160 - 47 DueList.2

Windows xp sp3


0x00 查壳

160 - 47 DueList.2_第1张图片


0x01 分析

160 - 47 DueList.2_第2张图片


00401000 > $  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; |/pModule = NULL
00401002   .  E8 64020000   call <jmp.&KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA>    ; |\GetModuleHandleA
00401007   .  A3 77214000   mov dword ptr ds:[0x402177],eax          ; |
0040100C   .  C705 97214000>mov dword ptr ds:[0x402197],0x4003       ; |
00401016   .  C705 9B214000>mov dword ptr ds:[0x40219B],DueList_.004>; |
00401020   .  C705 9F214000>mov dword ptr ds:[0x40219F],0x0          ; |
0040102A   .  C705 A3214000>mov dword ptr ds:[0x4021A3],0x0          ; |
00401034   .  A1 77214000   mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0x402177]          ; |
00401039   .  A3 A7214000   mov dword ptr ds:[0x4021A7],eax          ; |
0040103E   .  6A 04         push 0x4                                 ; |/RsrcName = 4.
00401040   .  50            push eax                                 ; ||hInst => NULL
00401041   .  E8 3F030000   call <jmp.&USER32.LoadIconA>             ; |\LoadIconA
00401046   .  A3 AB214000   mov dword ptr ds:[0x4021AB],eax          ; |
0040104B   .  68 007F0000   push 0x7F00                              ; |/RsrcName = IDC_ARROW
00401050   .  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; ||hInst = NULL
00401052   .  E8 C8020000   call <jmp.&USER32.LoadCursorA>           ; |\LoadCursorA
00401057   .  A3 AF214000   mov dword ptr ds:[0x4021AF],eax          ; |
0040105C   .  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; |/hTemplateFile = NULL
0040105E   .  68 6F214000   push DueList_.0040216F                   ; ||Attributes = READONLY|HIDDEN|SYSTEM|ARCHIVE|TEMPORARY|402048
00401063   .  6A 03         push 0x3                                 ; ||Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
00401065   .  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; ||pSecurity = NULL
00401067   .  6A 03         push 0x3                                 ; ||ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE
00401069   .  68 000000C0   push 0xC0000000                          ; ||Access = GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE
0040106E   .  68 79204000   push DueList_.00402079                   ; ||FileName = "due-cm2.dat"
00401073   .  E8 0B020000   call <jmp.&KERNEL32.CreateFileA>         ; |\CreateFileA




00401078   .  83F8 FF       cmp eax,-0x1                             ; |
0040107B   .  75 1D         jnz XDueList_.0040109A                   ; |
0040107D   .  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; |/Style = MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL
0040107F   .  68 01204000   push DueList_.00402001                   ; ||Title = "Duelist's Crackme #2"
00401084   .  68 17204000   push DueList_.00402017                   ; ||Text = "Your time-trial has ended... Please register and copy the keyfile sent to you to this directory!"
00401089   .  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; ||hOwner = NULL
0040108B   .  E8 D7020000   call <jmp.&USER32.MessageBoxA>           ; |\MessageBoxA
00401090   .  E8 24020000   call <jmp.&KERNEL32.ExitProcess>         ; \ExitProcess
00401095   .  E9 28010000   jmp DueList_.004011C2
0040109A   >  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; /pOverlapped = NULL
0040109C   .  68 73214000   push DueList_.00402173                   ; |pBytesRead = DueList_.00402173
004010A1   .  6A 46         push 0x46                                ; |BytesToRead = 46 (70.)
004010A3   .  68 1A214000   push DueList_.0040211A                   ; |Buffer = DueList_.0040211A
004010A8   .  50            push eax                                 ; |hFile
004010A9   .  E8 2F020000   call <jmp.&KERNEL32.ReadFile>            ; \ReadFile
004010AE   .  85C0          test eax,eax                             ;  判断文件是否为空
004010B0   .  75 02         jnz XDueList_.004010B4
004010B2   .  EB 43         jmp XDueList_.004010F7
004010B4   >  33DB          xor ebx,ebx
004010B6   .  33F6          xor esi,esi
004010B8   .  833D 73214000>cmp dword ptr ds:[0x402173],0x12         ;  长度至少为18
004010BF   .  7C 36         jl XDueList_.004010F7
004010C1   >  8A83 1A214000 mov al,byte ptr ds:[ebx+0x40211A]
004010C7   .  3C 00         cmp al,0x0
004010C9   .  74 08         je XDueList_.004010D3
004010CB   .  3C 01         cmp al,0x1                               ;  要有至少两个0x1
004010CD   .  75 01         jnz XDueList_.004010D0
004010CF   .  46            inc esi
004010D0   >  43            inc ebx
004010D1   .^ EB EE         jmp XDueList_.004010C1
004010D3   >  83FE 02       cmp esi,0x2
004010D6   .  7C 1F         jl XDueList_.004010F7
004010D8   .  33F6          xor esi,esi
004010DA   .  33DB          xor ebx,ebx
004010DC   >  8A83 1A214000 mov al,byte ptr ds:[ebx+0x40211A]
004010E2   .  3C 00         cmp al,0x0
004010E4   .  74 09         je XDueList_.004010EF
004010E6   .  3C 01         cmp al,0x1                               ;  0x1前面之和要为0x1D5
004010E8   .  74 05         je XDueList_.004010EF
004010EA   .  03F0          add esi,eax
004010EC   .  43            inc ebx                                  ;  记录第1个0x1的位置
004010ED   .^ EB ED         jmp XDueList_.004010DC
004010EF   >  81FE D5010000 cmp esi,0x1D5
004010F5   .  74 1D         je XDueList_.00401114
004010F7   >  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; |/Style = MB_OK|MB_APPLMODAL
004010F9   .  68 01204000   push DueList_.00402001                   ; ||Title = "Duelist's Crackme #2"
004010FE   .  68 86204000   push DueList_.00402086                   ; ||Text = "Your current keyfile is invalid... Please obtain a valid one from the software author!"
00401103   .  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; ||hOwner = NULL
00401105   .  E8 5D020000   call <jmp.&USER32.MessageBoxA>           ; |\MessageBoxA
0040110A   .  E8 AA010000   call <jmp.&KERNEL32.ExitProcess>         ; \ExitProcess
0040110F   .  E9 AE000000   jmp DueList_.004011C2
00401114   >  33F6          xor esi,esi
00401116   >  43            inc ebx                                  ;  第1个0x1后第2个0x1前的内容就是名字
00401117   .  8A83 1A214000 mov al,byte ptr ds:[ebx+0x40211A]
0040111D   .  3C 00         cmp al,0x0
0040111F   .  74 18         je XDueList_.00401139
00401121   .  3C 01         cmp al,0x1
00401123   .  74 14         je XDueList_.00401139
00401125   .  83FE 0F       cmp esi,0xF
00401128   .  73 0F         jnb XDueList_.00401139
0040112A   .  3286 1A214000 xor al,byte ptr ds:[esi+0x40211A]        ;  这里是计算名字,这个没什么所谓
00401130   .  8986 60214000 mov dword ptr ds:[esi+0x402160],eax
00401136   .  46            inc esi
00401137   .^ EB DD         jmp XDueList_.00401116
00401139   >  43            inc ebx
0040113A   .  33F6          xor esi,esi
0040113C   >  8A83 1A214000 mov al,byte ptr ds:[ebx+0x40211A]
00401142   .  3C 00         cmp al,0x0
00401144   .  74 09         je XDueList_.0040114F
00401146   .  3C 01         cmp al,0x1                               ;  计算第2个0x1后的值
00401148   .^ 74 F2         je XDueList_.0040113C
0040114A   .  03F0          add esi,eax
0040114C   .  43            inc ebx
0040114D   .^ EB ED         jmp XDueList_.0040113C
0040114F   >  81FE B2010000 cmp esi,0x1B2                            ;  这里和前面类似,也要使得值满足一定要求
00401155   .^ 75 A0         jnz XDueList_.004010F7                   ;  不满足要求就跳到错误处

0x02 算法分析



31 32 33 34 35 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 
0D 0D 0D 0D 13 01 56 5C 46 56 51 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 
0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 01 88 88 A2

160 - 47 DueList.2_第3张图片
