pku1961 Period


和2406有基本相同的方法,求出next数组后枚举i,看(1-i) mod(i-next[i])是否大于1,满足条件就输出即可。

View Code
 1 program pku1961(input,output);
2 var
3 n : longint;
4 ch : char;
5 s : ansistring;
6 next : array[0..1000100] of longint;
7 i,j : longint;
8 cases : longint;
9 begin
10 readln(n);
11 cases:=0;
12 while n<>0 do
13 begin
14 inc(cases);
15 s:='';
16 for i:=1 to n do
17 begin
18 read(ch);
19 s:=s+ch;
20 end;
21 readln;
22 fillchar(next,sizeof(next),0);
23 j:=0;
24 next[1]:=0;
25 for i:=2 to length(s) do
26 begin
27 while (j>0)and(s[i]<>s[j+1]) do
28 j:=next[j];
29 if s[i]=s[j+1] then
30 inc(j);
31 next[i]:=j;
32 end;
33 writeln('Test case #',cases);
34 for i:=2 to length(s) do
35 if ((i mod (i-next[i]))=0)and((i div (i-next[i]))>1) then
36 writeln(i,' ',i div (i-next[i]));
37 writeln;
38 readln(n);
39 end;
40 end.


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