

Not all WinHTTP API functions report errors in the same way.

WinHTTP API各种函数返回错误的方式不尽相同。

Some functions, such as WinHttpSetTimeouts, return a BOOL that indicates failure whenFALSE. If FALSE is returned, callers interested in the error should callGetLastError. If GetLastError is called when the function succeded (returned anything butFALSE), the returned value is unpredictable and may change between Windows versions, Service Packs, or even between calls to the same function.


Some functions, such as WinHttpConnect, return an HINTERNET pseudo handle. These functions are exactly the same, except failure is indicated by returningNULL. If NULL is returned, callers interested in the error should callGetLastError. If GetLastError is called when the function succeded (returned anything butNULL), the returned value is unpredictable and may change between Windows versions, Service Packs, or even between calls to the same function.


Some functions, such as WinHttpGetProxyResult, return a DWORD error code and there is no need to call any other functions for more error information. For these functions,GetLastError should not be called. If GetLastError is called, regardless of the success or failure of the function, the returned value is unpredictable and may change between Windows versions, Service Packs, or even between calls to the same function.

