@DataJpaTest 数据库无数据

@DataJpaTest 数据库无数据


 * Annotation that can be used in combination with {@code @RunWith(SpringRunner.class)}
 * for a typical JPA test. Can be used when a test focuses only on JPA
 * components.

* Using this annotation will disable full auto-configuration and instead apply only * configuration relevant to JPA tests. *

* By default, tests annotated with {@code @DataJpaTest} are transactional and roll back * at the end of each test. They also use an embedded in-memory database (replacing any * explicit or usually auto-configured DataSource). The * {@link AutoConfigureTestDatabase @AutoConfigureTestDatabase} annotation can be used to * override these settings. *

* If you are looking to load your full application configuration, but use an embedded * database, you should consider {@link SpringBootTest @SpringBootTest} combined with * {@link AutoConfigureTestDatabase @AutoConfigureTestDatabase} rather than this * annotation. */



@AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)

