public class Calculator extends JFrame{
private JFrame jframe = new JFrame(“计算器”);
// 菜单载体
private JMenuBar jmemubar = new JMenuBar();
// 菜单,酌情放入其他功能
private JMenu jmb_view = new JMenu(“查看(V)”);
private JMenu jmb_edit = new JMenu(“编辑(E)”);
private JMenu jmb_help = new JMenu(“帮助(H)”);
// 显示窗口载体
private JPanel jpanel_show = new JPanel();
// 输入显示标签
private JLabel jla_input = new JLabel();
// 结果显示标签
private JLabel jla_show = new JLabel();
// 错误信息显示标签
private JLabel jla_error = new JLabel();
// 计算器按键载体
private JPanel jp_button = new JPanel();
private String result = " ";
// 按键显示字符
private String[] str = { “1”, “2”, “3”, “+”, “x²”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “-”, “√”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “*”, “1/x”, “0”, “(”,
“)”, “÷”, “n!”, “.”, “后退”, “清除”, “=”, “π” };
// 按键
private JButton[] jb_button = new JButton[str.length];
* 界面初始化
private void init() {
// 菜单添加到菜单载体中
jmb_view.setFont(new Font("", Font.ROMAN_BASELINE, 10));
jmb_edit.setFont(new Font("", Font.ROMAN_BASELINE, 10));
jmb_help.setFont(new Font("", Font.ROMAN_BASELINE, 10));
// 设置显示框计算结果大字体, 设置字体右对齐
jla_show.setFont(new Font("arial", Font.BOLD, 22));
// jla_show.setBackground(Color.BLUE);
// 设置显示框输入显示的字体,设置字体右对齐
jla_input.setText(" ");
jla_input.setFont(new Font("", Font.ROMAN_BASELINE, 10));
// 设置错误信息显示
jla_error.setText(" ");
jla_error.setFont(new Font("arial", Font.ROMAN_BASELINE, 10));
jpanel_show.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// 显示标签加载到显示窗口载体中
jpanel_show.add(jla_show, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
jpanel_show.add(jla_input, BorderLayout.CENTER);
jpanel_show.add(jla_error, BorderLayout.NORTH);
new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED, new Color(180, 180, 180), null, SystemColor.scrollbar, null));
// 按键设置为网格布局
jp_button.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 5, 4, 4));
new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED, new Color(180, 180, 180), null, SystemColor.scrollbar, null));
// 按键
for (int i = 0; i < jb_button.length; i++) {
jb_button[i] = new JButton(str[i]);
jb_button[i].setContentAreaFilled(false);// 除去默认的背景填充
jb_button[i].setFocusPainted(false);// 除去焦点的框
// jb_button[i].setForeground(Color.blue);
// 按键注册监听器
jb_button[i].addActionListener(new ButtonListener());
// 按键添加到按键载体中
// 按键载体添加到主框架
jframe.add(jp_button, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// 显示框载体加载到主框架
jframe.add(jpanel_show, BorderLayout.NORTH);
// 菜单载体加载到主框架
// 窗口位置,左上角为屏幕中央
// 自适应大小
// 设置X关闭
// 可以放大窗体
// 显示窗口
* 事件处理
* @author K.O
private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String content = String.valueOf(e.getActionCommand());
boolean flag1 = jla_input.getText().contains("=");
// 输入处理的结果赋值给result
result = parseInputStr(result, content);
// 控制计算结果后继续输入
if (flag1 && content.matches("^\\d")) {
result = content;
if (content.equals("后退"))
backSpace();// 后退
if (content.equals("清除"))
clear();// 清屏
if (result.endsWith("=")) {
String str = jla_input.getText();
// 如果(大于)数,报错“缺少)”
if (countsOfSubstringInString(result, "(") > countsOfSubstringInString(result, ")")) {
jla_error.setText("')' is missing!");
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
else if (result.contains("!")) {
int index = indexOfNumberStart(result.substring(0, result.indexOf('!')));
String s = result.substring(index, result.indexOf('!'));
if (parse(s) > 100)
jla_error.setText("the argument for factorial is too large!");
// 如果出现根号下负数,报错“负数没有平方根”
else if (str.indexOf("sqt") != -1) {
int index = indexOfOpecifiedMirrorBracket(str, '(',
str.indexOf("sqt") + 3);
String s = str.substring(str.indexOf("sqt") + 4, index);
if (parse(s) < 0.0) {
jla_error.setText("negative number do not have a square root!");
} else
// 如果出现/0.0报错“0不能作为被除数”
else if (jla_input.getText().indexOf("/") != -1) {
String s = "";
int indexofdiv = indexOfNumberEnd(str, str.indexOf("/"));
s = str.substring(str.indexOf("/") + 1, indexofdiv);
if (parse(s) == Double.parseDouble("0")) {// 如果s=0
jla_error.setText("0 can not be the dividend!");
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
} else
} else
private void calculate() {
result = String.valueOf(parse(result.substring(0, result.length() - 1)));
// 处理显示结果
private String formatResult(String result) {
String finalResult = "";
Double d = Double.valueOf(result);
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();
if (Math.abs(d) >= 1 || Math.abs(d) == 0)
finalResult = nf.format(d);
finalResult = d.toString();
return finalResult;
* 后退处理
* @param content
private void backSpace() {
if (result.length() == 1 || result.equals("")) {
result = " ";
} else {
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
if (result.endsWith(" "))
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
jla_error.setText(" ");
* 清屏处理
* @param content
private void clear() {
jla_error.setText(" ");
jla_input.setText(" ");
result = " ";
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Calculator().init();
* 输入处理
* @param result
* @param content
* @return
private static String parseInputStr(String result, String content) {
// 刚开始输入只能输入数字、π、-或者(
if (result.equals(" ") || result.equals("")) {
if (content.matches("\\d+|π|\\-|\\(*")) {
result = "".concat(content);
// 左括号数大于右括号数才能输入右括号
else if (content.equals(")")) {
boolean b = result.matches(".*\\d$|.*\\)$");// result以数字结尾或者右括号结尾
if (countsOfSubstringInString(result, "(") > countsOfSubstringInString(result, ")") && b)
result = result.concat(content);
result = result.concat("");
// 以数字结尾
else if (Pattern.matches(".*\\d$|.*π$", result)) {
// 不可输入00
if (lastNumberOfStr(result).matches("^0+")
&& /* !content.equals(".") &&!content.equals("=") && */ !content.matches("\\+|\\-|\\*|÷|\\.|="))
result = result + "";
// 数字后面跟x²,1/x,√
else if (content.matches("x²|1/x|√|n!")) {
result = parseDigitEndWithFuncthion(result, content);
// x.y后不能接小数点,如2.1后不能输入点,不能出现2.1.2
else if (Pattern.matches(".*\\.\\d+$", result)) {// resul以.数字结尾
result = result.concat(content.matches("\\d*|\\+|\\-|\\*|÷|\\)|=") ? content : "");
// 数字或小数点
else if (content.matches("\\d|\\."))
result = result.concat(content);
result = result.concat(content.matches("\\+|\\-|\\*|÷|\\)|=") ? " " + content : "");
// 以小数点结尾
else if (Pattern.matches(".*\\.$", result) && Pattern.matches("^\\d", content)) {
result = result.concat(content);
// 以左括号结尾
else if ((result).matches(".*\\($")) {
result = result.concat(content.matches("\\d*|π|\\-|\\(") ? content : "");
// 以右括号结尾
else if (Pattern.matches(".*\\)$", result)) {
if (content.matches("\\+|\\-|\\*|÷|=")) {
result = result + " " + content;
if (content.matches("\\)")) {
result = result + content;
if (content.matches("x²|√|1/x")) {
result = parseBrackets(result, content);
// 以加减乘除结尾
else if (result.matches(".*\\+$|.*\\-$|.*\\*$|.*÷$|.*/$")) {
result = result.replaceAll("÷", "/");
if (result.matches(".*\\-$")) {// 以减号结尾
if (result.length() == 1)
result = result + (content.matches("\\(|\\d|π") ? content : "");// 负号
else if (result.length() > 1) {// 减号或左括号负号
boolean b = result.charAt(result.length() - 2) == '(';
if (b)
result = result + (content.matches("\\(|\\d|π") ? content : "");// 左括号负号
result = result + (content.matches("\\(|\\d|π") ? " " + content : "");// 减号
} else
result = result + (content.matches("\\(|\\d|π") ? " " + content : "");
// 以!结尾
else if (Pattern.matches(".*!$", result)) {
result = result + (content.matches("\\+|\\-|\\*|/|=|\\)") ? content : "");
return result;
* 计算处理
* @param content
* @return
private static double parse(String content) {
// 处理π
if (content.contains("π"))
content = content.replace("π", "3.1412926");
if (content.contains("1/x"))
content = content.replace("1/x", "rec");
// 处理乘以负数*-
if (content.contains("*-") || content.matches(".*(\\*\\s\\-).*")) {
content = content.replaceAll("\\*\\s\\-", "*-");
content = multiplicationAndDivisionOfNegative(content, "*");
// 处理除以负数/-
if (content.contains("/-") || content.matches(".*(/\\s\\-).*")) {
content = content.replaceAll("/\\s\\-", "/-");
content = multiplicationAndDivisionOfNegative(content, "/");
// --转成+
if (content.contains("--") || content.matches(".*(\\-\\s\\-).*")) {
content = content.replaceAll("\\-\\s\\-", "+");
content = content.replaceAll("\\-\\-", "+");
// 处理平方
int index = content.indexOf("sqr");
if (index != -1) {
int endindex = indexOfOpecifiedMirrorBracket(content, '(', index + 3);
String d = "(" + content.substring(index + 3, endindex + 1) + "*"
+ content.substring(index + 3, endindex + 1) + ")";
return parse(content.substring(0, index) + d + content.substring(endindex + 1));
// 处理开方
index = content.indexOf("sqt");
if (index != -1) {
int endindex = indexOfOpecifiedMirrorBracket(content, '(', index + 3);
double d = Math.sqrt(parse(content.substring(index + 3, endindex + 1)));
return parse(content.substring(0, index) + d + content.substring(endindex + 1));
// 处理求倒
index = content.indexOf("rec");
if (index != -1) {
int endindex = indexOfOpecifiedMirrorBracket(content, '(', index + 3);
double d = parse("1/" + content.substring(index + 3, endindex + 1));
return parse(content.substring(0, index) + d + content.substring(endindex + 1));
// 处理括号
int startindex = content.indexOf("(");
boolean b = countsOfSubstringInString(content, "(") == countsOfSubstringInString(content, ")");
if (startindex != -1 && b) {
int endindex = indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(content, '(');
double d = parse(content.substring(startindex + 1, endindex));
return parse(content.substring(0, startindex) + d + content.substring(endindex + 1));
// 处理阶乘,由于阶乘很容易越界,故不考虑括号阶乘了
index = content.indexOf("!");
if (index != -1) {
double d = factorial(parse(content.substring(indexOfLeftOperator(content, index) + 1, index)));
return parse(
content.substring(0, indexOfLeftOperator(content, index) + 1) + d + content.substring(index + 1));
// 处理加法
index = content.indexOf("+");
if (index != -1) {
return parse(content.substring(0, index)) + parse(content.substring(index + 1));
// 处理减法
index = content.lastIndexOf("-");
if (index != -1) {
return parse(content.substring(0, index)) - parse(content.substring(index + 1));
// 处理乘法
index = content.indexOf("*");
if (index != -1) {
return parse(content.substring(0, index)) * parse(content.substring(index + 1));
// 处理除法
index = content.lastIndexOf("/");
if (index != -1) {
return parse(content.substring(0, index)) / parse(content.substring(index + 1));
// 处理空格
if (content.equals("") || content.equals(" "))
content = "0";
// 最后结果
return Double.parseDouble(content);
* 阶乘实现
* @param d
* @return
private static double factorial(double d) {
return (d == 0.0 ? 1 : d * factorial(d - 1));
* 字符串中某子字符串的数量
* @param string
* @param substring
* @return
private static int countsOfSubstringInString(String string, String substring) {
int sum = 0;
String subStrHead = "";
String subStrTrail = "";
while (string.contains(substring)) {
subStrHead = string.substring(0, string.indexOf(substring));
subStrTrail = string.substring(subStrHead.length() + substring.length());
string = subStrHead + subStrTrail;
return sum;
* 找最左边的左括号的镜像括号的位置,或者最右边的右括号的镜像括号的位置
private static int indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(String s, char c) {
int indexresult = -1;
int sum = 0;
if (countsOfSubstringInString(s, "(") == countsOfSubstringInString(s, ")")) {
if (c == '(') {
int index = s.indexOf(c) - 1;
do {
if (s.charAt(index) == '(')
if (s.charAt(index) == ')')
} while (sum != 0 && index < s.length());
indexresult = index - 1;
if (c == ')') {
int index = s.lastIndexOf(c);
do {
if (s.charAt(index) == ')') {
if (s.charAt(index) == '(')
} while (sum != 0 && index >= 0);
indexresult = index;
return indexresult + 1;
* 指定位置的括号的镜像括号
* @param s
* @param c
* @param index
* @return
private static int indexOfOpecifiedMirrorBracket(String s, char c, int index) {
int indexresult = -1;
int sum = 0;
int startIndex = -1;
int endIndex = -1;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s);
if (countsOfSubstringInString(s, "(") == countsOfSubstringInString(s, ")")) {
if (index == 0 || index == s.length() - 1)
return indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(s, c);
else if (c == '(') {
sum = countsOfSubstringInString(s.substring(0, index), String.valueOf(c));
while (sum != 0) {
startIndex = sb.indexOf("(");
endIndex = indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(sb.toString(), c);
sb = sb.replace(startIndex, startIndex + 1, "a").replace(endIndex, endIndex + 1, "a");
indexresult = indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(sb.toString(), c);
} else if (c == ')') {
sum = countsOfSubstringInString(s.substring(index + 1), String.valueOf(c));
while (sum != 0) {
startIndex = sb.indexOf(")");
endIndex = indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(sb.toString(), c);
sb = sb.replace(startIndex, startIndex + 1, "a").replace(endIndex, endIndex + 1, "a");
indexresult = indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(sb.toString(), c);
return indexresult;
* 某个位置前面最近一个算术运算符的位置
* @param s
* @param specifiedIndex
* @return
private static int indexOfLeftOperator(String s, int specifiedIndex) {
int temp = -1;
if (specifiedIndex >= 1 && s.substring(0, specifiedIndex).matches(".*(\\-|\\+|\\*|/).*")) {
do {
} while (!String.valueOf(s.charAt(specifiedIndex)).matches("\\+|\\-|\\*|/"));
temp = specifiedIndex;
return temp;
* 某个位置后面最近一个算术运算符的位置
* @param s
* @param specifiedIndex
* @return
private static int indexOfRightOperator(String s, int specifiedIndex) {
int temp = -1;
boolean b = specifiedIndex >= 0 && specifiedIndex <= s.length() - 1
&& s.substring(specifiedIndex + 1).matches(".*(\\+|\\-|\\*|/).*");
if (b) {
while (!String.valueOf(s.charAt(specifiedIndex + 1)).matches("\\+|\\-|\\*|/")) {
temp = specifiedIndex + 1;
return temp;
* 处理算式中的*-和/-
private static String multiplicationAndDivisionOfNegative(String content, String operator) {
int indexofoperator = content.indexOf(operator);
int startindex = indexOfLeftOperator(content, indexofoperator);// indexofoperator左边最近的运算符+-*/的位置
if (startindex == -1) {
content = "-" + content.substring(0, content.indexOf(operator) + 1)
+ content.substring(content.indexOf(operator) + 2);
if (startindex != -1) {
if (content.substring(indexofoperator, indexofoperator + 2).equals(operator + "-")) {
String tempstr = "-" + content.substring(startindex + 1, indexofoperator + 1);
content = content.substring(0, startindex + 1) + tempstr + content.substring(indexofoperator + 2);
return content;
* 找数字结尾的字符串结束位置开始往前的一个完整数字的位置
* @param result
* @return
private static int indexOfNumberStart(String result) {
int resultIndex = -1;
int indexOfOperator = indexOfLeftOperator(result, result.length() - 1);// 该位置前面第一个运算符位置
if (indexOfOperator == -1) {//前面没有运算符
indexOfOperator = result.lastIndexOf('(');
if (indexOfOperator == -1)
resultIndex = 0;
resultIndex = indexOfOperator + 1;
} else {
if(result.charAt(indexOfOperator) == '-' && result.charAt(indexOfOperator + 1) != ' ')
resultIndex = indexOfOperator;
while (result.charAt(indexOfOperator + 1) == '(' || result.charAt(indexOfOperator + 1) == ' ')
resultIndex = indexOfOperator + 1;
return resultIndex;
* 找运算符位置往后完整数字的位置
* @param result
* @param index
* @return
private static int indexOfNumberEnd(String result, int index) {
int resultIndex = -1;
int indexOfOperator = indexOfRightOperator(result, index + 1);
String subStrStart = result.substring(0, index + 1);
String subStrEnd = result.substring(index + 1);
if (indexOfOperator == -1) {// 没有运算符
if (result.substring(index + 1).contains("(")) {
int startIndex = subStrStart.length() + subStrEnd.indexOf('(');
int endIndex = indexOfOpecifiedMirrorBracket(result, '(', startIndex);
resultIndex = endIndex + 1;
} else if (indexOfOperator == -1) {
while (index < result.length() && String.valueOf(result.charAt(index + 1)).matches("\\s|\\d|\\."))
resultIndex = index + 1;
} else {
if (result.substring(index + 1, indexOfOperator).contains("(")) {
int startIndex = subStrStart.length() + subStrEnd.indexOf('(');
int endIndex = indexOfOpecifiedMirrorBracket(result, '(', startIndex);
resultIndex = endIndex + 1;
} else
resultIndex = indexOfOperator;
return resultIndex;
* 以数字结尾的字符串的最后一个完整的数字字符串
* @param result
* @return
private static String lastNumberOfStr(String result) {
int indexTemp = indexOfLeftOperator(result, result.length() - 1);
boolean b = String.valueOf(result.charAt(result.length() - 1)).matches("\\d");
if (indexTemp <= result.length() - 1 && b) {
while (!String.valueOf(result.charAt(indexTemp + 1)).matches("\\d"))
return result.substring(indexTemp + 1);
} else
return "";
* 右括号后面跟平方、求倒、开方
* @param result
* @param content
* @return
private static String parseBrackets(String result, String content) {
String temp = "";
int startIndex = indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(result, ')');
int indexOfOperator = indexOfLeftOperator(result, startIndex);
String substrhead = "";
String substrtrail = "";
if (indexOfOperator == -1)
substrtrail = result;
else {
substrhead = result.substring(0, indexOfOperator + 2);
substrtrail = result.substring(indexOfOperator + 2);
if (content.equals("√")) {
if (substrtrail.startsWith("(") && substrtrail.endsWith(")")
&& indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(substrtrail, '(') == substrtrail.length() - 1)
temp = substrhead + "sqt" + substrtrail;
temp = substrhead + "sqt(" + substrtrail + ")";
if (content.equals("x²")) {
if (substrtrail.startsWith("(") && substrtrail.endsWith(")")
&& indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(substrtrail, '(') == substrtrail.length() - 1)
temp = substrhead + "sqr" + substrtrail;
temp = substrhead + "sqr(" + substrtrail + ")";
if (content.equals("1/x")) {
if (substrtrail.startsWith("(") && substrtrail.endsWith(")")
&& indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(substrtrail, '(') == substrtrail.length() - 1)
temp = substrhead + "rec" + substrtrail;
temp = substrhead + "rec(" + substrtrail + ")";
if (temp.startsWith("(") && temp.endsWith(")") && indexOfFirstMirrorBracket(temp, '(') == temp.length() - 1)
temp = temp.substring(1, temp.length() - 1);
return temp;
* 数字结尾后面跟平方、求倒、开方
* @param result
* @param content
* @return
private static String parseDigitEndWithFuncthion(String result, String content) {
String temp = "";
String contentTemp = "";
if (content.equals("1/x"))
contentTemp = "rec";
if (content.equals("n!"))
contentTemp = "!";
if (content.equals("x²"))
contentTemp = "sqr";
if (content.equals("√"))
contentTemp = "sqt";
int startIndex = indexOfNumberStart(result);// 数字的开头
String substrhead = result.substring(0, startIndex);
String substrtrail = result.substring(startIndex);
if (result.startsWith("-") && startIndex == 1) {
if (contentTemp == "!")
temp = "-" + result.substring(startIndex) + "!";
temp = contentTemp + "(" + result + ")";
} else {
if (contentTemp == "!") {
if (substrtrail.endsWith("π") || substrtrail.matches(".*\\.\\d*[1-9]+$"))
temp = result;
temp = substrhead + substrtrail + contentTemp;
} else
temp = substrhead + contentTemp + "(" + substrtrail + ")";
return temp;