The File System (FS) shell includes various shell-like commands that directly interact with the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) as well as other file systems that
Hadoop supports, such as Local FS, WebHDFS, S3 FS, and others. The FS shell is invoked by: bin/hadoop fsAll FS shell commands take path URIs as arguments. The URI format is scheme://authority/path. For HDFS the scheme is hdfs, and for the Local FS the scheme is file.
The scheme and authority are optional. If not specified, the default scheme specified in the configuration is used. An HDFS file or directory such as /parent/child can be specified as hdfs://namenodehost/parent/child or simply as /parent/child (given that your configuration is set to point to hdfs://namenodehost). Most of the commands in FS shell behave like corresponding Unix commands. Differences are described with each of the commands. Error information is sent to stderr and the output is sent to stdout. If HDFS is being used, hdfs dfs is a synonym. Relative paths can be used. For HDFS, the current working directory is the HDFS home directory /user/that often has to be created manually. The HDFS home directory can also be implicitly accessed, e.g., when using the HDFS trash folder, the .Trash directory in the home directory.
图1. HDFS命令执行交互过程简介
针对hadoop fs和hdsf dfs/dfsadmin命令,hadoop-3.1.1版本具体实现如下:
相关的java类为 org/apache/hadoop/fs/FsShell.java org/apache/hadoop/fs/shell/CommandFactory.java org/apache/hadoop/util/ToolRunner.java org/apache/hadoop/fs/shell/FsCommand.java org/apache/hadoop/util/GenericOptionsParser.java 和 org/apache/hadoop/hdfs/tools/DFSAdmin.java 。
FsShell: 是整个hdfs命令的核心,负责各种操作实现类的注册(通过反射实现)和命令的分发执行。
FsCommand: 各种操作命令注册实现。
CommandFactoryL: 命令注册机制的实现。主要通过工厂模式利用反射实现。
GenericOptionsParser.java: 中间转换操作,实际执行命令的仍是FsShell.run()函数。
GenericOptionsParser.java: 负责命令输入参数的解析。
ToolRunner.java: 执行命令操作,实际上是FsShell.run()执行。

//org/apache/hadoop/fs/FsShell.java protected void init() throws IOException { getConf().setQuietMode(true); UserGroupInformation.setConfiguration(getConf()); if (commandFactory == null) { commandFactory = new CommandFactory(getConf()); commandFactory.addObject(new Help(), "-help"); commandFactory.addObject(new Usage(), "-usage"); registerCommands(commandFactory); } } protected void registerCommands(CommandFactory factory) { // TODO: DFSAdmin subclasses FsShell so need to protect the command // registration. This class should morph into a base class for // commands, and then this method can be abstract if (this.getClass().equals(FsShell.class)) { factory.registerCommands(FsCommand.class); } } //org/apache/hadoop/fs/shell/CommandFactory.java /** * Invokes "static void registerCommands(CommandFactory)" on the given class. * This method abstracts the contract between the factory and the command * class. Do not assume that directly invoking registerCommands on the * given class will have the same effect. * @param registrarClass class to allow an opportunity to register */ public void registerCommands(Class> registrarClass) { try { registrarClass.getMethod( "registerCommands", CommandFactory.class ).invoke(null, this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } //org/apache/hadoop/fs/shell/FsCommand.java /** * Register the command classes used by the fs subcommand * @param factory where to register the class */ public static void registerCommands(CommandFactory factory) { factory.registerCommands(AclCommands.class); factory.registerCommands(CopyCommands.class); factory.registerCommands(Count.class); factory.registerCommands(Delete.class); factory.registerCommands(Display.class); factory.registerCommands(Find.class); factory.registerCommands(FsShellPermissions.class); factory.registerCommands(FsUsage.class); factory.registerCommands(Ls.class); factory.registerCommands(Mkdir.class); factory.registerCommands(MoveCommands.class); factory.registerCommands(SetReplication.class); factory.registerCommands(Stat.class); factory.registerCommands(Tail.class); factory.registerCommands(Head.class); factory.registerCommands(Test.class); factory.registerCommands(Touch.class); factory.registerCommands(Truncate.class); factory.registerCommands(SnapshotCommands.class); factory.registerCommands(XAttrCommands.class); }

/** * Parse the user-specified options, get the generic options, and modify * configuration accordingly. * * @param opts Options to use for parsing args. * @param args User-specified arguments * @return true if the parse was successful */ private boolean parseGeneralOptions(Options opts, String[] args) throws IOException { opts = buildGeneralOptions(opts); CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); boolean parsed = false; try { commandLine = parser.parse(opts, preProcessForWindows(args), true); processGeneralOptions(commandLine); parsed = true; } catch(ParseException e) { LOG.warn("options parsing failed: "+e.getMessage()); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("general options are: ", opts); } return parsed; } /** * Retrieve any left-over non-recognized options and arguments * * @return remaining items passed in but not parsed as an array */ public String[] getArgs() { String[] answer = new String[args.size()]; args.toArray(answer); return answer; }

/** * run */ @Override public int run(String argv[]) throws Exception { // initialize FsShell init(); Tracer tracer = new Tracer.Builder("FsShell"). conf(TraceUtils.wrapHadoopConf(SHELL_HTRACE_PREFIX, getConf())). build(); int exitCode = -1; if (argv.length < 1) { printUsage(System.err); } else { String cmd = argv[0]; Command instance = null; try { instance = commandFactory.getInstance(cmd); if (instance == null) { throw new UnknownCommandException(); } TraceScope scope = tracer.newScope(instance.getCommandName()); if (scope.getSpan() != null) { String args = StringUtils.join(" ", argv); if (args.length() > 2048) { args = args.substring(0, 2048); } scope.getSpan().addKVAnnotation("args", args); } try { exitCode = instance.run(Arrays.copyOfRange(argv, 1, argv.length)); } finally { scope.close(); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { if (e.getMessage() == null) { displayError(cmd, "Null exception message"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } else { displayError(cmd, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } printUsage(System.err); if (instance != null) { printInstanceUsage(System.err, instance); } } catch (Exception e) { // instance.run catches IOE, so something is REALLY wrong if here LOG.debug("Error", e); displayError(cmd, "Fatal internal error"); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } tracer.close(); return exitCode; }

/** allows stdout to be captured if necessary */ public PrintStream out = System.out; /** allows stderr to be captured if necessary */ public PrintStream err = System.err; /** allows the command factory to be used if necessary */ private CommandFactory commandFactory = null;