const {
		string str;
		uint8_t *ptr = start_;
		for (; ptr != finish_; ++ptr) {
			uint8_t n = *ptr;
			for (int i = 0; i != 8; ++i) {
				uint8_t t = getMask(n, i);
				if (t) str += "1";
				else str += "0";
		return str;

	template<size_t N>
	std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& os, const bitmap<N>& bm) {
		os << bm.to_string();
		return os;
#endif // ! _BITMAP_IMPL_H_
