POCO C++库学习和分析 -- 流 (一)

POCO C++库学习和分析 -- 流 (一)



1. 标准c++流介绍


          1. 流:C++把输入和输出看作字节流。输入时,程序从输出流中抽取字节;输出时,程序将字节插入到输出流中。流充当了程序和流源或者流目标之间的桥梁。
          2. 缓冲区:缓冲区是用作中介的内存块,它是将信息从设备传输到程序或者从程序传输到设备的临时存储工具,用以匹配程序和设备之间速度的差距。从设计上说,增加了缓冲区,使的C++的iostream结构更具有扩展性。

          C++的 输入输出类图:

          下面对C++中各个流类的介绍主要来自于wiki以及网站 cplusplus。

1.1 ios_base


          格式控制信息的枚举类型fmtflags ,影响到如何解释输入串行的格式、如何生成输出串行的格式,例如整数是用16进制还是10进制表示,浮点数是科学计数法还是定点形式;



          1. 读取/设置流的格式

fmtflags flags() const;
fmtflags flags (fmtflags fmtfl);
// modify flags
#include      // std::cout, std::ios

int main () {
  std::cout.flags ( std::ios::right | std::ios::hex | std::ios::showbase );
  std::cout.width (10);
  std::cout << 100 << '\n';
  return 0;

          2. 设置流的格式,与原有格式合并
fmtflags setf (fmtflags fmtfl);
fmtflags setf (fmtflags fmtfl, fmtflags mask);
// modifying flags with setf/unsetf
#include      // std::cout, std::ios

int main () {
  std::cout.setf ( std::ios::hex, std::ios::basefield );  // set hex as the basefield
  std::cout.setf ( std::ios::showbase );                  // activate showbase
  std::cout << 100 << '\n';
  std::cout.unsetf ( std::ios::showbase );                // deactivate showbase
  std::cout << 100 << '\n';
  return 0;

          3. 根据参数mask,清除流的格式的某些位(bit)
void unsetf (fmtflags mask);
// modifying flags with setf/unsetf
#include      // std::cout, std::ios

int main () {
  std::cout.setf ( std::ios::hex, std::ios::basefield );  // set hex as the basefield
  std::cout.setf ( std::ios::showbase );                  // activate showbase
  std::cout << 100 << '\n';
  std::cout.unsetf ( std::ios::showbase );                // deactivate showbase
  std::cout << 100 << '\n';
  return 0;

          4. 读取/设置显示浮点数时的精度
streamsize precision() const;
streamsize precision (streamsize prec);
// modify precision
#include      // std::cout, std::ios

int main () {
  double f = 3.14159;
  std::cout.unsetf ( std::ios::floatfield );                // floatfield not set
  std::cout << f << '\n';
  std::cout << f << '\n';
  std::cout.setf( std::ios::fixed, std:: ios::floatfield ); // floatfield set to fixed
  std::cout << f << '\n';
  return 0;

          5. 读取/设定流的输出数据的显示宽度
streamsize width() const;
streamsize width (streamsize wide);
// field width
#include      // std::cout, std::left

int main () {
  std::cout << 100 << '\n';
  std::cout << 100 << '\n';
  std::cout << std::left << 100 << '\n';
  return 0;

          1. 给流设置本地语言环境
locale imbue (const locale& loc);
// imbue example
#include      // std::cout
#include        // std::locale

int main()
  std::locale mylocale("");   // get global locale
  std::cout.imbue(mylocale);  // imbue global locale
  std::cout << 3.14159 << '\n';
  return 0;



          2. 获取当前使用语言环境
locale getloc() const;

1.2 basic_ios

          basic_ios定义出“与字符类型及其相应字符特性相关”的stream class的共同属性,其中包括清除流状态、设置流状态、拷贝流标志、返回或设置流缓冲区指针、设置本地化相关信息、返回或设置填充字符、字符转换,还包括了stream所用的缓冲器.
class basic_ios
     : public ios_base
     basic_streambuf<_Elem, _Traits>*_Mystrbuf;

     // ....


         1. 状态标记函数:
bool good() const; //检查流状态位是否为good
bool eof() const; //检查流状态位是否为eof,eofbit位被标志
bool fail() const; //检查流状态位是否为fail,failbit或者badbit被标志
bool bad() const; //检查流状态位是否为bad,badbit位被标志
iostate rdstate() const; //返回流状态位

          有两种方法可以获得输入/输出的状态信息。一种方法是通过调用rdstate()函数,它返回当前状态的错误标记。另一种方法则是使用good(), eof(),fail(), bad()函数来检测相应的输入/输出状态。

iostate value
(member constant)
indicates functions to check state flags
good() eof() fail() bad() rdstate()
goodbit No errors (zero value iostate) true false false false goodbit
eofbit End-of-File reached on input operation false true false false eofbit
failbit Logical error on i/o operation false false true false failbit
badbit Read/writing error on i/o operation false false true true badbit

// error state flags
#include      // std::cout, std::ios
#include       // std::stringstream

void print_state (const std::ios& stream) {
  std::cout << " good()=" << stream.good();
  std::cout << " eof()=" << stream.eof();
  std::cout << " fail()=" << stream.fail();
  std::cout << " bad()=" << stream.bad();

int main () {
  std::stringstream stream;

  stream.clear (stream.goodbit);
  std::cout << "goodbit:"; print_state(stream); std::cout << '\n';

  stream.clear (stream.eofbit);
  std::cout << " eofbit:"; print_state(stream); std::cout << '\n';

  stream.clear (stream.failbit);
  std::cout << "failbit:"; print_state(stream); std::cout << '\n';

  stream.clear (stream.badbit);
  std::cout << " badbit:"; print_state(stream); std::cout << '\n';

  return 0;
         goodbit: good()=1 eof()=0 fail()=0 bad()=0
         eofbit: good()=0 eof()=1 fail()=0 bad()=0
         failbit: good()=0 eof()=0 fail()=1 bad()=0
         badbit: good()=1 eof()=0 fail()=1 bad()=1

         2. oprator!()
bool operator!() const;

         3. 设置/清除状态
void setstate (iostate state);
void clear (iostate state = goodbit);

         clear() 函数作用是:将流状态设置成括号内参数所代表的状态,强制覆盖掉流的原状态。


// clearing errors
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::fstream

int main () {
  char buffer [80];
  std::fstream myfile;

  myfile.open ("test.txt",std::fstream::in);

  myfile << "test";
  if (myfile.fail())
    std::cout << "Error writing to test.txt\n";

  myfile.getline (buffer,80);
  std::cout << buffer << " successfully read from file.\n";

  return 0;

void basic_ios::setstate (iostate state) {

         4. 拷贝格式:
basic_ios& copyfmt (const basic_ios& rhs);

// copying formatting information
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {
  std::ofstream filestr;
  filestr.open ("test.txt");

  std::cout.fill ('*');
  std::cout.width (10);
  filestr.copyfmt (std::cout);

  std::cout << 40;
  filestr << 40;

  return 0;

         5. 设置或获取填充字符
char_type fill() const;
char_type fill (char_type fillch);

// using the fill character
#include      // std::cout

int main () {
  char prev;

  std::cout.width (10);
  std::cout << 40 << '\n';

  prev = std::cout.fill ('x');
  std::cout.width (10);
  std::cout << 40 << '\n';


  return 0;

         6. 返回和设置当前流的异常标志
iostate exceptions() const;
void exceptions (iostate except);

// basic_ios::exceptions
#include      // std::cerr
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream file;
  file.exceptions ( std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit );
  try {
    file.open ("test.txt");
    while (!file.eof()) file.get();
  catch (std::ifstream::failure e) {
    std::cerr << "Exception opening/reading file";


  return 0;

         7. 返回和设置绑定的输出流(绑定流是一个输出流,输出流将在流的每一次I/O操作前先被输出)。“绑定”的效果也就相当于,每当被“绑定”的对象有输入或输出操作时,会先自动刷新“绑定”对象的缓冲区,以达到实时的效果。
basic_ostream* tie() const;
basic_ostream* tie (basic_ostream* tiestr);

// redefine tied object
#include      // std::ostream, std::cout, std::cin
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {
  std::ostream *prevstr;
  std::ofstream ofs;
  ofs.open ("test.txt");

  std::cout << "tie example:\n";

  *std::cin.tie() << "This is inserted into cout";
  prevstr = std::cin.tie (&ofs);
  *std::cin.tie() << "This is inserted into the file";
  std::cin.tie (prevstr);


  return 0;
         tie example:
         This is inserted into cout

         8. 返回或设置流缓冲区指针。用户可以通过调用rdbuf()成员函数获得该指针,从而直接访问底层streambuf对象。因此,可以直接对底层缓冲区进行数据读写,从而跳过上层的格式化输入输出操作。
basic_streambuf* rdbuf() const;
basic_streambuf* rdbuf (basic_streambuf* sb);

// redirecting cout's output thrrough its stream buffer
#include      // std::streambuf, std::cout
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {
  std::streambuf *psbuf, *backup;
  std::ofstream filestr;
  filestr.open ("test.txt");

  backup = std::cout.rdbuf();     // back up cout's streambuf

  psbuf = filestr.rdbuf();        // get file's streambuf
  std::cout.rdbuf(psbuf);         // assign streambuf to cout

  std::cout << "This is written to the file";

  std::cout.rdbuf(backup);        // restore cout's original streambuf


  return 0;

         9. 字符转换
char narrow (char_type wc, char dfault) const;
char_type widen (char c) const;

1.3  输入流( istream)



         1. 构造函数
explicit istream (streambuf* sb);

// istream constructor
#include      // std::ios, std::istream, std::cout
#include       // std::filebuf

int main () {
  std::filebuf fb;
  if (fb.open ("test.txt",std::ios::in))
    std::istream is(&fb);
    while (is)
      std::cout << char(is.get());
  return 0;

         2. 重载析取运算符
istream& operator>> (bool& val);
istream& operator>> (short& val);
istream& operator>> (unsigned short& val);
istream& operator>> (int& val);
istream& operator>> (unsigned int& val);
istream& operator>> (long& val);
istream& operator>> (unsigned long& val);
istream& operator>> (float& val);
istream& operator>> (double& val);
istream& operator>> (long double& val);
istream& operator>> (void*& val);
stream buffers (2)	
istream& operator>> (streambuf* sb );
manipulators (3)	
istream& operator>> (istream& (*pf)(istream&));
istream& operator>> (ios& (*pf)(ios&));
istream& operator>> (ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base&));

// example on extraction
#include      // std::cin, std::cout, std::hex

int main () {
  int n;

  std::cout << "Enter a number: ";
  std::cin >> n;
  std::cout << "You have entered: " << n << '\n';

  std::cout << "Enter a hexadecimal number: ";
  std::cin >> std::hex >> n;         // manipulator
  std::cout << "Its decimal equivalent is: " << n << '\n';

  return 0;

         3. 无格式输入:
streamsize gcount() const;


// cin.gcount example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout

int main () {
  char str[20];

  std::cout << "Please, enter a word: ";
  std::cout << std::cin.gcount() << " characters read: " << str << '\n';

  return 0;
         Please, enter a word: simplify
         9 characteres read: simplify

         4. 从流中以无格式输入方式析取字符串
int get()
istream& get (char& c)
istream& get (char* s, streamsize n)
istream& get (char* s, streamsize n, char delim)
istream& get (streambuf& sb)
istream& get (streambuf& sb, char delim)

// istream::get example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  char str[256];

  std::cout << "Enter the name of an existing text file: ";
  std::cin.get (str,256);    // get c-string

  std::ifstream is(str);     // open file

  while (is.good())          // loop while extraction from file is possible
    char c = is.get();       // get character from file
    if (is.good())
      std::cout << c;

  is.close();                // close file

  return 0;

         5. 从流中以无格式输入方式析取字符串(直至提取到指定的分隔字符,或已向流中写入最大长度的n个字符(包括终止空字符)),并存储内容进入c风格的字符串中。
istream& getline (char* s, streamsize n );
istream& getline (char* s, streamsize n, char delim );

// istream::getline example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout

int main () {
  char name[256], title[256];

  std::cout << "Please, enter your name: ";
  std::cin.getline (name,256);

  std::cout << "Please, enter your favourite movie: ";
  std::cin.getline (title,256);

  std::cout << name << "'s favourite movie is " << title;

  return 0;

         6. 从流中提取字符输入序列(直到n个字符被提取,或遇见一个指定的字符分隔符),并丢弃。
istream& ignore (streamsize n = 1, int delim = EOF);

// istream::ignore example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout

int main () {
  char first, last;

  std::cout << "Please, enter your first name followed by your surname: ";

  first = std::cin.get();     // get one character
  std::cin.ignore(256,' ');   // ignore until space

  last = std::cin.get();      // get one character

  std::cout << "Your initials are " << first << last << '\n';

  return 0;

         7. 返回输入序列中的下一个字符,但不析取:字符将在下一次析取操作中从流中提取。
int peek();

// istream::peek example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout
#include        // std::string

int main () {

  std::cout << "Please, enter a number or a word: ";
  char c = std::cin.peek();

  if ( (c >= '0') && (c <= '9') )
    int n;
    std::cin >> n;
    std::cout << "You entered the number: " << n << '\n';
    std::string str;
    std::getline (std::cin, str);
    std::cout << "You entered the word: " << str << '\n';

  return 0;
         Please, enter a number or a word: foobar
         You entered the word: foobar

         8. 从流中析取n个字符,并把它们存储到s指向的字符数组
istream& read (char* s, streamsize n);

// read a file into memory
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream is ("test.txt", std::ifstream::binary);
  if (is) {
    // get length of file:
    is.seekg (0, is.end);
    int length = is.tellg();
    is.seekg (0, is.beg);

    char * buffer = new char [length];

    std::cout << "Reading " << length << " characters... ";
    // read data as a block:
    is.read (buffer,length);

    if (is)
      std::cout << "all characters read successfully.";
      std::cout << "error: only " << is.gcount() << " could be read";

    // ...buffer contains the entire file...

    delete[] buffer;
  return 0;
         Reading 640 characters... all characters read successfully.

         9. 从流中析取n个字符,并把它们存储到s指向的字符数组。在内部关联的缓冲区(如果存在的话)用完时,操作返回,即使文件结束字符尚未达到。这个函数主要用于从某些类型的异步源中读取数据。由于析取操作会在内部缓冲区耗尽时终止,从而避免了潜在的延时。
streamsize readsome (char* s, streamsize n);

         10. 把指定字符还给输入流,使得字符能够被重新析取
istream& putback (char c);

// istream::putback example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout
#include        // std::string

int main () {
  std::cout << "Please, enter a number or a word: ";
  char c = std::cin.get();

  if ( (c >= '0') && (c <= '9') )
    int n;
    std::cin.putback (c);
    std::cin >> n;
    std::cout << "You entered a number: " << n << '\n';
    std::string str;
    std::cin.putback (c);
    getline (std::cin,str);
    std::cout << "You entered a word: " << str << '\n';
  return 0;
         Please, enter a number or a word: pocket
         You entered a word: pocket

         11. 把上一个析取的字符还给输入流,使得字符能够被重新析取
istream& unget();

// istream::unget example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout
#include        // std::string

int main () {
  std::cout << "Please, enter a number or a word: ";
  char c = std::cin.get();

  if ( (c >= '0') && (c <= '9') )
    int n;
    std::cin >> n;
    std::cout << "You entered a number: " << n << '\n';
    std::string str;
    getline (std::cin,str);
    std::cout << "You entered a word: " << str << '\n';
  return 0;
         Please, enter a number or a word: 7791
         You entered a number: 7791

         12. 返回当前输入流字符的位置:
streampos tellg();

// read a file into memory
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream is ("test.txt", std::ifstream::binary);
  if (is) {
    // get length of file:
    is.seekg (0, is.end);
    int length = is.tellg();
    is.seekg (0, is.beg);

    // allocate memory:
    char * buffer = new char [length];

    // read data as a block:
    is.read (buffer,length);


    // print content:
    std::cout.write (buffer,length);

    delete[] buffer;

  return 0;

         13. 设置下一个析取字符串在输入流中的位置
istream& seekg (streampos pos);
istream& seekg (streamoff off, ios_base::seekdir way);

         1. 同步流相关的缓冲区buf
int sync();

// syncing input stream
#include      // std::cin, std::cout

int main () {
  char first, second;

  std::cout << "Please, enter a word: ";
  first = std::cin.get();

  std::cout << "Please, enter another word: ";
  second = std::cin.get();

  std::cout << "The first word began by " << first << '\n';
  std::cout << "The second word began by " << second << '\n';

  return 0;
         Please, enter a word: test
         Please enter another word: text
         The first word began by t
         The second word began by t

1.4. 输出流(ostream)


         1. 构造函数
explicit ostream (streambuf* sb);

// ostream constructor
#include      // std::cout, std::ostream, std::ios
#include       // std::filebuf

int main () {
  std::filebuf fb;
  fb.open ("test.txt",std::ios::out);
  std::ostream os(&fb);
  os << "Test sentence\n";
  return 0;

         2. 重载插入运算符
ostream& operator<< (bool val);
ostream& operator<< (short val);
ostream& operator<< (unsigned short val);
ostream& operator<< (int val);
ostream& operator<< (unsigned int val);
ostream& operator<< (long val);
ostream& operator<< (unsigned long val);
ostream& operator<< (float val);
ostream& operator<< (double val);
ostream& operator<< (long double val);
ostream& operator<< (void* val);
ostream& operator<< (streambuf* sb );	
ostream& operator<< (ostream& (*pf)(ostream&));
ostream& operator<< (ios& (*pf)(ios&));
ostream& operator<< (ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base&));

// example on insertion
#include      // std::cout, std::right, std::endl
#include       // std::setw

int main () {
  int val = 65;

  std::cout << std::right;       // right-adjusted (manipulator)
  std::cout << std::setw(10);    // set width (extended manipulator)

  std::cout << val << std::endl; // multiple insertions

  return 0;

         1. 把字符c插入流中
ostream& put (char c);

// typewriter
#include      // std::cin, std::cout
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {
  std::ofstream outfile ("test.txt");
  char ch;

  std::cout << "Type some text (type a dot to finish):\n";
  do {
    ch = std::cin.get();
  } while (ch!='.');

  return 0;

         2. 插入字符数组s的前n个字符进入流中
ostream& write (const char* s, streamsize n);

// Copy a file
#include       // std::ifstream, std::ofstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream infile ("test.txt",std::ifstream::binary);
  std::ofstream outfile ("new.txt",std::ofstream::binary);

  // get size of file
  infile.seekg (0,infile.end);
  long size = infile.tellg();
  infile.seekg (0);

  // allocate memory for file content
  char* buffer = new char[size];

  // read content of infile
  infile.read (buffer,size);

  // write to outfile
  outfile.write (buffer,size);

  // release dynamically-allocated memory
  delete[] buffer;

  return 0;

         3. 定位:
streampos tellp();

// position in output stream
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {
  std::ofstream outfile;
  outfile.open ("test.txt");

  outfile.write ("This is an apple",16);
  long pos = outfile.tellp();
  outfile.seekp (pos-7);
  outfile.write (" sam",4);


  return 0;
         This is a sample

         4. 设置下一个在流中被插入字符的位置
ostream& seekp (streampos pos);	
ostream& seekp (streamoff off, ios_base::seekdir way);


member constant seeking relative to
beg beginning of sequence.
cur current position within sequence.
end end of sequence.

// position in output stream
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {

  std::ofstream outfile;
  outfile.open ("test.txt");

  outfile.write ("This is an apple",16);
  long pos = outfile.tellp();
  outfile.seekp (pos-7);
  outfile.write (" sam",4);


  return 0;

         1. 同步关联的输出缓冲数据进入流
ostream& flush();

// Flushing files
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {

  std::ofstream outfile ("test.txt");

  for (int n=0; n<100; ++n)
    outfile << n;

  return 0;

1.5. 输入输出流(iostream)


1.6. 输出文件流类(ofstream)

         1. 构造函数:
explicit ofstream (const char* filename, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);
// ofstream constructor.
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {

  std::ofstream ofs ("test.txt", std::ofstream::out);

  ofs << "lorem ipsum";


  return 0;

         1. 打开文件
void open (const char* filename,  ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::out);

member constant stands for access
in input File open for reading: the internal stream buffer supports input operations.
out output File open for writing: the internal stream buffer supports output operations.
binary binary Operations are performed in binary mode rather than text.
ate at end The output position starts at the end of the file.
app append All output operations happen at the end of the file, appending to its existing contents.
trunc truncate Any contents that existed in the file before it is open are discarded.

fstream(filename, ios::in|ios::out|ios::ate)。

// ofstream::open / ofstream::close
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {

  std::ofstream ofs;
  ofs.open ("test.txt", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);

  ofs << " more lorem ipsum";


  return 0;

         2. 确认文件是否打开
bool is_open();

// ofstream::is_open
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {
  std::ofstream ofs;
  ofs.open ("test.txt");
  if (ofs.is_open())
    ofs << "lorem ipsum";
    std::cout << "Output operation successfully performed\n";
    std::cout << "Error opening file";
  return 0;
         Output operation successfully performed

         3. 关闭当前同流关联的文件
void close();

// ofstream::open / ofstream::close
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {

  std::ofstream ofs;
  ofs.open ("test.txt", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);

  ofs << " more lorem ipsum";


  return 0;

         4. 获取内部的文件流缓冲对象的指针
filebuf* rdbuf() const;

// copy a file using file stream buffers
#include       // std::filebuf, std::ifstream, std::ofstream
#include        // EOF

int main () {
  std::ifstream ifs ("test.txt");
  std::ofstream ofs ("copy.txt");

  std::filebuf* inbuf  = ifs.rdbuf();
  std::filebuf* outbuf = ofs.rdbuf();

  char c = inbuf->sbumpc();
  while (c != EOF)
    outbuf->sputc (c);
    c = inbuf->sbumpc();


  return 0;

1.7. 输入文件流类(ifstream)

         1. 构造函数:
explicit ifstream (const char* filename, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in);

// ifstream constructor.
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {

  std::ifstream ifs ("test.txt", std::ifstream::in);

  char c = ifs.get();

  while (ifs.good()) {
    std::cout << c;
    c = ifs.get();


  return 0;


         1. 打开文件
void open (const char* filename,  ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in);

// print the content of a text file.
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream ifs;

  ifs.open ("test.txt", std::ifstream::in);

  char c = ifs.get();

  while (ifs.good()) {
    std::cout << c;
    c = ifs.get();


  return 0;

         2. 是否文件打开
bool is_open();

// ifstream::is_open
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream ifs ("test.txt");

  if (ifs.is_open()) {
    // print file:
    char c = ifs.get();
    while (ifs.good()) {
      std::cout << c;
      c = ifs.get();
  else {
    // show message:
    std::cout << "Error opening file";

  return 0;

         3. 关闭流关联的文件
void close();

// print the content of a text file.
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream ifs;

  ifs.open ("test.txt");

  char c = ifs.get();

  while (ifs.good()) {
    std::cout << c;
    c = ifs.get();


  return 0;

         4. 获取内部关联的文件缓冲区指针
filebuf* rdbuf() const;

// read file data using associated buffer's members
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::filebuf, std::ifstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream ifs ("test.txt", std::ifstream::binary);

  // get pointer to associated buffer object
  std::filebuf* pbuf = ifs.rdbuf();

  // get file size using buffer's members
  std::size_t size = pbuf->pubseekoff (0,ifs.end,ifs.in);
  pbuf->pubseekpos (0,ifs.in);

  // allocate memory to contain file data
  char* buffer=new char[size];

  // get file data
  pbuf->sgetn (buffer,size);


  // write content to stdout
  std::cout.write (buffer,size);

  delete[] buffer;

  return 0;

1.8. 输入输出文件流(fstream)


1.9. 输出串流类(ostringstream)

         1. 构造函数:
explicit ostringstream (ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out);	
explicit ostringstream (const string& str, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::out);

// ostringstream constructor
#include      // std::cout, std::ios
#include       // std::ostringstream

int main () {
  std::ostringstream foo;                            // out
  std::ostringstream bar (std::ostringstream::ate);  // out|ate

  foo.str("Test string");
  bar.str("Test string");

  foo << 101;
  bar << 101;

  std::cout << foo.str() << '\n';
  std::cout << bar.str() << '\n';
  return 0;
         101t string
         Test string101


string str() const;
void str (const string& s);

// ostringstream::rdbuf
#include        // std::string
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ostringstream

int main () {
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << "One hundred and one: " << 101;
  std::string s = oss.str();
  std::cout << s << '\n';
  return 0;


         One hundred and one: 101

         2. 插入操作符
ostream& operator<< (bool val);
ostream& operator<< (short val);
ostream& operator<< (unsigned short val);
ostream& operator<< (int val);
ostream& operator<< (unsigned int val);
ostream& operator<< (long val);
ostream& operator<< (unsigned long val);
ostream& operator<< (float val);
ostream& operator<< (double val);
ostream& operator<< (long double val);
ostream& operator<< (void* val);
ostream& operator<< (streambuf* sb );
ostream& operator<< (ostream& (*pf)(ostream&));
ostream& operator<< (ios& (*pf)(ios&));
ostream& operator<< (ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base&));

// example on insertion
#include      // std::cout, std::right, std::endl
#include       // std::setw

int main () {
  int val = 65;

  std::cout << std::right;       // right-adjusted (manipulator)
  std::cout << std::setw(10);    // set width (extended manipulator)

  std::cout << val << std::endl; // multiple insertions

  return 0;

ostream& put (char c);

// typewriter
#include      // std::cin, std::cout
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {
  std::ofstream outfile ("test.txt");
  char ch;

  std::cout << "Type some text (type a dot to finish):\n";
  do {
    ch = std::cin.get();
  } while (ch!='.');

  return 0;

ostream& write (const char* s, streamsize n);

// Copy a file
#include       // std::ifstream, std::ofstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream infile ("test.txt",std::ifstream::binary);
  std::ofstream outfile ("new.txt",std::ofstream::binary);

  // get size of file
  infile.seekg (0,infile.end);
  long size = infile.tellg();
  infile.seekg (0);

  // allocate memory for file content
  char* buffer = new char[size];

  // read content of infile
  infile.read (buffer,size);

  // write to outfile
  outfile.write (buffer,size);

  // release dynamically-allocated memory
  delete[] buffer;

  return 0;

streampos tellp();

// position in output stream
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {
  std::ofstream outfile;
  outfile.open ("test.txt");

  outfile.write ("This is an apple",16);
  long pos = outfile.tellp();
  outfile.seekp (pos-7);
  outfile.write (" sam",4);


  return 0;

ostream& seekp (streampos pos);
ostream& seekp (streamoff off, ios_base::seekdir way);

// position in output stream
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {

  std::ofstream outfile;
  outfile.open ("test.txt");

  outfile.write ("This is an apple",16);
  long pos = outfile.tellp();
  outfile.seekp (pos-7);
  outfile.write (" sam",4);


  return 0;
         This is a sample

ostream& flush();

// Flushing files
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {

  std::ofstream outfile ("test.txt");

  for (int n=0; n<100; ++n)
    outfile << n;

  return 0;

1.10. 输入串流类(istringstream)

         1. 构造函数:
explicit istringstream (ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in);	
explicit istringstream (const string& str, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in);

// istringstream constructors.
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::istringstream
#include        // std::string

int main () {

  std::string stringvalues = "125 320 512 750 333";
  std::istringstream iss (stringvalues);

  for (int n=0; n<5; n++)
    int val;
    iss >> val;
    std::cout << val*2 << '\n';

  return 0;

         1. 获取设置内容
string str() const;
void str (const string& s);

// istringstream::str
#include        // std::string
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::istringstream

int main () {
  std::istringstream iss;
  std::string strvalues = "32 240 2 1450";

  iss.str (strvalues);

  for (int n=0; n<4; n++)
    int val;
    iss >> val;
    std::cout << val << '\n';
  std::cout << "Finished writing the numbers in: ";
  std::cout << iss.str() << '\n';
  return 0;
         Finished writing the numbers in: 32 240 2 1450

         2. 返回关联的内部缓冲区指针
stringbuf* rdbuf() const;

// istringstream::rdbuf
#include        // std::string
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::istringstream, std::stringbuf

int main () {
  std::istringstream iss;
  std::stringbuf *pbuf = iss.rdbuf();

  // using stringbuf directly:
  pbuf->str("Example string");

  int size = pbuf->in_avail();

  while (pbuf->in_avail()>0)
    std::cout << static_cast(pbuf->sbumpc());

  return 0;
         Example string

         3. 重载析取操作符
istream& operator>> (bool& val);
istream& operator>> (short& val);
istream& operator>> (unsigned short& val);
istream& operator>> (int& val);
istream& operator>> (unsigned int& val);
istream& operator>> (long& val);
istream& operator>> (unsigned long& val);
istream& operator>> (float& val);
istream& operator>> (double& val);
istream& operator>> (long double& val);
istream& operator>> (void*& val);
istream& operator>> (streambuf* sb );
istream& operator>> (istream& (*pf)(istream&));
istream& operator>> (ios& (*pf)(ios&));
istream& operator>> (ios_base& (*pf)(ios_base&));

// example on extraction
#include      // std::cin, std::cout, std::hex

int main () {
  int n;

  std::cout << "Enter a number: ";
  std::cin >> n;
  std::cout << "You have entered: " << n << '\n';

  std::cout << "Enter a hexadecimal number: ";
  std::cin >> std::hex >> n;         // manipulator
  std::cout << "Its decimal equivalent is: " << n << '\n';

  return 0;

         4. 返回最后一次无格式输入操作所析取的字符数量
streamsize gcount() const;

// cin.gcount example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout

int main () {
  char str[20];

  std::cout << "Please, enter a word: ";
  std::cout << std::cin.gcount() << " characters read: " << str << '\n';

  return 0;
         Please, enter a word: simplify
         9 characteres read: simplify

         5. 以无格式输入方式从输入流中析取字符
int get();
istream& get (char& c);
istream& get (char* s, streamsize n);
istream& get (char* s, streamsize n, char delim);	
istream& get (streambuf& sb);
istream& get (streambuf& sb, char delim);

// istream::get example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  char str[256];

  std::cout << "Enter the name of an existing text file: ";
  std::cin.get (str,256);    // get c-string

  std::ifstream is(str);     // open file

  while (is.good())          // loop while extraction from file is possible
    char c = is.get();       // get character from file
    if (is.good())
      std::cout << c;

  is.close();                // close file

  return 0;

istream& getline (char* s, streamsize n );
istream& getline (char* s, streamsize n, char delim );

// istream::getline example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout

int main () {
  char name[256], title[256];

  std::cout << "Please, enter your name: ";
  std::cin.getline (name,256);

  std::cout << "Please, enter your favourite movie: ";
  std::cin.getline (title,256);

  std::cout << name << "'s favourite movie is " << title;

  return 0;

         7. 从流中提取字符输入序列(直到n个字符提取,或遇见一个指定的字符分隔字),并丢弃。
istream& ignore (streamsize n = 1, int delim = EOF);

// istream::ignore example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout

int main () {
  char first, last;

  std::cout << "Please, enter your first name followed by your surname: ";

  first = std::cin.get();     // get one character
  std::cin.ignore(256,' ');   // ignore until space

  last = std::cin.get();      // get one character

  std::cout << "Your initials are " << first << last << '\n';

  return 0;
         Please, enter your first name followed by your surname: John Smith
         Your initials are JS

         8. 返回输入序列中的下一个字符,但不析取:字符将在下一次析取操作中从流中提取。
int peek();


// istream::peek example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout
#include        // std::string

int main () {

  std::cout << "Please, enter a number or a word: ";
  char c = std::cin.peek();

  if ( (c >= '0') && (c <= '9') )
    int n;
    std::cin >> n;
    std::cout << "You entered the number: " << n << '\n';
    std::string str;
    std::getline (std::cin, str);
    std::cout << "You entered the word: " << str << '\n';

  return 0;
         Please, enter a number or a word: foobar
         You entered the word: foobar

         9. 从流中析取n个字符,并把它们存储入s指向的字符数组
istream& read (char* s, streamsize n);

// read a file into memory
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {

  std::ifstream is ("test.txt", std::ifstream::binary);
  if (is) {
    // get length of file:
    is.seekg (0, is.end);
    int length = is.tellg();
    is.seekg (0, is.beg);

    char * buffer = new char [length];

    std::cout << "Reading " << length << " characters... ";
    // read data as a block:
    is.read (buffer,length);

    if (is)
      std::cout << "all characters read successfully.";
      std::cout << "error: only " << is.gcount() << " could be read";

    // ...buffer contains the entire file...

    delete[] buffer;
  return 0;
         Reading 640 characters... all characters read successfully.

         10. 从流中析取n个字符,并把它们存储入s指向的字符数组。在内部关联的缓冲区(如果存在的话)用完时,操作返回,即使此时尚未达到文件结束字符。这个函数主要用于从某些类型的异步源中读取数据。由于析取操作会在内部缓冲区耗尽时终止,从而避免了潜在的延时。
streamsize readsome (char* s, streamsize n);

         11. 把指定字符还给输入流,使得字符能够被重新析取
istream& putback (char c);

// istream::putback example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout
#include        // std::string

int main () {
  std::cout << "Please, enter a number or a word: ";
  char c = std::cin.get();

  if ( (c >= '0') && (c <= '9') )
    int n;
    std::cin.putback (c);
    std::cin >> n;
    std::cout << "You entered a number: " << n << '\n';
    std::string str;
    std::cin.putback (c);
    getline (std::cin,str);
    std::cout << "You entered a word: " << str << '\n';
  return 0;
         Please, enter a number or a word: pocket
         You entered a word: pocket

         12. 把上一次析取的字符还给输入流,使得字符能够被重新析取
istream& unget();

// istream::unget example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout
#include        // std::string

int main () {
  std::cout << "Please, enter a number or a word: ";
  char c = std::cin.get();

  if ( (c >= '0') && (c <= '9') )
    int n;
    std::cin >> n;
    std::cout << "You entered a number: " << n << '\n';
    std::string str;
    getline (std::cin,str);
    std::cout << "You entered a word: " << str << '\n';
  return 0;
         Please, enter a number or a word: 7791
         You entered a number: 7791

         13. 返回当前输入流字符的位置:
streampos tellg();

// read a file into memory
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream is ("test.txt", std::ifstream::binary);
  if (is) {
    // get length of file:
    is.seekg (0, is.end);
    int length = is.tellg();
    is.seekg (0, is.beg);

    // allocate memory:
    char * buffer = new char [length];

    // read data as a block:
    is.read (buffer,length);


    // print content:
    std::cout.write (buffer,length);

    delete[] buffer;

  return 0;

         14. 设置下一个析取字符串在输入流中的位置
istream& seekg (streampos pos);
istream& seekg (streamoff off, ios_base::seekdir way);

// read a file into memory
#include      // std::cout
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream is ("test.txt", std::ifstream::binary);
  if (is) {
    // get length of file:
    is.seekg (0, is.end);
    int length = is.tellg();
    is.seekg (0, is.beg);

    // allocate memory:
    char * buffer = new char [length];

    // read data as a block:
    is.read (buffer,length);


    // print content:
    std::cout.write (buffer,length);

    delete[] buffer;

  return 0;

         15. 同步流相关的缓冲区buf
int sync();

// syncing input stream
#include      // std::cin, std::cout

int main () {
  char first, second;

  std::cout << "Please, enter a word: ";
  first = std::cin.get();

  std::cout << "Please, enter another word: ";
  second = std::cin.get();

  std::cout << "The first word began by " << first << '\n';
  std::cout << "The second word began by " << second << '\n';

  return 0;
         Please, enter a word: test
         Please enter another word: text
         The first word began by t
         The second word began by t

1.11. 输入输出串流类(stringstream)


1.12. 输入输出文件流类(fstream)


1.13. 流缓冲区(streambuf)

         streambuf类是所有流缓冲类的基类,内部处理窄字符(narror char)。

         1. 关联locale对象到缓冲区
locale pubimbue (const locale& loc);

         2. 获取当前使用的locale对象
locale getloc() const;

         1. 设置缓冲区字符数组
streambuf* pubsetbuf (char* s, streamsize n);

// set character buffer (pubsetbuf)
#include       // std::fstream

int main () {
  char mybuffer [512];
  std::fstream filestr;

  // operations with file stream here.

  return 0;

         2. 设置内部位置指针到指定位置(相对于way的偏移)
streampos pubseekoff (streamoff off, ios_base::seekdir way, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);

// get file size using pubseekoff
#include      // std::cout, std::streambuf
#include       // std::fstream

int main () {
  std::fstream filestr ("test.txt");
  if (filestr) {
    std::streambuf* pbuf = filestr.rdbuf();
    long size = pbuf->pubseekoff(0,filestr.end);
    std::cout << "The file size is " << size << " characters.\n";

  return 0;

         3. 设置内部位置指针到指定位置(绝对位置)
streampos pubseekpos (streampos pos, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out);

// changing position with pubseekpos
#include      // std::cout, std::streambuf
#include       // std::fstream

int main () {

  std::fstream filestr ("test.txt");
  if (filestr) {
    std::streambuf* pbuf = filestr.rdbuf();
    long size = pbuf->pubseekoff(0,filestr.end);  // get size
    if (size>20) {
      char buffer[11];
      // change position to the 10th character
      // read 10 characters
      pbuf->sgetn (buffer,10);
      // append null character to string
      std::cout << buffer << '\n';
  return 0;

         4. 同步流缓冲
int pubsync();

// pubsync member
#include      // std::cout, std::streambuf
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {
  std::ofstream ostr ("test.txt");
  if (ostr) {
    std::streambuf * pbuf = ostr.rdbuf();

    pbuf->sputn ("First sentence\n",15);
    pbuf->sputn ("Second sentence\n",16);

  return 0;

         1. 获取可读的字符数目
streamsize in_avail();

// get file size using pubseekoff
#include      // std::cout, std::streambuf, std::streamsize
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  std::ifstream ifs ("test.txt");
  if (ifs.good()) {
    std::streambuf* pbuf = ifs.rdbuf();
    char c; ifs >> c;
    std::streamsize size = pbuf->in_avail();
    std::cout << "first character in file: " << c << '\n';
    std::cout << size << " characters in buffer after it\n";

  return 0;

         2. 前进输入流的当前位到下一字符,并返回下一个字符
int snextc();

// show file content - snextc() example
#include      // std::cout, std::streambuf
#include       // std::ifstream
#include        // EOF

int main () {
  std::ifstream istr ("test.txt");
  if (istr) {
    std::streambuf * pbuf = istr.rdbuf();
    do {
      char ch = pbuf->sgetc();
      std::cout << ch;
    } while ( pbuf->snextc() != EOF );
  return 0;

         3. 返回输入流的当前位字符,并前进当前位到下一个字符
int sbumpc();

// show file content - sbumpc() example
#include      // std::cout, std::streambuf
#include       // std::ifstream
#include        // EOF

int main () {
  std::ifstream istr ("test.txt");
  if (istr) {
    std::streambuf * pbuf = istr.rdbuf();
    while ( pbuf->sgetc() != EOF )
      char ch = pbuf->sbumpc();
      std::cout << ch;
  return 0;

         4. 返回输入流的当前位字符,不改变位置信息
int sgetc();

// show file content - sgetc() example
#include      // std::cout, std::streambuf
#include       // std::ifstream
#include        // EOF

int main () {
  std::ifstream istr ("test.txt");
  if (istr) {
    std::streambuf * pbuf = istr.rdbuf();
    do {
      char ch = pbuf->sgetc();
      std::cout << ch;
    } while ( pbuf->snextc() != EOF );
  return 0;

         5. 从指定的输入流中获取字符串,并把它们存储到s指向的字符串数组中。当n个字符已读或者输入流结束时,析取操作结束。
streamsize sgetn (char* s, streamsize n);

// read a file into buffer - sgetn() example
#include      // std::cout, std::streambuf, std::streamsize
#include       // std::ifstream

int main () {
  char* contents;
  std::ifstream istr ("test.txt");

  if (istr) {
    std::streambuf * pbuf = istr.rdbuf();
    std::streamsize size = pbuf->pubseekoff(0,istr.end);
    pbuf->pubseekoff(0,istr.beg);       // rewind
    contents = new char [size];
    pbuf->sgetn (contents,size);
    std::cout.write (contents,size);
  return 0;

         6. 回退输入流的位置到指定字符c的上一个位置
int sputbackc (char c);
// sputbackc example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout, std::streambuf, std::streamsize
#include        // EOF

int main () {
  char ch;
  std::streambuf * pbuf = std::cin.rdbuf();

  std::cout << "Please, enter some letters and then a number: ";
  do {
    ch = pbuf->sbumpc();

    if ( (ch>='0') && (ch <='9') )
      pbuf->sputbackc (ch);
      long n;
      std::cin >> n;
      std::cout << "You entered number " << n << '\n';
  } while ( ch != EOF );

  return 0;

         7. 回退输入流的位置到上一个位置,和sputbackc类似,但是不含参数c
int sungetc();

// sputbackc example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout, std::streambuf, std::streamsize
#include        // EOF

int main () {
  char ch;
  std::streambuf * pbuf = std::cin.rdbuf();

  std::cout << "Please, enter some letters and then a number: ";
  do {
    ch = pbuf->sbumpc();

    if ( (ch>='0') && (ch <='9') )
      pbuf->sputbackc (ch);
      long n;
      std::cin >> n;
      std::cout << "You entered number " << n << '\n';
  } while ( ch != EOF );

  return 0;

         1. 存储字符于缓冲区当前位置并且移动输入指针位置
int sputc (char c);

// typewriter - sputc() example
#include      // std::cin, std::cout, std::streambuf
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {
  char ch;
  std::ofstream ostr ("test.txt");
  if (ostr) {
    std::cout << "Writing to file. Type a dot (.) to end.\n";
    std::streambuf * pbuf = ostr.rdbuf();
    do {
      ch = std::cin.get();
    } while (ch!='.');

  return 0;

         2. 存储字符串序列于缓冲区中,直到存储数目到n或者输出序列结束
streamsize sputn (const char* s, streamsize n);

// sputn() example
#include      // std::streambuf
#include       // std::ofstream

int main () {
  const char sentence[]= "Sample sentence";

  std::ofstream ostr ("test.txt");
  if (ostr) {
    std::streambuf * pbuf = ostr.rdbuf();
    pbuf->sputn (sentence,sizeof(sentence)-1);

  return 0;

1.14. 文件缓冲区流(filebuf)


         1. 打开文件,并关联其内容到指定的文件缓冲
filebuf* open (const char* filename,  ios_base::openmode mode);

// filebuf::open()

int main () {
  std::ifstream is;
  std::filebuf * fb = is.rdbuf();

  fb->open ("test.txt",std::ios::out|std::ios::app);

  // >> appending operations here <<


  return 0;

         2. 判断缓冲区是否已经关联文件
bool is_open() const;

// filebuf::is_open() example

int main () {
  std::ifstream is;
  std::filebuf * fb = is.rdbuf();
  fb->open ("test.txt",std::ios::in);

  if ( fb->is_open() )
    std::cout << "the file is open.\n";
    std::cout << "the file is not open.\n";


  return 0;

         3. 关闭缓冲区关联的文件,并解除关联
filebuf* close();

// filebuf::close()

int main () {
  std::ifstream is;
  std::filebuf * fb = is.rdbuf();

  fb->open ("test.txt",std::ios::in);

  // appending operations


  return 0;

1.15. 字符串的缓冲流类(stringbuf)

         1. 获取设置字符串内容
string str() const;
void str (const string& str);

// stringbuf example
#include        // std::string
#include      // std::cout, std::ostream, std::hex
#include       // std::stringbuf

int main ()
  std::stringbuf buffer;             // empty buffer

  std::ostream os (&buffer);      // associate stream buffer to stream

  // mixing output to buffer with inserting to associated stream:
  buffer.sputn ("255 in hexadecimal: ",20);
  os << std::hex << 255;

  std::cout << buffer.str();

  return 0;


         255 in hexadecimal: ff

1.16 标准库流总结


         1. ios_base封装了流的格式

         2. basic_ios封装了流的状态信息。并定义了指向streambuf的指针,也就是说:所有的流都关联一个缓冲区。在流构造时,必须显式的指定一个缓冲区streambuf的指针。文件流和字符串流在构造函数里,并没有看到streambuf指针参数,并不代表不需要,在其内部封装。所有流的输入输出操作都委托给了其内部的streambuf进行

         3. istream定义了输入操作,其中最重要的是重载了">>"操作符。

         4. ostream定义了输出操作,其中最重要的是重载了"<<"操作符。

         5. iostream多重继承于istream和ostream,能够同时完成读写功能。

         6. ofstream、ifstream、fstream完成文件读写工作,定义了文件open,close接口。

         7. ostringstream、istringstream、stringstream完成了对字符串的读写工作,定义了str接口。重载了"<<",">>"操作。

         8. cerr(无缓冲标准错误)、clog(缓冲标准错误)、cout(缓冲标准输出)、cin(行缓冲)为标准库中预定义的stream对象。它们也关联有缓冲对象,其缓冲特性如下:

             cerr(无缓冲标准错误)       -----      没有缓冲,发送给它的内容立即被输出

             clog(缓冲标准错误)          -----      有缓冲,缓冲区满时输出

             cout(缓冲标准输出)          -----      标准输出



在查阅C++流的相关资料时,发现有一篇文章很有意思,重点在底下的讨论。  文章链接为《C++的流设计很糟糕》。

(版权所有,转载时请注明作者和出处  http://blog.csdn.net/arau_sh/article/details/8698456)


你可能感兴趣的:(POCO C++库学习和分析 -- 流 (一))