The typical use case of using AXIS2 handler are: adding security header in SOAPEnvelope, logging outgoing and incommming SOAPEnvelope. Lets take an example where I wan to add username as soap header in all the out going message from client.
You have to do following changes to engage handler.
Since I want to add header in out going message so I will register my handler in outFlow phase of AXIS2. The mandatory attributes of handler tags are name and handler class name. Here I have created handler with the class name AXIS_Handler.
To qualify a class as a handler either we have to extend AbstractHandler or implement Handler interface.
public class AXIS_Handler extends AbstractHandler {
public InvocationResponse invoke(MessageContext ctx) throws AxisFault {
SOAPEnvelope env = ctx.getEnvelope();
SOAPHeader hdr = env.getHeader();
SOAPFactory factory = (SOAPFactory) env.getOMFactory();
OMNamespace ns = factory.createOMNamespace("", "hns");
SOAPHeader head = factory.createSOAPHeader(env);
SOAPHeaderBlock header = head.addHeaderBlock("userID", ns);
return InvocationResponse.CONTINUE;
The next thing would be using modified axis2.xml file as configuartion context. There are two ways we can do.
ConfigurationContext cc= ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(pathToRepository, pathToAxis2xml);
ServiceClient sc = new ServiceClient(cc, nulll, null, null);
But if you are not passing cc as parameter then you can pass as system property as JVM argument as follows.
-Daxis2.xml="location of axis2.xml file"
Once you are done with above. Run the client and you should able to see SOAPEnvelope containing header added by handler.