stack related algorithms summary

Minimum number of bracket reversals needed to make an expression balanced

given an expression only containing ‘{’ and ‘}’, find a solution to determine the minimum number of bracket reversals needed to make the given expression balanced.
- only even number has solution
- reversal operations only needed for mismatched bracket
- remaining mismatched brackets must be a even number.
sample code

int minReversalCount(string exp)
 15 {
 16     int n = exp.length();
 17     if (n <= 0) return 0;
 18     if (n & 0x1) return -1; //only even length is valid
 19     stack<char> st;
 21     //remove matched brackets by stack
 22     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
 23     {
 24         if (!st.empty() && exp[i] == '}')
 25         {
 26             if ( == '{')
 27             {
 28                 st.pop();
 29             }
 30             else
 31             {
 32                 st.push(exp[i]);
 33             }
 34         }
 35         else
 36         {
 37             st.push(exp[i]);
 38         }
 39     }
 41     int lefted = st.size(); // the remaining number must be even.
 42     int m = 0;
 43     while (!st.empty())
 44     {
 45         if ( == '{') ++m;
 46         st.pop();
 47     }
 48     return (lefted >> 1)+ (m & 0x1);
 49 }

original solutions

iterative traversal of graph

suppose the graph is connected , all nodes is reachable. Depth first traversal needs a stack to store the adjacent node. With stack push and pop , nodes in deepest is visited. In case of visiting a node twice, all visited node should be marked. the following is sample code.

class Graph
    int mVertex;    
    vector<int> *mAdjList;    // adjacency vectors

    Graph(int mVertex);  // Constructor
    void addEdge(int v, int w); // to add an edge to graph
    void DFS(int s);  // prints DFS from a given source s

Graph::Graph(int vertex) : mVertex(vertex)
    mAdjList = new vector<int>[mVertex]; //check status needed

void Graph::addEdge(int v, int w)
    mAdjList[v].push_back(w); // Add w to v’s vector.

void Graph::DFS(int s)
    vector<int> visited(mVertex,false);
    stack<int> stack;

    visited[s] = true;

    vector<int>::iterator i;

    while (!stack.empty())
        s =;
        cout << s << " ";

        for (i = mAdjList[s].begin(); i != mAdjList[s].end(); ++i)
            if (!visited[*i])
                visited[*i] = true;
