unity 服务器与MySQL通信

所需软件: unity     vs    mysqlworkbench     同类软件即可   

首先安装MySQL      官网:https://www.mysql.com/    下载地址 :https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ 



unity 服务器与MySQL通信_第1张图片


点击MySQL开启即可   。由于MySQL会消耗性能   开启关闭自己看着办

unity 服务器与MySQL通信_第2张图片

数据库软件我用的这个   选择比较多   大同小异用哪个都行


下面是一些操作数据库常用的语句   自己可以多敲敲

-- 创建数据库




-- create database db4;
-- create database db5 character set utf8;
-- 查询
-- show databases;

-- 修改
-- alter database db5 character set gbk;

-- 删除
-- drop database db5;

-- 选择数据库

-- use db4;

-- 查看当前选择哪个数据库

-- select database();

-- create database mydb1;

-- use mydb1;

-- create table mytable2(

-- id int, 
-- gender varchar(10)

-- );

-- 查看所有表
-- show tables

-- 查看表中字段
-- desc mytable22;
-- 添加字段
-- alter table mytable2 add image blob;
-- 修改字段
-- alter table mytable2 modify gender varchar(12);

-- 删除表字段

-- alter table mytable22 drop image;

-- 修改表名
-- rename table mytable2 to mytable22;

-- 查看表的创建细节
-- show create table mytable22;

-- 修改表中字段名
-- alter table mytable22 change gender  ggeennddeerr varchar(10) ;

-- 修改字符集
-- alter table mytable22 character set gbk;

-- DML

set sql_safe_updates=0;

use mydb1;

-- 查询表中数据  *是全排列的意思
select * from mytable1;
-- 指定列查询
select id from mytable1;
-- 插入数据
insert into mytable1(id,name) values(1,'张三');
insert into mytable1(id,name) values(2,'赵四');
insert into mytable1(id,name) values(3,'王五');
-- 这两者是不一样的
insert into mytable1(id) values(4);
insert into mytable1(id,name) values(5,''); 


-- 修改数据
update mytable1 set name='李四' where name = '赵四';
update mytable1 set name='李四' where id = '2';

-- 删除数据

delete from mytable1;
delete from mytable1 where id=2;

-- truncate               与delete的区别看有道云笔记

create database DB1;

use DB1;

create table stu(
sid char(6),
sname varchar(50),
age int,
gender varchar(10)


select * from stu;

insert into stu values('S_1001','liuYi',35,'male');
insert into stu values('S_1002','chenEr',15,'female');
insert into stu values('S_1003','ZhangSan',95,'male');
insert into stu values('S_1004','liSi',65,'female');
insert into stu values('S_1005','WangWu',55,'male');
insert into stu values('S_1006','zhaoLiu',75,'female');
insert into stu values('S_1007','sunQi',28,'male');
insert into stu values('S_1008','zhouBa',325,'female');
insert into stu values('S_1009','wuJiu',35,'male');
insert into stu values('S_1010','zhengShi',39,'female');
insert into stu values('S_1011','xxx',12,'male');

select * from emp;

create table emp(
empno   int,
ename  varchar(50),
job   varchar(50),
mgr int,
hiredate date,
-- 工资
sal  decimal(7,2),
-- 奖金
comm  decimal(7,2),
deptno int


insert into emp values(7369,'SMITH','CLERK',7902,'1980-12-17',800,null,20);
insert into emp values(7499,'ALLEN','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-02-27',1600,300,30);
insert into emp values(7521,'WARD','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-02-27',1250,500,30);
insert into emp values(7566,'JONES','SALESMAN',7839,'1981-02-27',2975,null,20);
insert into emp values(7654,'JONES','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-02-27',1250,1400,30);
insert into emp values(7698,'JONES','SALESMAN',7839,'1981-02-27',2850,null,30);
insert into emp values(7782,'JONES','SALESMAN',7839,'1981-02-27',2450,null,10);
insert into emp values(7788,'JONES','SALESMAN',7566,'1981-02-27',3000,null,20);
insert into emp values(7839,'KING','SALESMAN',null,'1981-02-27',5000,null,10);
insert into emp values(7844,'JONES','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-02-27',1500,0,30);
insert into emp values(7876,'JONES','SALESMAN',7788,'1981-02-27',1100,null,20);
insert into emp values(7900,'JONES','SALESMAN',7698,'1981-02-27',950,null,30);
insert into emp values(7902,'JONES','SALESMAN',7566,'1981-02-27',3000,null,20);
insert into emp values(7934,'JONES','SALESMAN',7782,'1981-02-27',1300,null,10);

select * from dept;

create table dept(
deptno  int,
dname  varchar(14),
ioc  varchar(13)


insert into dept  values(10,'ACCOUNTING','NEW YORK');
insert into dept  values(20,'RESEARCH','DALLAS');
insert into dept  values(30,'SALES','CHICAGO');
insert into dept  values(40,'OPERATIONS','BOSTON');

select * from stu
where gender='female' and age=75;

select * from stu
where sid='S_1001'or sname='liSi';

select * from stu
where sid in('S_1001','S_1002');

select * from stu
where sid not in('S_1001','S_1002');

select * from stu
where age is null;

select * from stu
where age>=20 and  age<=40;

select * from stu
where age>=20 and  age<=40;

select * from stu
where gender !='male';
-- 不等于
select * from stu
where gender <>'male';

select * from stu
where not gender = 'male';

select * from stu
where sname is not null;

select * from stu
where   not sname is  null;

-- 模糊查询
-- 查询姓名由5个字母构成的学生记录
select * from stu
where sname like '_____';

select * from stu
where sname like '____i';

-- 查询姓名由z开头的
select * from stu
where sname like 'z%';

-- 包含a

select * from stu
where sname like '%a%';

select * from emp;

select deptno from emp;

-- 字段控制查询

-- 去除重复记录

select distinct deptno from emp;

-- 查看雇员的月薪与佣金之和

-- 任何值+ null=null
select sal,comm,sal+comm from emp;
select sal,comm,sal+ifnull(comm,0) from emp;

-- 给列其别名
select sal,comm,sal+ifnull(comm,0) as 总金额  from emp;

select sal as 月薪,comm as 佣金,sal+ifnull(comm,0) as 总金额  from emp;

-- 排序查询
-- asc 升序    desc 降序
select * from stu
order by age asc;

select * from stu
order by age desc;

-- 查询所有雇员    按月薪降序  月薪相同   按编号降序排列
select * from emp
order by sal desc,empno desc;

-- 聚合函数

-- 统计个数
select * from emp;

select count(comm) as 总数 from emp;
-- 查询emp表中月薪大于2500的人数
select count(*) as 月薪大于250的人数总数 from emp
where sal>=2500;

-- 查询月薪与佣金之和大于2500

select count(*) as 月薪与佣金之和大于250的人数总数 from emp
where sal+ifnull(comm,0)>=2500;
-- 有佣金有领导的人
select count(comm) , count(mgr) as 有佣金有领导的人 from emp;

-- 查询所有雇员月薪和
select sum(sal) from emp;

-- 查询所有雇员月薪和雇员佣金和
select sum(sal) ,sum(comm) from emp;

-- 查询所有雇员月薪+佣金和
select sum(sal+ifnull(comm,0)) from emp;

-- 统计所有雇员的平均工资
select avg(sal) as 平均工资 from emp;

-- 查询最高  最低工资
select max(sal),min(sal)  from emp;

-- 分组查询

-- 错误
-- select gender,count(*) from stu;
-- 查询学生表里男生和女生的个数
select count(*) from stu where gender='male';
select count(*) from stu where gender='female';

select gender, count(*) from stu group by gender;

-- 查询每个部门的部门编号和每个部门的工资和

select deptno from emp group by deptno;
select deptno ,sum(sal) from emp group by deptno;

-- 查询 每个部门的部门编号 以及每个部门的人数
select deptno ,count(*) from emp group by deptno;

-- 查询每个部门的部门编号以及每个部门 工资大于1500的人数

select deptno ,count(*) from emp  where sal>1500   group by deptno;

-- 查询工资总和大于9000的部门编号 以及 工资和
select deptno,sum(sal) from emp group by deptno having sum(sal)>9000 order by sum(sal) desc;

-- 限定查询

select * from emp limit 0,3; -- 从第0行开始查3行

-- 分页查询

-- select * from emp limit (currPage-1)*pageSize,pageSize;

-- 主键约束  特点:  数据唯一 且不能为null

create table table2(
id int primary key,
t_name varchar(50)


create table table3(
id int ,
t_name varchar(50),
primary key(id)

drop table table4;

create table table3(
id int ,
t_name varchar(50),
primary key(id,t_name)  -- 联合主键   两个不是都相同即可

create table table4(
id int 


alter table table4  add constraint pk_table3_id primary key(id);

-- 唯一约束

create table table5(
 id int primary key,
 t_name varchar(11) unique


-- 自动增长列

create table table6(
 id int primary key auto_increment,
 t_name varchar(11) 


-- 非空约束

create table table7(
 id int primary key  not null  auto_increment,
 t_name varchar(11) not null 


insert into  table7(t_name) values('2');

-- 默认值约束

create table table8(
 id int primary key  not null  auto_increment,
 t_name varchar(11) default 'las'


insert into table8(id) values(2);

insert into table8(id,t_name) values(3,default);

create table student(

stuid varchar(10) primary key,
stuname varchar(50)

-- 外健约束
create table score(

stuid varchar(10) ,
score int,
courseid int,
constraint fk_stu_sco foreign key(stuid) references student(stuid)

alter table score1 add constraint fk_stu_sco foreign key(stuid) references student(stuid);

drop table score;

select * from student;
insert into student values('1001','a');
insert into student values('1002','b');
insert into student values('1003','c');
insert into student values('1004','d');

select * from score;
insert into score values('1001',98,1);
insert into score values('1002',95,1);
insert into score values('1002',67,2);
insert into score values('1003',83,2);
insert into score values('1003',57,3);

use game;

select * from user;
insert into  user(username,password) values('1001','a');


写一个connhelper类: 用于连接数据库

using System;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

namespace GameServer.Tool
    public class ConnHelper
        public const string CONNRCTIONSTR = "database=game ; datasource=; port=3306; User Id=root; Password=12345678;";

        public static MySqlConnection Connect()

            MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(CONNRCTIONSTR);
                return conn;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return null;

        public static void CloseConnect(MySqlConnection conn)

            if (conn != null)


                Console.WriteLine(conn + "不存在");



下面两个类是操作数据库   比如写入用户 密码     查询用户是否存在    修改密码        通过用户得到用户信息

using System;
using GameServer.Model;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

namespace GameServer.DAO
    public class UserDto
        public User VerifyUser(MySqlConnection connection, string username, string password)
            MySqlDataReader dataReader = null;
                MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("select * from user where username=@username and password=@pwd", connection);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", username);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("pwd", password);
                dataReader = command.ExecuteReader();
                if (dataReader.Read())
                    int id = dataReader.GetInt32("id");
                    return new User(id, username, password);
                    return null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("VerifyUser" + ex);
                if (dataReader != null)


            return null;

        public bool GetUserByUsername(MySqlConnection connection, string username)
            MySqlDataReader dataReader = null;
                MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("select * from user where username = @username", connection);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("username", username);

                dataReader = command.ExecuteReader();
                if (dataReader.HasRows)
                    return true;
                    return false;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("GetUserByUsername" + ex);
                if (dataReader != null)


            return false;

        public void AddUser(MySqlConnection connection, string username, string password)

                Console.WriteLine(username + "||||||" + password);
                MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("insert into user set username = @use , password = @pwd", connection);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("use", username);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("pwd", password);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("AddUser" + ex);


using System;
using GameServer.Model;
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;

namespace GameServer.DAO
    public class ResultDAO
        public Result GetResultByUserid(MySqlConnection connection, int userid)
            MySqlDataReader dataReader = null;
                MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("select * from result where userid=@userid ", connection);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("userid", userid);

                dataReader = command.ExecuteReader();
                if (dataReader.Read())
                    int id = dataReader.GetInt32("id");
                    int totalCount = dataReader.GetInt32("totalcount");
                    int winCount = dataReader.GetInt32("wincount");
                    return new Result(id, userid, totalCount, winCount);
                    return new Result(-1, userid, 0, 0);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("GetResultByUserid" + ex);
                if (dataReader != null)


            return null;

        public void UpdateOrAddResult(MySqlConnection connection, Result result)
            MySqlCommand cmd = null;

                if (result.id <= -1)
                    cmd = new MySqlCommand("insert into result set totalcount= @totalcount, wincount=@wincount, userid=@userid", connection);
                    cmd = new MySqlCommand("update result set totalcount= @totalcount, wincount=@wincount where userid=@userid", connection);

                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("totalcount", result.TotalCount);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("wincount", result.WinCount);
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("userid", result.Userid);
                if (result.id <= -1)
                    Result tempRes = GetResultByUserid(connection, result.Userid);
                    result.id = tempRes.id;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("UpdateOrAddResult" + ex);








