scala> case class Person(name: String, relation: String)
defined class Person
// "new" not needed before Person
scala> val christina = Person("Christina", "niece")
christina: Person = Person(Christina,niece)
scala> christina.name
res0: String = Christina
// can't mutate the `name` field
scala> christina.name = "Fred"
<console>:10: error: reassignment to val
christina.name = "Fred"
trait Person {
def name: String
case class Student(name: String, year: Int) extends Person
case class Teacher(name: String, specialty: String) extends Person
def getPrintableString(p: Person): String = p match {
case Student(name, year) =>
s"$name is a student in Year $year."
case Teacher(name, whatTheyTeach) =>
s"$name teaches $whatTheyTeach."
Scala标准的 unapply 方法返回 Option包装起来的 样例类构造字段的 tuple形式。
克隆一个对象,或者 在克隆的过程中更改字段 ,copy是很有用的。
scala> case class BaseballTeam(name: String, lastWorldSeriesWin: Int)
defined class BaseballTeam
scala> val cubs1908 = BaseballTeam("Chicago Cubs", 1908)
cubs1908: BaseballTeam = BaseballTeam(Chicago Cubs,1908)
scala> val cubs2016 = cubs1908.copy(lastWorldSeriesWin = 2016)
cubs2016: BaseballTeam = BaseballTeam(Chicago Cubs,2016)
scala> case class Person(name: String, relation: String)
defined class Person
scala> val christina = Person("Christina", "niece")
christina: Person = Person(Christina,niece)
scala> val hannah = Person("Hannah", "niece")
hannah: Person = Person(Hannah,niece)
scala> christina == hannah
res1: Boolean = false
有助于你进行对象间的比较,还有存放对象在 Set 和 Map。
在进入 case object 之前,我们先看一下Scala中的普通 object。
当你想创建一个单例对象时可以使用 object 。一个类的单个实例不相关的方法和值,属于单例对象;用object取代class来实现单例对象。
object PizzaUtils {
def addTopping(p: Pizza, t: Topping): Pizza = ...
def removeTopping(p: Pizza, t: Topping): Pizza = ...
def removeAllToppings(p: Pizza): Pizza = ...
object FileUtils {
def readTextFileAsString(filename: String): Try[String] = ...
def copyFile(srcFile: File, destFile: File): Try[Boolean] = ...
def readFileToByteArray(file: File): Try[Array[Byte]] = ...
def readFileToString(file: File): Try[String] = ...
def readFileToString(file: File, encoding: String): Try[String] = ...
def readLines(file: File, encoding: String): Try[List[String]] = ...
一个 case object 很像 object ,但还有更多的特性:
sealed trait Topping
case object Cheese extends Topping
case object Pepperoni extends Topping
case object Sausage extends Topping
case object Mushrooms extends Topping
case object Onions extends Topping
sealed trait CrustSize
case object SmallCrustSize extends CrustSize
case object MediumCrustSize extends CrustSize
case object LargeCrustSize extends CrustSize
sealed trait CrustType
case object RegularCrustType extends CrustType
case object ThinCrustType extends CrustType
case object ThickCrustType extends CrustType
case class Pizza (
crustSize: CrustSize,
crustType: CrustType,
toppings: Seq[Topping]
加入你要创建一个亚马逊的 Alexa 应用,你想要传递说话消息,像 “speak the enclosed text,” “stop speaking,”, “pause,” 和“resume.” ,你可以这样写:
case class StartSpeakingMessage(textToSpeak: String)
case object StopSpeakingMessage
case object PauseSpeakingMessage
case object ResumeSpeakingMessage
StartSpeakingMessage 是 case class 。因为 case object 不能有构造器参数。
class Speak extends Actor {
def receive = {
case StartSpeakingMessage(textToSpeak) =>
// code to speak the text
case StopSpeakingMessage =>
// code to stop speaking
case PauseSpeakingMessage =>
// code to pause speaking
case ResumeSpeakingMessage =>
// code to resume speaking
def toInt(s: String): Option[Int] = {
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => None
toInt(x) match {
case Some(i) => println(i)
case None => println("That didn't work.")
val y = for {
a <- toInt(stringA)
b <- toInt(stringB)
c <- toInt(stringC)
} yield a + b + c
Try/Success/Failure 使用起来与 Option/Some/None 很像,但还有两个很好的特性:
import scala.util.{
def toInt(s: String): Try[Int] = Try {
def toInt(s: String): Try[Int] = Try(Integer.parseInt(s.trim))
scala> val a = toInt("1")
a: scala.util.Try[Int] = Success(1)
scala> val b = toInt("boo")
b: scala.util.Try[Int] = Failure(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "boo")
当你想用scala写并行和并发程序时,你可以使用原生的Java Thread ,但是用Scala 的Future来进行并发和并行程序的编写会更简单。
一个Future代表一个值,或许会或许不会 马上获取,但是会在某个时间点能够获取值,如果不能获取值会获取异常。
def aShortRunningTask(): Int = 42
val x = aShortRunningTask
def aLongRunningTask(): Future[Int] = ???
val x = aLongRunningTask
aLongRunningTask 会消耗不确定的时间来返回值。
Future 时一次性的。“在其他线程上进行一个相对较慢的计算,等结果出来了再告诉我。”
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.util.{
Failure, Success}
scala> val a = Future {
Thread.sleep(10*1000); 42 }
a: scala.concurrent.Future[Int] = Future(<not completed>)
scala> val b = a.map(_ * 2)
b: scala.concurrent.Future[Int] = Future(<not completed>)
scala> b
res1: scala.concurrent.Future[Int] = Future(Success(84))
a.onComplete {
case Success(value) => println(s"Got the callback, value = $value")
case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace
def getStockPrice(stockSymbol: String): Future[Double] = ???
def getStockPrice(stockSymbol: String): Future[Double] = Future {
val r = scala.util.Random
val randomSleepTime = r.nextInt(3000)
val randomPrice = r.nextDouble * 1000
package futures
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{
Failure, Success}
object MultipleFutures extends App {
// use this to determine the “delta time” below
val startTime = currentTime
// (a) create three futures
val aaplFuture = getStockPrice("AAPL")
val amznFuture = getStockPrice("AMZN")
val googFuture = getStockPrice("GOOG")
// (b) get a combined result in a for-expression
val result: Future[(Double, Double, Double)] = for {
aapl <- aaplFuture
amzn <- amznFuture
goog <- googFuture
} yield (aapl, amzn, goog)
// (c) do whatever you need to do with the results
result.onComplete {
case Success(x) => {
val totalTime = deltaTime(startTime)
println(s"In Success case, time delta: ${totalTime}")
println(s"The stock prices are: $x")
case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace
// important for a short parallel demo: you need to keep
// the jvm’s main thread alive
def sleep(time: Long): Unit = Thread.sleep(time)
// a simulated web service
def getStockPrice(stockSymbol: String): Future[Double] = Future {
val r = scala.util.Random
val randomSleepTime = r.nextInt(3000)
println(s"For $stockSymbol, sleep time is $randomSleepTime")
val randomPrice = r.nextDouble * 1000
def currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
def deltaTime(t0: Long) = currentTime - t0